censi said:Thanks dudes (yer got it last night ciuci). I been pushing real hard like a mofo to ding this.
I have to say I have tried my damn hardest to play this game in a good spirit... no saint, far from perfect as u all know but just some basic rules... my conclusions over the state of this game are...
a) right or wrong the vast majorty of players have no rules or code (its war ofc so should they?)....
b) the game is definetly too punishing to play as a solo ranger...
I have gone from a happy player who used to RVR with friends (or zerg my balls off as some would say) and to be honest not really have any rules or honor which i talk about above.... to a unhappy player who gets continually frustrated with the game but plays it in a manner that is respectful of opponents. And to be fair if you play like this you get respect back from a lot of people (but they are a tiny % of the overal populus). This is a battle of having fun from a computer game at the expense of others and playing in a manner with tests yourself in this game. its not an easy thing to balance. So I can either have honor and hate the game. Or play with no honor and enjoy the game. And dispite what people say honor is fooking important to some of us.
Been close to tearing my hair out with some of the shit I have seen since the server was clustered... Basically the introduction of more players and things to kill has had the opposite effect of what you would expect. There is in my opinion a distinct lack of "balls" from a large section of players that really want to play this game with zero risk. Ie the idea of actually dying is so bad to them that they take less and less risks to the point where u see the same people day in and day out in the same easy to rvr places (for them).... On top of this these small rodent balls players also seem to wanna totally fucking send to hell and back their opponents that do travel all the way to them to RVR in a challenging place. When I say send to hell and back its literally that way. This is annoying because its something mythic could so easily fix (range on resist buffs, RP pentalty on doorstep, negative honor for adders etc) but again it wont happen...
c) balance is a bigger problem now than its ever been. Nothing to say about this apart from it will never get fixed. Know when you roll an assasin or an archer, the game designers do not want you to be able to kill a similar matched visual opponents. Also know that however this game is balanced you are a solo class as a stealther not a group one (no group will take you). they need to come to their senses and accept this is a major part of their game and one of the reasons daocs appeals to all (not everyone wants 8 man RVR or 80v80 man RVR).
Over the years balance has been determined from mythic feedback forms mainly from mages who dont know how to use /face and QC. Now we have unkillable mage defense and death to mage offense in around 3-4 seconds, or simply watching them set pet and run the other way as the thing melees you for more damage than a savage prior to quad nerf. Its more or less just as unbalanced versus other visual melee classes except you get time to throw some of your own powerful abilities into the mix and test the quality of your opponent a bit more.
when u attack a visual as a stealther, the ball is in your opponents court. if they are shit they die. If they are like reasonably competatent they gonna send you on a roller coaster ride of pain![]()
anyway its been a laugh and a pretty awsome game over the years.
my conclusion is that I think its probably more important (however right or wrong) to just have fun. So if I carry on playing this game you are going to see the Old Censi (zerg leader) come back to fruition. I feel i got nothing to prove now, and nothing left to give back to the paying public. Im drained like my cousin frodo was when he had to do that courier mission and deliver some package to mordor.
(enough melee ranger shit too, going back to bow)
Anyway opponent shout outs...
SB - Paradox, Jox, Maji, Hugmeh, LLyowyn, uri, you guys have balls of steel and are all true masters of the class.
Hunters - Snorig. Awsome what you done with your toon man enjoy fighting you immensly. Again you have balls of steel and take it to the heart of hib territory to make your RP's.
Infs - Over the Years... Lxn, Wittor, Papasan, binfil... been a pleasure crossing swords with you and getting it handed to me more often than not.
Shatterhand is flying the flag in how to play an inf atm. Again you have big cahunas mate stick with what you are doing.
Scouts - Daft and Jarvo good guys and players...
Mincers - Siktifil, jesmin had some good fights thanks good players and nice guys..
Visual (scumbags) -
Kagato taking you down with a melee ranger is like trying to open a tin of beens with a fly swatter... gr8 guy though and role model on someone who picks a toon and plays that toon getting the absolute max out of this toon (for all its downsides). Most other players give up if they got an underpowerforming toon and roll the next fotm. you make people roll armsman.
warhead. you transformed from being the lamest adding c%%t and actually a weak opponent to a player I respect and fear immensly. you become an awsome skald over the years which is wat its all about... Like more slippery than a fucking eels ballbag coated in WD40. more tricks and funney techniques. good player man. I think we just gave up adding on each other out of mutual respect.
theoden - a bit like kagato cept you dont hit as hard and you constantly glowing/sparking and doing wierd things that hurt. Had some great fights with you over the years too man.
loads of others im missing too for sure. ta