Goodbye to Javai an end of an era

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Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
Is it long? U really ain't getting the stupidity of moaning at me cause i said farewell? Fuck off tbh am bored of explaining easy things to u.

I've had a go at updating your "player status info" for you, feel free to use it. :)

<sort of inactive, sometimes kinda, aka rerolled Avalon>
Gahn LoneWolf Seraph Tiarna of Hibernia
Oryon BlackCrow Silver Hand Shade
<inactive mondays,tuesdays and wednesdays. guaranteed active on a friday teatime>
Gahn LoneWolf ML4 Flammen Vakten Troll Zerker
Guild Master
Na Fianna Dragun


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Back on topic...Enjoy RL Javai, always sad to see one of the players that make Albion work as a whole leave the game. I think Arthur will miss you and this server in particular will too. It's never good to see enemys left the game, less people to get rp's from ;)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I've had a go at updating your "player status info" for you, feel free to use it. :)

<sort of inactive, sometimes kinda, aka rerolled Avalon>
Gahn LoneWolf Seraph Tiarna of Hibernia
Oryon BlackCrow Silver Hand Shade
<inactive mondays,tuesdays and wednesdays. guaranteed active on a friday teatime>
Gahn LoneWolf ML4 Flammen Vakten Troll Zerker
Guild Master
Na Fianna Dragun

Starting to think u got some mental issues since u keep bashing my play time or u are conveniently avoiding the real issue, oh well keep on if u got fun from it :m00:


Dec 22, 2003
Gahn etc lets keep the flames out of this thread now, put them in the thread on general.
Lets try to keep this a nice thread now :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Gahn etc lets keep the flames out of this thread now, put them in the thread on general.
Lets try to keep this a nice thread now :p

Agree, bit difficult if i get flamed for bidding farewell tho :/


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Think what you like tbh. I posted my opinion so deal with it.
And about losing peoples respect from a few posts earlier? What respect? The people that know me well in rvr respect me well for doing what i do anyways. Losing some so called respect from an alb that probably zergs 24/7 is something i think i can cope with.

And saying good ridance is nothing about being immature. So your saying if you were at a work place in real life for example and a boss was giving you a hard time and making things unpleasant for you, but later left, you would't say the same thing?

And who are you? You spend more time in a forum then playing so i think you got some nerves hen...
Cant help wonder how much of a life you have to post bs on a thread nothing related to you and try to flame some1.
Respect for you? lol get a grip
The reason this game is screwd is because of the increase of ppl like you.

PS: Sorry Tilda but didnt see that post you made, just had to say this cause ppl like Bradlex really make me sick


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
Starting to think u got some mental issues since u keep bashing my play time or u are conveniently avoiding the real issue, oh well keep on if u got fun from it :m00:

Soz mate just trying to help you out. I can see my efforts aren't appreciated :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
bye javai, think ill be leaving too.. daoc is a ghost town, and cant be arsed to try another server.

lotro looks good may try it.....

waiting for war regardess, :england:

good bless u and katelyn


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Back on topic...Enjoy RL Javai, always sad to see one of the players that make Albion work as a whole leave the game. I think Arthur will miss you and this server in particular will too. It's never good to see enemys left the game, less people to get rp's from ;)
Didn't Arthur die tho? How's he gonna miss anyone? :(
Gahn etc lets keep the flames out of this thread now, put them in the thread on general.
Lets try to keep this a nice thread now :p
But why? :'(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So the difference between 'to' and 'too', which are two different words, doesn't really matter, yet it's necessary for you to point out flaws in others' English, when those people weren't raised speaking English, as this is, if I recall correctly, not the first time you went for the good old 'Can't beat them, use your double standards on their spelling/grammar' excuse when lacking a point.
That's assuming you were on about the insignificance of my last reply. You're being a bit too vague, with the hints and all. You wouldn't be trying to say that you're a teacher, or that you're under the impression that I actually got taught proper English at school, surely?
The whole condescending atitude while having fuck all to add yourself does remind me of a teacher of mine, but just being a bit of a moody hypocrit wouldn't do, would it? You'd actually have to be able to spell yourself, in between taking the piss out of children.

Firstly, no im not a teacher, im an engineer.

Secondly I don't remember any significant instances of the so called double standards when it comes to english on these forums. Specially considering many if not the majority of my friends are not english themselves (and I prefer it that way).

As for the first post in question, I did not know english was not his native tongue and quite frankly, I couldn't give a shit enough about him to care wether he is english, french or comes from mars in the first place, the simple fact is that the paragraph in question made little sense to me and I stated as such. If you want to try and read between the lines or draw different conclusions into it, then thats up to you, i'm not especially bothered in either case :kissit:


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.

Heh quite funny, are you sure you didnt get that £750k from disability allowance? because seem pretty much completely brain dead to me. People who have to come on a gameing forum and shout off about there real life achievements are normaly 90% hugly exaggerated to cover there insucurities. anyway thats my 2 cents.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.

I am also a complete cvnt.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.

i want wateva this guy has been taking!
Big words make me look clever ya no!
maybe he roleplays in RL aswell as ingame?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
/QUOTE]Good see you in hell then. Bye Brad, its going to be nice sorting you out.[/QUOTE]


I am glad you took the bait Brad, now this is the final nail in this game's coffin. You really a dumb fuck, and I hope this game dies now, and Bradlex dies with it too. I was going to an interview in Paris, I would have had to relocate for 6 months, away from my family...none of which would have been feasible. I hope you appreciate the efforts I have made to bring forward the launch of Warhammer - where all the focus will lie. DAoC is finally dead, and you killed it..., ROFL[/QUOTE]

I don't mate, I am due to be interviewed on the 23rd April, but the job involves relocating to Paris, living a hotel for 6 months, so I just used that to bait Brad into posting a thread. The game will die, Brad has shown how gullible he is, and Warhammer will be released and the game will close.... I have a family so I can't accept the terms of the job. As for having a diease: consider this -

I knew Brad would bait. I knew he would flame me (which is what I wanted). He pissed me off and it draws attention to the biggest issue of the game - this forum. He has made himself look really stupid, so he has done what I wanted. Fewer people will trust Mythic now, because I was given a chance for a 2nd and 3rd Interview. The job was only temporary for 6 months - so mythic couldn't give a fuck about this community. All their attention lies on Warhammer, and I hope they do us all a favour and launch it earlier. If more people leave the game now, then maybe they will do us all a favour and close this down. Ask Requiel if you don't believe me...he did interview for the job I asked all the relevant questions: and I know this game has no future, so I am getting out when I can.

I think you listen too much to Brad, fella. I know now the game will die, and most importantly for me he won't be able to play Bradlex for much longer.

Instead of calling a retard - why don't you your friends go on strike and force action. I was able to ask direct questions to a representative of the game (again ask Requiel), and I know Mythic don't give a fuck. I just want to bring about this sooner, because we pay our subs to game they have absolutely no interest in. Who are the biggest twats us or them. Warhammer is DAoC they are just using their failings on this, to make their next project better. Use this message in the thread if you like. Brad is a total **** (haha) and some serious questions need to about how many other people will look like ***** paying out money for something Mythic don't give a fuck about.[/QUOTE]

Thought i would add some more, more nice words from our friend lege. I know flim u said pm's were private but o well, ban me if you like :p:england:

My other thread got locked, but o well not like this thread is going well anyways.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Good see you in hell then. Bye Brad, its going to be nice sorting you out

I am glad you took the bait Brad, now this is the final nail in this game's coffin.DAoC is finally dead, and you killed it..., ROFL

I don't mate, I am due to be interviewed on the 23rd April, but the job involves relocating to Paris, living a hotel for 6 months, so I just used that to bait Brad into posting a thread.

I knew Brad would bait. I knew he would flame me (which is what I wanted).

I think you listen too much to Brad, fella. I know now the game will die, and most importantly for me he won't be able to play Bradlex for much longer.


If this is true he needs some serious mental treatment


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Sigh, no more posts from Mr Intelligent :(

I wanted more lol-time at college :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Cya Javai, i'm sure you'll be missed.

We've learned 3 things here..

1) Brad is a complete idiot who needs to go find his front door and work out there's a world outside his computer room, and fast! You've done nothing in this thread other than prove what a selfcentered small-minded twat you actually are.
2) A large percentage of FH isn't much better.
3) All that pales into insignificance at the pure comedy provided by our newest muppet. For someone who's "so upset" about his mates goodbye thread being "ruined" he's done a fantastic job of completely insinerating it. The unfortunate thing is that someone who's been in the game and given so much for so long will be remembered by some clueless idiot with the intelect found in your average side salad.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Firstly, no im not a teacher, im an engineer.

Secondly I don't remember any significant instances of the so called double standards when it comes to english on these forums. Specially considering many if not the majority of my friends are not english themselves (and I prefer it that way).

As for the first post in question, I did not know english was not his native tongue and quite frankly, I couldn't give a shit enough about him to care wether he is english, french or comes from mars in the first place, the simple fact is that the paragraph in question made little sense to me and I stated as such. If you want to try and read between the lines or draw different conclusions into it, then thats up to you, i'm not especially bothered in either case :kissit:
I suppose you wouldn't notice your own hypocricy, but you've got plenty to spare, tho I can't be arsed looking up any quotes in my current state, and I probably can't be arsed after having sobered up either.
I wasn't trying to read between the lines, as quoting a foreigner's text which includes a number of spelling errors and no proper punctuation, followed by the question whether he could rephrase it in English made it look rather obvious to me that you were criticising his English rather than the content of the post. You could've put it better, even in plain language like 'What the fuck are you on about?' or some such, tho you probably don't give enough of a shit to consider rephrasing your own posts to avoid misunderstandings, while being perfectly happy to point the need to do so out to others.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Hah, the retardedness of it all. So, even though the post about his real life achievements appears to be a real as the chest of the average Hollywood broad, he continues to think of himself as a rather intelligent person. Still he gets down to insults and death wishes/threats, which doesn't really help.
I suppose he may be right about Mythic not giving a toss about DAoC, but expecting people to question Requiel about whether or not he did indeed get a job interview would a) not work since Requiel probably doesn't know about it, and if so isn't allowed to speak about it, and b) Requiel has little to do with Mythic, as far as I'm aware.
And, though I can't be a hundred percent sure about this from these quotes, he seems to say that he's known Brad would join in on this thread for a bit of flaming since before he even started it. How's that, did he start the thread and send Bradlex a private messaging saying 'Look, someone you don't particulary like is leaving the game, go for it!' or is he, more likely, just talking shit again and giving the whole 'Oh look at me, I knew everything would happen like this and it was all intended, I'm such a smart ****!' thing another go?
Besides which, being the sensible person that he is: Why would you bother going for a job interview, knowing you won't be able to take the job because you've got to stick with some (probably non-existant) family? Just so he can brag about having had the option to work for Mythic (or more likely GOA, tho he doesn't seem to realise the EU servers aren't being run by Mythic) on a gaming forum, which he supposedly despices?
I wish it were true tho, about the job. Then the guy could fly over to get to a new job, just to be sacked a day later for being an incompetent retard.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
bit low of him to use a "friend" as bait too, i got another lengthily PM (Poorly spelt and punctuated) banging on about how its all some sort of ruse to uncover GOA as bunch of conmen.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Lol, this guy gets more off the wall with each post. Next thing he will claim is that GOA killed JFK.


Dec 22, 2003
It's just him trying to frantically backtrack so he looks less like he's dribbling arse gravy.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My god.... how sad is this "community" these days? And I mean both sides.

Anyways, bye Javai, take care!
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