Motoring Google Car


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
The reason i stopped using public transportation and got a car was that i wanted the freedom of movement. I could go wherever i wanted to go, whenever i wanted to go there. Not closest buss stop/train station to where i want to go and at what times the buss company thought most people would go there.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Fortunately, we have these wonderful things called "shops". Big shops, commonly called "supermarkets", are usually filled with special people called "staff" who are only too happy to help people buy their groceries.

But blind people don't just want to shop. There are lots of things they'd like to do. Perhaps they want to visit their relatives, 30 miles away - a self-driving car would be perfect for that. And when they're done, the car just turns up to take them wherever they next want to go.
Or just go sight seeing!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
road usage efficiency would skyrocket (fewer cars needed, everyone just summons one from a pool)

As a cyclist I enjoy listening to motorists moan about traffic at rush hour since most of them have just driven to work alone, this seems rather normal since most the cars I pass are occupied by just the driver which means nearly two tons of vehicle with 5+ seats is being used in an utterly inefficient way although there will always be some that naturally require the use of a car.

Personally I just got my provisional license having never bothered with it for some 20 years since cycling was enough for nearly everything I'm required to do, the reason for the recent change is so that I can get a scooter to give me some more flexibility in transport terms.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
As a cyclist I enjoy listening to motorists moan about traffic at rush hour



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
As a cyclist I enjoy listening to motorists moan about traffic at rush hour since most of them have just driven to work alone, this seems rather normal since most the cars I pass are occupied by just the driver which means nearly two tons of vehicle with 5+ seats is being used in an utterly inefficient way although there will always be some that naturally require the use of a car.

Personally I just got my provisional license having never bothered with it for some 20 years since cycling was enough for nearly everything I'm required to do, the reason for the recent change is so that I can get a scooter to give me some more flexibility in transport terms.

As a motorist I enjoy getting to work warm, dry and relaxed, and when I get there I enjoy not having to go straight for another shower to ditch the smell of sweat and the dubious lycra. Also I find, by not being a cyclist, people actually want to talk to me when I get to work.

Cycling works if you are either 12, live next to work, or are unfortunate enough to live in London, but for the rest of us its about as useful as travelling by spacehopper.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
As a motorist I enjoy getting to work warm, dry and relaxed, and when I get there I enjoy not having to go straight for another shower to ditch the smell of sweat and the dubious lycra. Also I find, by not being a cyclist, people actually want to talk to me when I get to work.

Cycling works if you are either 12, live next to work, or are unfortunate enough to live in London, but for the rest of us its about as useful as travelling by spacehopper.

Actually, round Northampton there are some excellent cycle paths, where I work there is basically a road network of cycle paths. No fuckers uses them though they would much rather play dodge the articulated lorry, one was killed a few days ago because he though riding in a lorries blind spot was a good idea.

I could happily cycle to work though. I just can't be arsed.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
As a motorist I enjoy getting to work warm, dry and relaxed, and when I get there I enjoy not having to go straight for another shower to ditch the smell of sweat and the dubious lycra. Also I find, by not being a cyclist, people actually want to talk to me when I get to work.

Cycling works if you are either 12, live next to work, or are unfortunate enough to live in London, but for the rest of us its about as useful as travelling by spacehopper.

You don't need to shower after you've cycled, you just need to change into your work clothes and let your cycling clothes dry. What sweat is on your body (not much) dries off in about 5 minutes flat, and if you wash in the morning (perhaps you need to pay attention to that part) you won't smell at all. And cyclists arrive at work more alert and with more energy than their car-bound colleagues.

The only reason I have a car now is because I drive often hundreds of miles to work, at a moment's notice. I just can't do it on a bicycle. If I had a regular commute, I'd ditch it, because I really don't need to spend thousands of pounds on something that for the most part, sits outside doing nothing.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, round Northampton there are some excellent cycle paths, where I work there is basically a road network of cycle paths. No fuckers uses them though they would much rather play dodge the articulated lorry, one was killed a few days ago because he though riding in a lorries blind spot was a good idea.

The cycle paths in Nottingham are absolutely shit, and that's why people don't use them.

I really despair at the lack of knowledge and amount of prejudice when it comes to cyclists and cycling facilities. If you don't cycle regularly then it stands to reason that you don't know what you're on about, and that you should probably just shut up before someone who does cycle regularly points out how ignorant you are.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
The cycle paths in Nottingham are absolutely shit, and that's why people don't use them.

I really despair at the lack of knowledge and amount of prejudice when it comes to cyclists and cycling facilities. If you don't cycle regularly then it stands to reason that you don't know what you're on about, and that you should probably just shut up before someone who does cycle regularly points out how ignorant you are.

Yeah because I care about Nottingham.

FYI Cycle Map 2008.pdf

And they are regularly cleared of crap, its something the estate management team are always trying to push...rather than people jumping out in front of HGVs...because you know, thats retarded...people still do it though.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Wow, what a great cycle facility!

Such quality!

Many angles!

Honestly, you're just proving my point—that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Those are shared use pavements. I don't want to cycle on shared use pavements, because they're designed for pedestrians, not cyclists. And shared use pavements have an advisory speed limit of about 12mph. I cycle at 20mph.

There are so many design issues with that scheme, I don't know where to begin.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've heard this touted as a benefit - so blind people can go shopping on their own.

Yeah. Because the only reason you use a car is to go shopping.

I go shopping (other than at the supermarket) about twice a year. Use my car a fuckload tho...


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
Wow, what a great cycle facility!

Such quality!

Many angles!

Honestly, you're just proving my point—that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Those are shared use pavements. I don't want to cycle on shared use pavements, because they're designed for pedestrians, not cyclists. And shared use pavements have an advisory speed limit of about 12mph. I cycle at 20mph.

There are so many design issues with that scheme, I don't know where to begin.

Sadly for you and your point the google car couldn't drive down the majority of the cycle paths because they are cycle only.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
Wow, what a great cycle facility!

Such quality!

Many angles!

Honestly, you're just proving my point—that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Those are shared use pavements. I don't want to cycle on shared use pavements, because they're designed for pedestrians, not cyclists. And shared use pavements have an advisory speed limit of about 12mph. I cycle at 20mph.

There are so many design issues with that scheme, I don't know where to begin.

Now that I am on the PC

He looks left.!3m4!1e1!3m2!1suKXJTzcAMwxbibh0SFrgYQ!2e0

He looks right!3m4!1e1!3m2!1suKXJTzcAMwxbibh0SFrgYQ!2e0

Not 100 yards from your carefully picked spots.

Entry to the main cycle route through the estate. Two lanes of pure cycle path that goes through the centre of the estate and avoids the HGVs operating on a huge industrial estate...the idea being the cyclists don't kill themselves by playing with big lorries.

And before you start bleating on about cyclists having the same rights as trucks, yes they do but trucks won't see Terry Sweatband as he huffs and puffs in the blind spot of a 40 ton truck. Like I said, the arseholes still try and semi-regularly end up as chum spread all over the road and therefore ruin a drivers life.

The sensible thing for all concerned is for the cyclist to stop being a prick and use the paths provided rather than literally playing with the traffic.

So er yeah. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or you are a deliberately awkward cyclist who should really not be allowed on the road. Not that cyclists have any responsibility or training whatsoever when sharing a road with (often left hand drive) 40 ton trucks...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Brilliant. Now explain how, from the vantage point offered by your drivers' seat, you're able to discern that "no fuckers" use that path.

And then explain how people are supposed to use that path without also using the road it connects to, to get to their destination.

And cyclists don't have the same rights as motorists - because motorists have no rights. Motorists have entitlements, granted by a licence. They do not share the same common law rights as pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

Oh and fuck you for victim blaming. Cunt.

/edit - don't bother, you're on ignore. Cunt.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
You mean crossing the road or would you rather they put in bridges? The path actually leads to the villages one end and the centre of town the other...unless you would prefer cyclists to play on the M1 and then a dual carriageway... (which happens to also have a cycle path running its length, not the best but very few pedestrians)

Or are you just being simple? You don't know the area, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, as usual.

The simple fact remains. Even given one of the best cycle routes to get to and from work in the country, people still insist on using the road, even when there are hundreds of trucks (often foreign) coming and going each day.

Haha, get called out for being a clueless dangleberry who can't even get the town right then puts the guy who called him out on ignore... roflchopper. You're a buffoon.
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Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You two really should stop this nonsense.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
I have nothing against cyclists who have a sense of road safety, everyone chooses their form of transport for whatever reason. But common sense dictates that if there is a clean, proper tarmacked cycle path vs a typical industrial estate with shit, pot holed roads, chock full of HGVs you chose the clean, safe cycle path. You don't hurtle along with your headphones on fucking about with wagons.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
As a motorist I enjoy getting to work warm, dry and relaxed, and when I get there I enjoy not having to go straight for another shower to ditch the smell of sweat and the dubious lycra. Also I find, by not being a cyclist, people actually want to talk to me when I get to work.

Cycling works if you are either 12, live next to work, or are unfortunate enough to live in London, but for the rest of us its about as useful as travelling by spacehopper.

At work I find I'm never the first to complain about it being cold outside which ironically is often the car drivers, I feel great having pumped some blood around my body and seem least tired, I don't need another shower and nor do I wear Lycra. I find that I'm also the first person nearly everyone seems to speak to for one reason or another once I arrive.

I think I made it quite clear that naturally there will always be some who need to drive solo. I live in the outer London, and most the people where I work don't even drive as far as I cycle to get to work which ironically often takes them longer than me and as I stated in my post it is the hypocritical nature of those who complain about traffic while using the most inefficient method to actually get to work that is funny. To me it has the same ring as those complaining about energy prices while keeping their central heating going because they are unable to put on another layer, it is just people being rather stupid and wasteful....just another facet of the human condition.

Dickheads exist in all forms of movement, there is little you can do to stop some people being dickheads.
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Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Took you a while to reply there, I would have thought being a cyclist and all it wouldn't take you that long to get on your high horse.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
They arw a billion miles from being useable...the testing has been quiet out of town roads and even then it doesnt take much to confuse the software...the in town testing is taking place and it will send them straight back to the drawing board


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, I think Christians should start getting bikes, so they can start to spread their message, and a green message, because their morals and guidance is important.

Whaddya reckon, @Scouse & @old.Tohtori?

I think i made it clear with the sitting bear, -before- the cyclist sh*tstorm hit :p


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You don't need to shower after you've cycled, you just need to change into your work clothes and let your cycling clothes dry. What sweat is on your body (not much)1 dries off in about 5 minutes flat, and if you wash in the morning (perhaps you need to pay attention to that part)2 you won't smell at all. And cyclists arrive at work more alert and with more energy than their car-bound colleagues.

1. Says you. I would be covered in sweat and have a face like the sun of Krypton. Nothing to do with fitness, just how my body deals with heat, I was exactly the same when I was at my fittest and rowing every day in college. So please don't state things like they're the norm for everybody, or even most people, they're not.

2. Wow, not super-patronising at all there are we?

For some people cycling is a viable option, for others it is not, and for those that think they're fresh as a daisy, more energetic etc. etc. trust me, it ain't always so.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Im a regular cyclist and those pricks eho ride on the dual carriageways by us when there are perfect cycles paths are fuckin morond..I always hurl abuse at them...when I was in a cycl8ng club in my youth they all did it bevause cyclepaths were seen as for ordinary people only...such prickheaded nonsense


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Took you a while to reply there, I would have thought being a cyclist and all it wouldn't take you that long to get on your high horse.

Cyclist? On their high horse? Naaaaaahhhhh, usually on their self-righteous wagon though.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Brilliant. Now explain how, from the vantage point offered by your drivers' seat, you're able to discern that "no fuckers" use that path.

And then explain how people are supposed to use that path without also using the road it connects to, to get to their destination.

And cyclists don't have the same rights as motorists - because motorists have no rights. Motorists have entitlements, granted by a licence. They do not share the same common law rights as pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

Oh and fuck you for victim blaming. Cunt.

/edit - don't bother, you're on ignore. Cunt.

Tom. Please. Stop cycling. It appears to have turned you into a massive fucking bell end. Some of your posts in this thread have reminded me why, if I'm at a wedding or party, and meet someone who claims to be a keen cyclist, I find someone else to talk to. Holier than thou, patronising condescending arse vomit appears to be all the committed cyclist can manage, must be a lifetime of saddle rash and sitting at work smelling your own fetid sweat.

Seriously, I'd rather socialise with a fucking hybrid driver than a MAMIL.

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