Great Night!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Ambasher if u don't pm me on dotz fast enough u don't get a group :p i had fun yelling down vent at ppl for most of the nite like normal, and made good rp but kept LDing due bloody house mate playing bf2.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah said:
They added, killed half the group and ran off. So we sat down rather than try and fight something made unwinable by retards.

F*ckin ironic that coming from you. You have no problem ganking duos and trios with a fg but someone adds on your fight making it "unwinable" then they are retards. So much anal retention in this game it's beyond belief.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
To the Troll who /danced with me while I grappled him on Mid/Agro bridge. You died just after I blew you a /kiss.
Made me feel kinda self conscious :eek7:
But beware Hibguard for I shall /use my insta kill breath-of-death in all future conflicts :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Gamah said:
They added, killed half the group and ran off. So we sat down rather than try and fight something made unwinable by retards.

i was so fuckin angry at that fight, i SoS when we see you then casters nuked a few and pulled off.... waste of my precious RA :( (i didn't see the other alb group at that point i only saw a spread hib group)

and to that we killed half of your group, we got rps off 2 ppl from your group, one was around 30 other was around 150... yes we really killed half the group


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Duzic said:
give more nice fights against my arms 2morro :) shame that stupid merc ran in and spoiled our first 1 this afternoon :mad:

Aye that knob csil, adds on everything. He even camps the tower into agramon with a Di bot, when ever he sees me he wont move far enough away for Di to go out of range.

But i gota say it was lucky........... you got slam in just as immunity went down and had no purge up.:( The second fight that was.:cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
RVR was totally bull shit tonight, once we had a group fight with an mid group the next mid group adds,and albs run around even in agramon with 2-3 groups on stick.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Didnt have a very good night early on, ppl lding all time and stuff, had to go in mgs waiting lds half night. Got added on by mid tank grp but was on a bridge so..

Had fun later though running hero, especially vs 4 mid caster grp.:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Gamah said:
They added, killed half the group and ran off. So we sat down rather than try and fight something made unwinable by retards.

Is that the one when you engaged us ? (Orly) near hib bridge...

New somoene added but I didn't see them kill anyone. You sat down but we would have pwned you anyway ;)

Btw, had 2 cabalists at the start of the night. I blame Chim for being a gimp.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Gamah said:
They added, killed half the group and ran off. So we sat down rather than try and fight something made unwinable by retards.

Take it i wasn't there at this time then Gamah? I logged about 21:15 mind you due to the lag, but saw you a few times fighting and we left you to have your fight without an add.

Only time while i was there someone added was Ubi being a gimp nuking someone as we past the alb bridges, slapped him for that and was no adding after... but as said cant talk about after the time i logged.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
AngeLujo said:
and to that we killed half of your group, we got rps off 2 ppl from your group, one was around 30 other was around 150... yes we really killed half the group

Cool thanks for confirming what we already decided on vent :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
eggy said:
I'd like to thank all the groups running tonight, had some great RVR. I'm afraid I don't know all the Pryd guilds, but Severance, Crimson Tears (I think), several pick up groups including Fuji's - some really nice fights tonight :)

Finished with an epic bridge battle - rawwrr great fun!

Thanks to all involved, we had a great laugh on TS :)


That "Epic" Battle made me release and log, sucked ass. Reminded me of old AMG Emain mid zerg vs alb zerg and non would pass for 5 hours


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
That "Epic" Battle made me release and log, sucked ass. Reminded me of old AMG Emain mid zerg vs alb zerg and non would pass for 5 hours


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Chimaira said:
That "Epic" Battle made me release and log, sucked ass. Reminded me of old AMG Emain mid zerg vs alb zerg and non would pass for 5 hours

dam i miss those old fights :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Alexandrinus said:
lag is gone worse since a week now

Nothing wrong with the goa servers ping though, believe i know from 13hrs of pingplotting in 2 days :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
ya was nice day yesterday, (was with eggy grp a tad) just makin u guys f43r my debuff;)


Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
F*ckin ironic that coming from you. You have no problem ganking duos and trios with a fg but someone adds on your fight making it "unwinable" then they are retards. So much anal retention in this game it's beyond belief.

i hate to defend gamah in anyway but whats your right to not be killed by FGs? NONE, Duo's and Trios run to kill soloers and add on FG vs FG fights, one of the reasons i used to love solo is that FGs that would add on you, used to wait all night but i would always have my revenge and add on them back and completely fuck them over by killing all there support at the back, was always fun, if you dont want to be mowed by a guild group, call it cross realming if you want but you have to be lucky/well known or make an arrangement with them not to add, dont just come on FH whining about OMF im XXX and you add on me mister egotastic, especially if your a. an albion and b. not even fucking solo haha


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Haggus said:
Even if your in a PuG. I don't think you should add. Have some respect for some people

Like when a fully optimised group happily ganks a random group of wizzies, friars and armsmen, or regularly run down soloers or duos? F*ck off with that hypocritical shit...

Haggus said:
Yes I agree with Steveh, far too many albs out.

You play alb? Do something about that problem and log...

Seriously, good luck to those who just get on and enjoy their fg fights without being hypocritical or anal about it. But some of you are just asking for your fights to be targetted...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Brite said:
I can't read

Try again brains. My post pointed out his hypocrasy, nothing else. I really couldnt give a shit if Im mowed down solo, duoing or fully grouped. I release and go again, and if I do get pissed off about it I just give a round of f*cks at the screen and let it go. It's posting hypocritical bullshit to try and look k00l that I think is a ****'s trick.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Seriously, good luck to those who just get on and enjoy their fg fights without being hypocritical or anal about it. But some of you are just asking for your fights to be targetted...



Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
Try again brains. My post pointed out his hypocrasy, nothing else. I really couldnt give a shit if Im mowed down solo, duoing or fully grouped. I release and go again, and if I do get pissed off about it I just give a round of f*cks at the screen and let it go. It's posting hypocritical bullshit to try and look k00l that I think is a ****'s trick.

nope im afraid you will have to try again, most likely fg you met near or in agramon or on an agramon bridge? no real visible soloers go there to solo if you do you stand at the side or somthing, i dont know who you are, i doubt any prydwen people do, most alb/exc zergling #154 are like rr10 pretty crazy tbh, only visible id leave atm is cogan because he never adds and will always shout on vent to save his ass <3 and atm i cant think of any other respectable soloers, by killing you and others they are insuring they get fg vs fg fights because lets face it theres a small percent that wont add, you call it being a hypocrit, i call it common sense, reference: mael cluster vid

look at the bigger picture, not just your own


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Brite said:
nope im afraid you will have to try again, most likely fg you met near or in agramon or on an agramon bridge? no real visible soloers go there to solo if you do you stand at the side or somthing, i dont know who you are, i doubt any prydwen people do, most alb/exc zergling #154 are like rr10 pretty crazy tbh, only visible id leave atm is cogan because he never adds and will always shout on vent to save his ass <3 and atm i cant think of any other respectable soloers, by killing you and others they are insuring they get fg vs fg fights because lets face it theres a small percent that wont add, you call it being a hypocrit, i call it common sense, reference: mael cluster vid

look at the bigger picture, not just your own

What the f*ck you on about? This is about Gamah (just one of many) bitching and calling people retards because they made his fight "unwinable", and yet he happily takes on "unwinable" fights when it's in his favour. If you think hypocrasy like that is fine, then you're as big a **** as he is.

As for the rest of your post (fyi I'm alb/exc zergling #64), I'm beginning to get a picture of someone who ain't the sharpest tool in the box.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Bracken - Brite, 1 - 0. Looks like Brite is up the proverbial creek with no paddle. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Haggus said:
Fg v Fg wise. Albs less fucking adding...Even if your in a PuG. I don't think you should add. Have some respect for some people :eek:

Sometimes I really wonder about people...:(

It's RvR, not 8v8. People can attack players from enemy Realms whenever they like FFS. If you don't like that then QQ back to CS :twak:

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