Greed works it seems - one from Bad Omen at it again.

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Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dunno why to blame whole guild .. and not name the person who did it. If someone in maelstrom did that they would get kicked istant no doubt etc. I camped belt of moon/ sun for many days .. when i killed my mobs no one ever stole last one from me.

Id suggest its not standard practice.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marcus75 said:
This is ONE person in Bad Omen that I have had trouble with - I dont know the rest well enough to judge them in any way.

I logged on where the artifact Belt of Moon spawns - check the island for anyone else and when it's clear I start to clear the mobs. On the last mob I spot one of the members of this guild and he/she has pulled it and its almost dead and once he/she has killed it this conversation takes place:

It's damn depressing seeing so many people just care for themselfs and despite this being Bad Omen the guild itself is not to blame - this has happened several times with other guilds and I just want this guy/girl to really, really think the next time a similiar situation comes up - especially when you take into consideration that he/she knew it was wrong and what was offered. :(
the irony in /sending this guy "Why the Fuck dont you behave better then ....." great way to start of negotiatons. i know for sure if someone sent me that i wouldnt want to be too co-operative under any circumstances. you not this persons mother/boss / anything they may of mae a mistake but personally insulting them like that gets you no where


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Vireb said:
the irony in /sending this guy "Why the Fuck dont you behave better then ....." great way to start of negotiatons. i know for sure if someone sent me that i wouldnt want to be too co-operative under any circumstances. you not this persons mother/boss / anything they may of mae a mistake but personally insulting them like that gets you no where
Why should he need to negotiate about it? He did all the work for it, then this person comes in and steals the last mob. Who knows might even have been waiting until there was only one mob, just to steal it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Yeah and who knows, maybe he came there, saw a flame and pulled it and killed it, and didnt know about person on other side? I know i did that once and after I killed a couple some dude pm:d me he was here before me and I realized it was true since there where so few flames there left, nothing i saw until he PM:d me since islands are big. If i had been unlucky i would have killed the last flame withouth even knowing it but luckily there where a few left. And another time me and friend was pulling the flames, but when last was killed we didnt get key, so we run around island and see a couple other ppl, we ask if they got the key but they said no, and even if i knew it was a lie and that means they had stolen our kill i didnt come to FH to whine about it since shit happens.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004

After my first reply from this guy I became quite upset since it stinks of a total lack of respect for anyone but yourself in my mind. Thats why I didnt care less about negotiating nor accept the poor attempts of this person to feel better by offering me 5p.


I made the post to flame the person and I have numerous times mentioned the bad topic headline. I have never as far as I can remember flamed anyone on this site (or Barrysworld - RIP) for any reason so its not like I come here all the time something happens - ask those who knows me if Im known as the whining type. Its just that sometimes the cup dosnt hold any more water.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Marcus75 said:

After my first reply from this guy I became quite upset since it stinks of a total lack of respect for anyone but yourself in my mind. Thats why I didnt care less about negotiating nor accept the poor attempts of this person to feel better by offering me 5p.


I made the post to flame the person and I have numerous times mentioned the bad topic headline. I have never as far as I can remember flamed anyone on this site (or Barrysworld - RIP) for any reason so its not like I come here all the time something happens - ask those who knows me if Im known as the whining type. Its just that sometimes the cup dosnt hold any more water.
So why come here at all then? Just talk with Baduska GM of BO and talk it over with him then. Imo there is no time when a whinepost on FH is of any use.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aldrick said:
So why come here at all then? Just talk with Baduska GM of BO and talk it over with him then. Imo there is no time when a whinepost on FH is of any use.

I already told you why I made this post in my post before this one. I _doubt_ you will ever see a whine-thread from me again on FH.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Was someone that said BO didnt was bad in the start, this is kinda false tbh.
I always had ppl that disliked me, i had more tho that liked me for how i was.
EoO was disliked also by alot of ppl, and its often cause the GM(me). I then made BO and ofc also cause of leadership it still makes ppl dislike etc.

Nothing to do tbh, but tbh we cant be that bad since 73threads have been made atleast to join guild on mid and 37 was made to join guild on hib.

But i think aarween said cool stuff also.

And about the topic, if i was you, i would nuke the mob bad as hell to take my mob :] I agree on person did wrong, but have to understand his view of this thing to. That maybe someone did to him once or even more what he did to you, but bad shit like this happend.

Remember when epic came, was abit fight of mob at start to.

Think the thread is lame as hell, but tbh i always loved whine threads to in a way, that ppl actually post stuff cause they cant take stuff in the game. Sometimes u might need to post etc, about name i dunno if would left out. But respect as ali g says.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Personally I can't condone the actions of the person from BO posted by the threads creator, i doubt anyone can. And yes its a sad fact these things happen alot, in toa with artifact spawn times being up to days at a time, these things will happen. However, with the twist this thread has taken into yet another BO flame, I find that in itself just as appaulling.

Yes, people from BO have done bad things. We all have. Heck even me. I lead a TG raid one wednesday evening where my guild Nemesis, Savage Conclave, Svea Ulvar and Bulle, got toegther on a weekly basis and killed epic mobs together.. Now this oen particular evening BO and I believe Onslaught were in tg as well and weren't aware of it until we ran into them. We asked if we could take a few councilors deeper in as they were more interested in Ozur etc.. all was reasonably amicable.. until we'd finished Novvki and Vagn. Then my zerg moved down to Agmundr's chamber whilst I remained at council wait to pick up a few ld's so no one got lost. All of a sudden I start getting a torent of abuse from countless people via PM's. What I wasn't aware of my little zerg had steam-rolled over BO/OS whilst they were fighting Argumundr... (Can't leave some kids alone for 5 seconds). Afetr collecting my ld's I move down to find out whats going on. The torent of abuse still streaming in. By the time I reach Argmundr he's dead.. and one of my groups got the loot. I'm sorting my cg out, getting the drops which I handed over to BO/OS when I snapped. I believe Aarween (one of my biggest fans) still has the quote pasted somewhere. Not very well handled by me I will admit. Now the moral of this story... BO has had such things happen to them on a number of occasions so rest of Midgard please don't consider them special at such behavour. And yes all drops from Argmundr were given too BO but the abuse didn't stop.

However, does this mean I go out publically to slate these poeple no. Heck theres elements of midgards 'leet' rvr guild section that won't even exchange words with me. Some whom are so far gone, as to demand I not be allowed to join a ML raid or they won't go. Yet does it stop me no, the ml's get done. The recent relic raids, whom did I trust to carry the relics home. Everlast and Maelstrom. Not cause they are 'leet' or any better than the rest of Midgard. No cause I knew they would do it. The rvr alliance pwned! compleetd ML4.2 with 110 people... the ffa raid I ran did it with 53. tbh.. theres no difference in skill ability between any of us. All of us play our choosen class to certain degrees of success. They are no better than us and we're no better than them.. in fact imo there should be no us and them.. and I get tired of reading such threads. I've been at odds with just about every hardcore rvr'er in Midgard over something.. but one thing that I never loose sight of is in the end of the day we're all Midgardians, and we're all on the same side. Yes, the sorry you can't come on this ML step cause people don't want thing, annoyed me. Personally I would and never will turn any midgardian away from any raid I organise, but thats not always the case. Yes soem people want to try tactical low key attempts at these things, and they have every right too. But what we should do is what is happening in Albion them and us.. the 'leet' uber guys who can read a spoiler and the rest.

So far thats not happening, and alot of the rvr midgardian alliance guys are showing up and intermingling well with the rest of the realm. An issue I feel contributed too the success of the recent relic raids. Rather than having a 'leet' rvr guild section knocking on the door of ml10, Midgard finds itself with a large spread of people all working together for various raids ml4+. Again something that benefits us all as a realm. How long this last only the gods know.

I apologise I digress.. back to the BO situation. Cut them some slack. Most of them are really nice people, every guild has the odd bad apple.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Marcus75 said:
I already told you why I made this post in my post before this one. I _doubt_ you will ever see a whine-thread from me again on FH.
Still quite pathetic aint it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aldrick said:
Still quite pathetic aint it?

There's little or no point for me to continue posting in this thread - at least I think so and Aldrick the flawless seems to agree. :rolleyes:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
:wub: and make up guys ;)

This one's run its course, I think.
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