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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Deebs wants to see it, as he said. He won't stand for it. So show the proof or quit bitching.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I know it is not disagreement though. When people are insulting you, without providing their own opinion on a particular topic, this isn't disagreement. When people leave personal insults and threats via PM and reputation you know it isn't simple disagreement. That is just the way I see it though, and that is the way I justify what I am doing. Look at many of the threads in which I have posted - look at the level of insults projected towards me. To me, it is quite clear that these comments aren't merely about having different opinions - it is pure hate.

If you can provide a quote from me where i insulted you, then fair enough, but otherwise what i said was exactly what you did; placing people in the anti-bain category simlpy because of disagreeing. You claiming hate over it, is a scewed perspective and one that you've brought on yourself by acting towards people in a certain way, even though they have no ill intent.

So again, are you in the wrong, or have i(for example) insulted you in some way?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I never knew you in your previous incarnation but I have seen at least 3 threads in the past month alone (plus this one) where you have said "goodbye".

Just go already.


Apr 20, 2011
To answer your question old.Tohtori... you have insulted me many times - comparing me to herpes is just but one example. But that is all in the past, I would rather just move on. It doesn't matter anyway, because when this thread dies you won't see a post from me again.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
As I mentioned, I have the proof but I do not wish to share it with FreddysHouse. I do not want to cause any more trouble for the moderators, the information is now in my hands and I will decide what to do with it.

Once again, thank you to those who have respected the thread :).

I smell bullshit


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Is there a thread I need to read to understand what all this bollocks is about?

Who is this fella anyway? Do I need to care?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Just search for posts he has made in the past few months, should clear it up. If you can be bothered.

And, no.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
To answer your question old.Tohtori... you have insulted me many times - comparing me to herpes is just but one example. But that is all in the past, I would rather just move on. It doesn't matter anyway, because when this thread dies you won't see a post from me again.

I'dlike to see those posts, but you seem to have a hard time producing proof.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yawn, again?

For those with the serious replies; dori has been doing these goodbye threads for years. It's part of his online troll personify. He'll be back, post the same shit and say goodbye forever again within a few months. The death threat thing is a new lie though.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I feel sorry for the people here who over the past few months realised you were a waste of life. They read your tripe about enlightenment and travel. Some probably believe you and most wish or hope you will learn and become a better person from it... But you're a fucking idiot.

To the people who have only seen this Goodbye thread. It's one of many.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
This thread is clearly missing something ..... Ahh i know what it is ....



Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Too long, didn't read, don't care.

Any histronic posts about "taking a break because someone was mean" are going to end in ridicule. I actually found braineator's posts quite interesting because he had quite different views to others which made for interesting discussions, but then he'd accuse others of being trolls or take a sanctimonious stance which just rubbed other forum users up the wrong way.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Look at me, I'm brilliant. I know more about everything than everyone here, anyone who argues with me deserves the negative rep. I'm sad you don't all understand this, so I'll prattle on about how sad and lonely you all are, and how you have problems. People want me to die but I don't want to create a fuss so I'll just mention it and not substantiate my claim. Meanwhile, I'm off to do brilliant things none of you will ever have the chance to experience.



Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I feel sorry for the people here who over the past few months realised you were a waste of life. They read your tripe about enlightenment and travel. Some probably believe you and most wish or hope you will learn and become a better person from it... But you're a fucking idiot.

To the people who have only seen this Goodbye thread. It's one of many.

I don't know the guy, but figured this, most internet goodbye threads are..

Posted at 11am and still replying at 3pm etc.

Probably a great guy irl or something


Apr 20, 2011
I would just like to thank megadave for posting that song. It has made me feel better about this whole situation. I am genuinely eternally grateful for what you have done - you do not realise the happiness that you have bequested upon me - despite your intentions of posting that video as an ironic insult, it has actually made me happy. I will never forget that.

As I said, I feel no bitterness towards others. I accept the criticisim that I have received.

Thank you for making me a better person. As I said, I will answer questions, but if you do not wish to hear from me, then simply let this thread die.

Thank you, everyone, for making me the person I am today.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I personally wish to deny any and all involvement in bainteors current state.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
The negative reputation you gave me is proof enough of personal insults.

Edit: here it is again, incase you missed it:

I know it is not disagreement though. When people are insulting you, without providing their own opinion on a particular topic, this isn't disagreement. When people leave personal insults and threats via PM and reputation you know it isn't simple disagreement. That is just the way I see it though, and that is the way I justify what I am doing. Look at many of the threads in which I have posted - look at the level of insults projected towards me. To me, it is quite clear that these comments aren't merely about having different opinions - it is pure hate.

Have you thought about not being a massive bell-end all the time? There may be less "pure hate" in your direction.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
have any of you bastards ever tried to give him a fucking chance? If you knew him and didn't try to have a go at him every time he comes here to post it would never come to this! I was once(fucking hell, can't believe I am telling this again) like all of you against Dori, but once when he returned I welcomed him back and asked him how he was doing to which I got a gentle reply. If you fuckwits would stop throwing rocks and actually talk to him like an equal there wouldn't be a problem


Apr 20, 2011
Thank you for defending me Zergers. I just fear that even associating with me will give you hate. Your intentions are great, and even I can tell from your posts on the forum that you will go far in life. You respect others and you follow your own way in life. I wish you every success.

I was never given a chance. This is a fact. But don't get too hung up on it mate. These things happen in life - it is only a forum, I will move on. People do not want me here, therefore I will leave.

Thank you for support, you do not know how much happiness you have brought to me :).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
have any of you bastards ever tried to give him a fucking chance? If you knew him and didn't try to have a go at him every time he comes here to post it would never come to this! I was once(fucking hell, can't believe I am telling this again) like all of you against Dori, but once when he returned I welcomed him back and asked him how he was doing to which I got a gentle reply. If you fuckwits would stop throwing rocks and actually talk to him like an equal there wouldn't be a problem

Umm, i have to object to that a bit.

6 months ago people would've loved to throw me under the bus and i deserved it really, hell, it was my goal to some part. Albeit it was due to being a massive troll and not myself, but you can't by any means say that bain has been making it easy to like him.

It took a good while for people to forget and cool down towards the real me, but i also kept it low key and attempted pleasant answers towards all situations until it got to the point where i could poke the badger again, without it being taken as trolling.

Responsibility and change of actions will turn any group of people around, but it doesn't happen in 10 posts. Bain was given a lot of chances, but people aren't just going to smile and pat his back after all that's happened. Especially if he keeps up the same image.


Apr 20, 2011
What amazes me about Zergers is his compassion towards others. His ability to forgive others, and get to know people that do not necessarily fall into the category of those that are socially accepted.

I have met many important and intelligent people in my life, but I can tell you this; those that possess the attributes that Zergers is able to possess will go far in life.

I remember that Zergers used to hate me as much as anyone on these forums, but he was the one brave enough, compassionate enough, to give me a chance. This empathy towards a human being is indeed very rare in this materialistic world. The chance he has given me, to become his friend, is one that I have come across so very little in my stay on FreddysHouse. For this act of compassion and humanity, he has earned my eternal respect.

It is such a shame that others could not do the same.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
As a moderator, you cannot be chasing me up all the time and investigating things. It simply isn't worth it. The personal insults and threats didn't affect me particuarly badly, they just dissapointed me, hence why I felt it was necessary to point them out in the thread. I will certainly not lose sleep over it, nor will I, in any way, try to make FreddysHouse responsible for them. For this reason, I deleted the messages (but the negative rep comments are still there).

As I mentioned, I have the proof but I do not wish to share it with FreddysHouse. I do not want to cause any more trouble for the moderators, the information is now in my hands and I will decide what to do with it.

So which is it? Megalolz.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
But toht we all tried with you previously and we all failed horribly :p

No in all seriousness, we all knew that you were a troll, but deep down a genuine good guy, who just had different views on some, fuck it, everything! Dorimor is the same type as you toht, a big fat troll. But if you stop feeding the troll it will slowly die out.. You don't troll as much as you used to because no one is biting it anymore. if people stopped biting on Dori's bait and just said 'yeah, that's fine' I'm sure it'd all be much better


Apr 20, 2011
This is the problem. I can thank, yes that's right, thank people like megadave for posting something that was blatantly an attempt to insult me. Yet, I am at a state where I can thank them for that, because I see the bright side to it.

I am at such a peace of mind in my real life that I am able to do that. Yet, others on this forum are so full of hate that they cannot forgive me for my wrong-doings, or forgive me for anything.

This is the point I am trying to convey to you. But, if you cannot see this, then it is not worth me mentioning.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Actually the personal views on everything was part of the persona, my trolling goes deeper then the skin :p

The real me was very rarely seen after i went from Teh Seel to trolly tohtori ;)

Actual me is a good guy, and i've been the same all is cool towards all members, new and old, which is why the lies of me comparing bain to herpes, or some such, is ridicilous. Not to mention the belief that there's actual hating going on. He's not that good of a troll. Not to toot my own horn, but i did manage some -actual- hate around here.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
have any of you bastards ever tried to give him a fucking chance? If you knew him and didn't try to have a go at him every time he comes here to post it would never come to this! I was once(fucking hell, can't believe I am telling this again) like all of you against Dori, but once when he returned I welcomed him back and asked him how he was doing to which I got a gentle reply. If you fuckwits would stop throwing rocks and actually talk to him like an equal there wouldn't be a problem

Yes actually. Plenty of times.

As you will know, he is the one that starts randomly negative repping people for having a different opinion to him, in every single thread. Then he proceeds to lie about receiving threats. It can only be a cry for attention, he can quite happily join in the community for a few weeks and then something snaps and he starts acting like a clown again.

I will give everyone a second chance, we all grow up at some point. But a 3rd? 4th? 5th? etc etc

No ta.

The man needs to seek professional help, he clearly has some serious issues with reality, we probably aren't helping him by taking the piss but come on, he brings it on himself.
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