Gran Tourismo 4


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Skyler said:
It's a Driving Simulator...

Doesn't say anything about crashing... the penalties you receive for making mistakes are usually enough to warrant you not making them. If you need damage to physically stop you bashing into walls then you shouldn't be playing this sort of game.

The AI is not great, so? If you don't overtune your cars and pick decent matches you can have great races against them as usual. I've enjoyed all the races so far, most of which have not been easy despite the AI not being great.

Everything else is brilliant. It's worth the money just to drive the nordschleife.
The AI is lacking abit on the overtaking tbh, specialy in b-spec.
If there is a clear gap on the right side in a long straight the AI will still try to pass on the left and either get bumped of the road or lose some distance because there is just no space


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
anyone wana try mping itover the weekend? just saw a video of 3 people racing shows how much the ai is lacking


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Very disapointed at how easy the licenses are. Got the game yesterday and by 2 today i done them. Not all gold obviously (cant imagine getting gold on the shitty maze one) but still, a little lame.

The third GT had me tearing my hair out for a good couple of days on the very last one. The GT1 on the Monte Carlo track was nails and was so satisfying once beaten.

Bar all that, very good game if a little underwhelming.

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Doomy said:
Very disapointed at how easy the licenses are. Got the game yesterday and by 2 today i done them. Not all gold obviously (cant imagine getting gold on the shitty maze one) but still, a little lame.

The third GT had me tearing my hair out for a good couple of days on the very last one. The GT1 on the Monte Carlo track was nails and was so satisfying once beaten.

Bar all that, very good game if a little underwhelming.

Well i guess if you do go for gold on the licenses you can get back to those GT3 hair tearing days

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway, back to the real issue, what car will give me a chance of winning the GT World Championship in the Professionl Event area? Its the last Race, 10 different tracks. Im stuck :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Panda On Smack said:
Anyway, back to the real issue, what car will give me a chance of winning the GT World Championship in the Professionl Event area? Its the last Race, 10 different tracks. Im stuck :(

I'll be honest here, and say I've gone for the Nurburgring 24 hour endurance race first. It took me from midnight last night, until about 7:30pm tonight. I B-Spec'd the sunnavabitch and proud of it (Took the last lap myself though ;)).

Anyway, the car you win in that race will allow you to win any race. Tbh, I couldn't be arsed saving up the money to buy an LMP car like an Audi R8, just in order to be within a slight chance of winning the tourney. It just seems like the Sauber-Mercedes C 9 is unstoppable in the World Championship, along with the Pescarolo Courage (Which I might add, never pitted in a 21 lap Super Speedway race - argh).

Undoubtedly the hardest race to win in the GT World Championship is the De La Sarthe race. I had already practiced a single race on it, and got my arse handed to me in an AMG Merc Race Car. Perhaps I'm shit, I don't know. But I can still beat B-Spec Bob's lap times, who also has about 5000 in skill. So I can't be too bad. :/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Other cars I'd suggest are:

Mazda 787B (A bargain at 3.5mil)
Audi R8 (Either buy it for 4.5mil, or do the De La Sarthe 24hrs I)
Bentley Speed 8 (As above, 'cept on the Sarthe 24 hrs II)
Sauber C 9 (A bit out of reach, considering you have to win the Formula GT Championship to get it)
Minolta 88C-V (One of the enduros, can't remember which one)
And maybe the BMW LMP car - forgot its name, but it beat out the Toyota GT-One's in the '99 Le Mans race. :)
Also, either of the Pescarolo's would be good (Again, they're 4.5 mil)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Doomy said:
Very disapointed at how easy the licenses are. Got the game yesterday and by 2 today i done them. Not all gold obviously (cant imagine getting gold on the shitty maze one) but still, a little lame.

The third GT had me tearing my hair out for a good couple of days on the very last one. The GT1 on the Monte Carlo track was nails and was so satisfying once beaten.

Bar all that, very good game if a little underwhelming.

If you're using a DFP you should find they aren't that easy to Bronze, although remember Bronze is there for the newbs who just want to get things done. Bronze is the low skill level cut off. If you can get Bronze you're an average player and if it's easy for you then try going for Silver and if they are easy push for Golds... and if they are easy push to get so far under the Gold time that the worlds best GT4 drivers can't beat you... (good luck)

I really wouldn't write the game off just cause you Bronzed all the licenses fairly easily. All that shows is you're above the skill cutoff for the Bronze licenses on the particular controller you are using.

As for Mr Frizz, you really should try and pick cars that require you to outdrive the opposition rather than cars that do the job for you. The game is a lot more fun that way. ASpec points are there to try and be an indication of this, although they aren't always spot on.

I personally get a lot more satisfaction from winning through my driving ability, rather than the fact my car is 50% faster than the AI, who lets face it are not the most skilled bunch of drivers anyway ;)

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sir Frizz said:
I'll be honest here, and say I've gone for the Nurburgring 24 hour endurance race first. It took me from midnight last night, until about 7:30pm tonight. I B-Spec'd the sunnavabitch and proud of it (Took the last lap myself though ;)).

Ok, ta. So what car did you B-Spec in the Nurb 24H :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I love the series. And yes i consider myself an 'average' player but I thoroughly enjoyed clawing through the licenses in the first 3. The fact that i have now done them all (yes ill try for silvers and golds eventually) in less than a day left me feeling a little sour. Im not saying the game is bad for this. And I am certainly not writing the game off for this reason, I dont recall saying that, I am just saying the licenses have certainly been dumbed down.

It is underwhelming purely because theyve done so little to move the series forwards, the AI for one - I enjoy not using the oponents cars as crash barriers around corners, its part of the game for me but when the other cars fail to even recognize the fact that you are on the same planet as you, let alone on the same track, its a little on the immersion destroying side, also the hopeless crash physics - I really dont care that i dont see crash damage, its not a big deal to me but when the game fails to punish you for driving into a wall, clipping another car or crossing a chicane 'the fast way' id does leave you wondering where the 'real driving simulator' monicker comes into it. If i prang a car or do something i shouldnt, a RACE OVER message would have been a much more preferable idea.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Skyler said:
As for Mr Frizz, you really should try and pick cars that require you to outdrive the opposition rather than cars that do the job for you. The game is a lot more fun that way. ASpec points are there to try and be an indication of this, although they aren't always spot on.

I personally get a lot more satisfaction from winning through my driving ability, rather than the fact my car is 50% faster than the AI, who lets face it are not the most skilled bunch of drivers anyway ;)
Oh I'm aware of this, I just wanted access to the Extreme Events. It was a bit gay that Polyphony locked this until you won the GT World Championship.

Aswell as the level of cars in the race, I personally thought was a little high for that stage in the game. The amount of people that have abused credit gaining methods just to get within a glimpse of the opposition (By buying Le Mans class cars) is alot more than you'd probably like to think, Skyler.
Panda On Smack said:
Ok, ta. So what car did you B-Spec in the Nurb 24H :)
I used my AMG Mercedes GTR which I won from the Deusch Masterschleife. I put a little more power in it to be sure I won. But it's definately doable in lesser cars, because the best you'll face in that race is an Audi TT Touring Car.

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
oh nice one. ive not had a look at it yet.

ive just saved my money so i can buy the black special cars that appear in the used car list at day 694+

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
right im under way

lap 34 so far, taken 4 hours of sped up b-spec time. over a lap ahead as well so just sitting tight.

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I've hijacked this thread, oh well

Ive done all the endurance races except for the Circuit de la Sarthe II, was being a right pain in the arse. All my cars would crash for no reason on the long straight. Tried all sorts of things but i finally am winning it with my trusty Citroen 2CV.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Honestly, what the fuck is that all about, Panda? :D

I've put GT4 on hold atm, seeing as Chaos Theory arrived through my letterbox this morning. \o/


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Guna wait till it comes out on the PSP b4 I get it, mainly cause my dads got the PS2 and I can't be bothered to go get it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
psp is gonna be the cuntdown version i think.

but i do hope the longer races can be pld on it. would save me some time


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Yaka said:
psp is gonna be the cuntdown version i think.

but i do hope the longer races can be pld on it. would save me some time

i want the cuntdown version. sounds interesting.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The PSP version will be centrally based around racing other people, and it probably going to be a pile of crap. IMHO.


Feb 2, 2004
Can't decide between a few of the top cars in the game..
MacLaren F1
Audi R8
Playstation ....
Bentley speed 8
Nissan R91CP

as far as i can tell the .... Playstaion is the fastest.. (has very small petrol tank though.. so bad for the 24 hour races as it needs more gas before even "Hard racing" tires are past green)
Maclaren f1 and Nissan have best acceleration
Audi and Bentley turn v nicely

Post your vies plz :cheers:


Feb 2, 2004
Panda On Smack said:
Anyway, back to the real issue, what car will give me a chance of winning the GT World Championship in the Professionl Event area? Its the last Race, 10 different tracks. Im stuck :(
Get Mazda one... or Gt-One


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Does this game have a lot more cars than gt3? I'm teh fuckin bored atm and need something to pass the unemployed daytime hours. I was thinking that GT4 could be that something. Just wondering whether it is worth buying, I don't want to play a replica of gt3.

I'll get it tomorrow if I see a convincing reply here by then. :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
it has the first car i ever buaght a nissan bluebird :clap: :clap: :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yaka said:
it has the first car i ever buaght a nissan bluebird :clap: :clap: :clap:

Omg nice. My dad used to have one of those. It had a hole in the door, looked like a proper pikey car... ah the memories.

I'm buying this game now just to drive it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
aye damn shame it never has the limited ed ZX Turbo one


ulgy as fuck but a fucking great drive, luved it when the shook as the turbo kicked in


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I've bought it!!!11 (the game, not the car)

Going to try it out later, when it's a bit darker. Reflection on screen is bad.

Anyway, it better be good.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rah. Great game, been playing it all day. Started off with a 1982 Nissan Fairlady, then realised that a 23 year-old car just can't accelerate well no matter what you do with it so I bought a 1996 Mazda RX-7 which is much better. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It's even better with a DFP Dil... just have to get yourself one of those :p

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