Lets not forget, the industrial revolution wasn't some great social engineering project, it was a way for landowners and businessmen to make more money. Many of them were philanthropists, but only to the extent that their increased wealth allowed them to be.DaGaffer said:Um, no cars without the Industrial revolution! The Industrial Revolution is the single most important thing to happen to humanity since the start of the neolithic era! While the industrial revolution was not necessarily a nice thing at the time it happened for people involved on a personal level (and continues to affect people's lives), the positives FAR outweigh the negatives; we live longer, eat better, have nice toys to play with, cars to drive, and don't die at 30 and have to go to bed when it gets dark. We wear nice clothes that cost a fraction of our incomes, we can eat food from anywhere in the world, and be anywhere in the world in 24 hours. And without the printing press, the industrial revolution wouldn't have happened. I rest my case.
GDW said:And while Adam slept, God invent0red the women
Tom said:Lets not forget, the industrial revolution wasn't some great social engineering project, it was a way for landowners and businessmen to make more money. Many of them were philanthropists, but only to the extent that their increased wealth allowed them to be.
Ok then, what about language? No industrial revolution without language! No printing press without language.
I rest my case.
Such comparisons aren't possible. We don't live longer because of the industrial revolution, we live longer because of improved living conditions, which the industrial revolution only brought about indirectly. We don't necessarily eat better because of it either. People's diets remained pretty much constant throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, eating local produce farmed by traditional methods. Only the traction engine and the internal combustion engine changed that. Diet has only changed for the better because the i.c.e. allows foods to be transported quickly and cheaply.
As for the car, I still say that its benefits far outweigh any negative impact that it producse. Pollution caused by cars is tiny compared to industrial output. Deaths by cars? 3500 directly in this country each year. Compare that to the number of deaths caused by heart disease, and it becomes irrelevant.
From the same thread I could argue that the Bikini is a very bad invention, since without it... we'dd see more boobs !Insane said:oh wait, wait! I GOT IT!!!
the bikini!
you ask for proof?
everything else is insignificant
babs said:Thing is with language, how did the guy who invented it let everyone know?
Tom said:Look, you can't base your argument on something because it helped bring about a massive social change.
If that were the case, then I could completely ignore the printing press, and vote for the invention of the kiln! Without the kiln, no pottery! No pottery, no food storage! What about smelting iron? Or bronze? Metals without which the printing press wouldn't have been possible.
And who is to say that language isn't an invention? Its not something that just 'happened'. We're not born with the ability to speak, its something that must be learnt, and without a common language, all we can do is huddle in groups and hit each other with sticks.
The printing press had zero effect on the masses, as they couldn't read. The industrial revolution was driven by profit, at the expense of the masses. The car, while originally out of reach of the masses, has brought personal freedom to just about anybody who can afford one (which today, is most people in this country).
Yeah I know </lou and andy>language isn't imo an invention, every animal in some way "speaks" to his other species. So if it can be seen as one, it was invented before humans existed
old.Tohtori said:I proovored us smart!
I made this thread because a co-worker said that the stupid internet "kiddies" would probably say internet or some stupid game.
Haha! In his face!
Oh...facehugger by the way, extremely good invention.
Tom said:I disagree entirely with your paragraph about the affect of the printing press upon the masses. I think we'll just have to agree to disagree Gaffer.
Cyfr said:The common tissue
dysfunction said:I quite like the telephone.
Oh and electricity and the light bulb