playing a stealther to rr10 is probably the thing that makes a person about as bitter as they can get
censi said:"MOTHER^$"£%^ !!! FFS ^%$^£$ I $£% I CANT $%"%$ BELIEVE THAT ^"%^" G$£%"NS OF THESE %$£"% DI%$"£% GRRRR!!!! $£!$$$ THIS MAN %£"%% PIECE OF %435 NEWB %£$"%"£ !!!"
GrIrcSpammer said:gratz to the best ranger out der as simple as that :O comparing censi to the rest rangers is like comparing a ferrari to a bicycle >.< maybe theseus is also good but no1 else has got this class to its limits like censi did. gratz again
Vodkafairy said:playing stealther is sometimes even less fun then banging your head into a brick wall for a long time. but after the frustration and swearing you'll never play the char again you go out again because you don't have anything else to do, and the bb is already logged on anyways
what worked for me is doing one run every 2-3 weeks, and one run only
Galid said:Most skilled ranger to ever play this game.
Dukat said:Woah, only just seen it and its already 8 pages long![]()
Best played archer on the server, very probably the best stealther and definately something like the best overall player on the server.
Amazingly skilled, those who doubt this havent fought him, probably the most well deserved RR10 ding thread I've seen on FH, very well done censi!
I suppose this means I'll have to get a few more RR's before I'll beable to achieve the one thing in DAoC left for me to do - to beat you in a fair 1 on 1
Well deserved, roll on RR11!![]()
/respect :worthy:
Castus said:All u need is sun spear and walk backwards to try avoid the 100% strafing he does.Easy as that m8.