Grats hibs!



That would have been a superb battle without the horrific gfx lag which made it (for me at least) almost unplayable.

For a while I thought we were beaten, but the guard pop saved us :) Well Im assuming the lag may just have helped a little too ;)

The race is on - who can take a defended relic first?

(Cue middies whining that it wont be albs)


Re: Re: Re: Grats hibs!

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

ummm few things here flawless taking of an undefended keep while we where all trying to defend snow relic w00t?

Who said woot? FFs I'm not 11 :; Does my char wear a fucking baseball cap or what :rolleyes:

Herbal, tell me if I'm wrong, but have you ever been on a keep raid with a gibbon in charge? It's easy to get wiped out. Fair point the keep was undefended, but my point was Kill is someone I would back to take any keep, defended or not.

I bet you have been involved in fucked up raids in "defenceless" keeps before. I throw the gauntlet down...

I didn't know or care about relic. My point was Killgorde is a credit to Midgard and a thorn in Albion/Hibernia's side. Landshark is not in a position to make his remarks in my opinion as he has no reputation in keep taking. To be blunt, who the fuck is he? Is he ever in emain? Or does he never survive the gray con mobs outside your TK :cool:

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

50 albs ran to keep an eye on excal not just becuase killgorde wanted to take renaris again :eek:

Agreed here, clearly Excal tip top priority. Still, bet you dont like middies with a keep so close now :)

Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

filling our pants dont make piss myslef laughing it was the 100+ ........ 120+ 150+ hibs in hadrians that got us worried not 1 or 2 groups or mids who had come to farm

Can't quote about hibs, but I can see your point about hibbies. However, if you think Killgorde and guild are about RP farming then I'm afraid you have have smoking your namesake. Pass me the weed man, it must be good shit.

Does the cleric rejuv spec line have something like:

Spec 7 Sanctified Spliff
Spec 16 Blessed Bong
Spec 25 Reverant Resin
Spec 35 Evangelical Ecstasy
Spec 47 Christian Crack Cocaine


Sharp Thing

Re: Re: Re: Re: Grats hibs!

Originally posted by old.Ebeneezer

Does the cleric rejuv spec line have something like:

Spec 7 Sanctified Spliff
Spec 16 Blessed Bong
Spec 25 Reverant Resin
Spec 35 Evangelical Ecstasy
Spec 47 Christian Crack Cocaine


ROFL :clap:


Ah mids, we knew you were there but what were you up to?

We scouted a largeish force of mids, and were kind of hoping you would go for exc, splitting the defence, allowing a daring hib squad to maybe nick a strength relic and perhaps causing a huge 3 way battle in hadrians.

In the end it was a keep raid though, and we still had a huge mob of severely BAF albs, including many of the grey con laugh spamming variety :


How did a Grats Hibs thread get hijacked into another Killgorde backslapping thread for ganking greens on the road from a borderkeep? We come wipe u anytime we feel like it, as we did, just usually we cant be arsed :m00:

Tactics and planning wtf? hehe dream on.


WOW and not a Flame / whine or whatever am i on the correct Forums
O yeah thats me ...Um i Stand Corrected..Or whatever.

Regards Nicky.


Originally posted by Eblessair
Shame i wasnt there, sounded like fun.
Its also a shame that i bet i log on, on thursday, with our realm missing two relics.......


Eble, dont worry, ill take a break from Warcraft III and stay up thursday just for you ;)

Seriously tho, warcraft III rocks this game sooooo hard(this version, i think i would find the US one alot more fun, but cant be arsed to level up another char) but since i saw the "APE report" i just had to promise myself not to let them take anything while actually warning us first(more or less)

And tzee, a big WD to you!:clap:


Yep was a nice raid all in all.

What was a bit depressing though when inside keep was that we not only had to fight albs and knights and lag. But also suursbuke guardian berksted guardian etc, for some reason hibs continously kept training uberguards to inside keep



Uberguard pulling

This happens normally when u bring to many ppl to a raid :) They don't all fit into the keep and pull guards from outside or something :p Due to this a lot of our relic raids failed. Couple of nerds running after one Mid/Hib right throught the uberguard spawn outside and BANG. A lot of brave Paladins and Armsmen cost the clerics mana :eek:


Originally posted by Eblessair
Shame i wasnt there, sounded like fun.
Its also a shame that i bet i log on, on thursday, with our realm missing two relics.......


:clap: :clap: :clap:

team up on the bastards soon? ;]


Yes the lag was horrible...i got separated from one of the armys moving to the keep so i decided to make a rush for the gate keeper on my own. I "scouted" from some distance and when i only saw 2 hibs defending the side gate so i made a rush for it and....BANG the lag kicks in and i get 10 sec screen freezes. After a couple of those i find myself dead at the gate keepers feet...

Must have been one of my most succesful rushes so far (sarcastic :rolleyes: )

Ps. yes i had effects none and my comp rarely was just to many ppl there :).::


Had bad lag already and Hibs made it even worser ;) Tanx for showing up. Shot some dudes from the wall (tanx for RP's).

And please people don't blame people for not hitting the rams or repairing doors because:

1. They were nuking 24/7 so melee people couldn't get close to hit the rams
2. Were are our great wizards?

When they broke to the first 2 doors we rushed inside the relic fort and made a stand there. To my opinion it was awesome standing there with the last remnants of the small army that was there. At one point I lagged so much I just dropped to the floor, luckily I didn't have to run out to the gatekeeper but could jump in the relic fort again at the lower part near the doors.

There we hold, waiting patiently for our next moves. Then we saw some rams and we decided to smash them apart. This worked for quite some time. Our doom was at hand when suddenly it went pretty quiet outside... Some people checked outside and saw most Hibs defeated on the floor. Some say a massive spawn killed them... (or did someone pulled ubers as well?). Well that was one heck of a fight. Thanks all for coming :clap:


originally posted by Killgorde
Grats to hibs for trying at a reasonable hour...

That is what Fangrim ment by turning this into a time of day thing


Ebeneezer certainly has anger management classes to attend.

And you leave landshark alone u silly pointless class shaman...:p

And what you mean reasonable hour I heard they were attacking at 10:50-11pm which is the same time the Alb attack on Midgard strength relics??

But I am not turning this nice thread into a time thing again, god that would bore me to death....


LOL pissed off???? ROFL - NEVER my old cock !!!

LOL - that's all I can say...

Can you quote Killgorde directly here about primetime/nighttime raids? Speaking personally, Killgorde has never made a fuss over times of raids (ours of enemies). Gimme the link please if you wanna make those remarks.

Otherwise shut your cake hole

Even more LOL. The thing I was referring to was this:

Grats to hibs for trying at a reasonable hour...maybe the albs will try the same in Hibernia..but I wont hold my breath

For trying at a reasonable hour... Read that line again ebeneezer. When you figure out you don't understand it, read it again. And again. Continue doing this either until you get it or until you've learned it by heart (which probably would take you most of the day ;))

It doesn't take much more than a comment like that to start the flamewars all over again... But sadly, sometimes, no matter how simple you make things, someone WANTS to misunderstand it. In this case it was you - not the first time it happened, and probably not the last. Anything in this post you don't get? Well try harder to figure it out - the point is in here somewhere!

Oh - and shut your cake hole!



Oups, should have realised you'd interpret it like that.
I was merely poking fun at Killgorde's over-serious comments about alb relic activity in the past.
Think the thread was called "albion = impotence" or something along those lines.

Oh, ebeneezer? If killgorde and guild aren't about RP farming, why the hell do they keep trying to take renaris with a force utterly unable to take the relic? Presumably they're trying to defend the silver oak fellwoods, yeah? Any incidental kills earning RPs are merely coincidental....

It amuses me to see my original opinion of killgorde utterly, utterly, vindicated. I post a single line, a page and a half of ppl take it the right way, then in comes Killgorde (probably a little sore after failing to get anywhere having taken the undefended renaris) and immediately interprets it as some collosal threat to his manhood.
Herbal, you got a remedy for these mids? They seem a little tense...

Mirhen Morkir

The lag was pretty bad in there, damn bad, I had to resort to the lagged tank key combo :

[F8] [F6] [/stick] wash rinse and repeat :)


Very nicely done all!! And by the looks of this thread, people from all realms appreciate a full assault against a defended keep and some proper fighting, good ( : Hope this starts a wave of similar raids and brings an end to the flames and endless discussions about times of raids and peeps showing up etc...

Too bad I wasn't there to witness the raid, but I'm very glad to read about it :)

Ensceptificamuralya Sombarlaechn
Lvl 47.4 Warden
<Clan Bearhawk>


Originally posted by Khalen
[2. Were are our great wizards?

We were doing a impression of Rocky. knocked down, get up. knocked down get up. over and over again.

do u have any idea how fast a guy in a dress with 600hp dies when comfronted with iziz with that glint in her eye :) and every time i stuck my head up over that wall i saw a half dozen elfs cast and twice that many arrows let loose. scary man. war is hell for a wiz :)

Apologies to any sorcerors i pissed off, but how often do u get a chance to AoE a army, only did it once but with full effects :) oooo can u smell the lag but was nice to see

grats again hibs. nice job

shame on those who flamed :(

Radghast <lvl 50 wiz>
"if a battle cant be won, don't fight it" sun tzu

Herbal Remedy

indeed iziz tends to get annoying with his hit and run (or jump over the wall) runs keeps me in full rezz mode , cheecky bugger even tries on it on me a few times hasnt killed me yet :p

did the same thing at crim the other day only to be met by harpy and nicolas at the top of the climb point did that hurt mate?

god bless infils!


indeed iziz tends to get annoying with his hit and run (or jump over the wall) runs keeps me in full rezz mode , cheecky bugger even tries on it on me a few times hasnt killed me yet

did the same thing at crim the other day only to be met by harpy and nicolas at the top of the climb point did that hurt mate?

errr no... it's only a game :p


Guys guys guys all this flaming ??? Life is way too short.

Nothing, and I repeat, nothing that I say can be taken as anything other than taking the piss. If you guys read anything more into what I say than that then you are either extremely gullible or are suffering from some kind of inferiority complex you feel the need to defend ;). Btw I did do a year's freelance political satire for a UK national broadsheet many moons ago (and yes I'm an old bastard) so those of you with apparantly very thin skins or zero sense of humour may FINALLY understand where I'm coming from).

CE (and friends) raiding in Sauvage started in earnest at 7pm last night...I believe a long time before the Hibs relic raid, of which we had no idea until someone reported a high number of Albs in Hadrians.

Those Albs with high intellect know that I used Renaris as a launch platform for my last relic raid - a place to marshal forces, group and organise from - and will do so again. The problem is, you dont know when (err neither do I as it happens ;)). Whenever you see the CE flag flying there, you Albs have to make a decision as to where we are on an RP Farming exercise or as a precursor to an Excalibur attack that night or the next day and act accordingly.

I only joined this thread to defend my (not impeccable) reputation from some slanderous fish out of water with pointy can we please, please, please get back to the topic at hand which I believe was a highly enjoyable relic raid by the Hibs.

PS: Talking about fish - landed a 12lb 7oz barbel on the Wye today ;)

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