Grats on letting mids take all of albion :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
old.Whoodoo said:
10% damage makes a shed load of difference when debuffed, battlered, maliced or buff sheared, theres a clue.
100+ albs with ml1 to 10 > the malice proc (as its getting nerfed)
100+ albs with ml1 to 10 > 10% bonus ,mmmm ml10 ml2 ml8 BL bombing ml9 convoker pet ml traps ie speed warps plus every other ml thats RvR oriantated

plus we never lost them so why the whijne as 90% of the bg went in to rvr with the newly gain mls


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Simory said:
Very nice done guys... having an ML Rush is always a nice idea when u knwo mids can read about it here on FH :worthy: we jsut lost all of albion in the time u were doing ur ML steps YIpiiiiiiiii :england:
I just have to throw this back in your face......

First ML4 ever in Mid/prydwen was posted on FH, bg went full so some bot accounts were asked to leave bg to fit all peps in.
We set out starting with 4.2 after that, 4.5 and 4.6, bg goes well and 4.7 is started.
What happenes next is reports of +150 enemy charging throu Old Frontier attacking relic keep.
Mid ML4 bg halts and a quick vote on how to react is called out, Mid decide to respond in full force.
We were half way throu ML4.7 and all either sui or ran back to stygia haven to port (drowning were prefered as there were to few mobs to kill all bg quickly enough).

Albs never go to get the relic this time, this due to server crash, most peps on both sides were thrown out from server as 150+ Mids tryed to loggin to the same zone at once.
As I recall albs got in to sec door where NPC guards and the few defenders that manage to get to relic keep kicked youre butts. (I belive it were like 30albs and 10mids left in frontier zone, hardly and chance as groups had been splitt and NPC relic guard could be rather nasty to a gimped group)
Personaly I got my RM caught in some phantom zone while trying to get in to OF, I could not logg him in untill I'v contacted Right Now.

so this time SHUT UP :wanker: , pay back is a biatch.......:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
all realms pst there ml rush's on FH they have always done i mean ffs look at the sticky post on each realm

no one force's people to raid on those days on one force's people to go on the pve events it part of the game (it's about being able to have the choice to do what you want)

if you pay every ones subs then start telling people what to do tell then don't


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
quite funny farming all the casters/DI bots prime time :p

top tip, try and group with something other than your DI bot and you may actually be able to compete and not have to resort to PVE'ing your keeps back.

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