Goodbye to Javai an end of an era

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Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Brad find your own threads to spread your filith. I used to respect you, now you have shown: you really are socially lower than Pondlife. This really shows the depth of your character and how prominent your real life inadequacies are.

Mistake number 1 was disrespecting a friend on a thread I posted. Mistake number 2 was doing it on her tribute, which I am delighted you felt compelled to do. I have a nice screenshot of you running away from a fight, I will continue to take them too. She had more character, more tenacity, and skill than you will ever have.

Carry on running away from will show that she is a 1000 times the person, and player, you are. When you develop a spine you may open your mouth, and spread your filith, again. No spine, no comment. PM on your Reaver if you want to continue this. Don't ever post anything on a thread of mine again.

Farewell Javai and u Legaethiel:
pls grow the fuck up.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Did it ever occur to you that your simply to insignificant to bother chasing down? Specially when half the mid force (which you left behind to die) are still there to kill.

Depends on the person, if it was you for example, then I probably would say that. People like Javai who rarely has a bad word to say about anyone and actually does try to do things for other people and play fair and for fun, no, they deserve more respect.

LoL everyone had died, i was in testudo form as i noticed my entire grp had died and thought ah well i'll drag this out. Ran down from lord room, down the stairs through the bottom floor, accros the courtyard to oil spot, ran towards the other direction, jumped the wall and used fa and winged helm. Albs are just slow.

I've done plently for people on this server. Hence the 100+ keeptakes that i had and 600+ towers that i have since the clustre started. I've done plenty positive things towards rvr, led multiple mass rvr events, did regular ninja's, went out solo and respected nearly everyone. I wouldn't usually, or used to attack someone if they wasn't interested or unless they were a caster.

Kagato and before you start complaining, isn't one of your famous quotes? 'Don't let the door hit you on the way out'?


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Lol at everyone flaming Brad. Him and Jamielollicus are the only 2 solo heavy tanks I can remember meeting back when I played EU. Both have respect from me.

However, Javai(spelling) and Leagtheian(spelling), I dont remember you. Maybe you were two of the faceless, nameless Albs that ran with the zerg 24/7.

Bridge camping at Beno, anyone?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oic. So if Brad doesnt like a person (ingame/these boards) he isnt allowed to say something negative, because you think he deserves some more respect. Yet you are allowed to say it when you think its appropriate. Good work mr. double standards.

try that again in english

LoL everyone had died, i was in testudo form as i noticed my entire grp had died and thought ah well i'll drag this out. Ran down from lord room, down the stairs through the bottom floor, accros the courtyard to oil spot, ran towards the other direction, jumped the wall and used fa and winged helm. Albs are just slow.

I've done plently for people on this server. Hence the 100+ keeptakes that i had and 600+ towers that i have since the clustre started. I've done plenty positive things towards rvr, led multiple mass rvr events, did regular ninja's, went out solo and respected nearly everyone. I wouldn't usually, or used to attack someone if they wasn't interested or unless they were a caster.

Kagato and before you start complaining, isn't one of your famous quotes? 'Don't let the door hit you on the way out'?

Funny that we were still killing plenty of mids in the corner tower then long after you ran away screaming.

Oh and for the record, I have 100+ keep takes and 600+ towers too, but you don't see me bragging about it or thinking its special. :puke:


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
rofl this is a good read, almost turning into as good as the manisch story :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
try that again in english

Funny that we were still killing plenty of mids in the corner tower then long after you ran away screaming.

Oh and for the record, I have 100+ keep takes and 600+ towers too, but you don't see me bragging about it or thinking its special. :puke:

Well i can honestly say that all of mine were prime time. Doubt you can say the same. :p

And i didn't notice the mids, guess there wasn't that many, i turned right and headed for oil being chased by the zerg from lord room. From what i saw there was around 20 or so albs around the lord room area, probably 10 more along the stiars and loads more in the courtyard. Just can't believe not one alb can follow a lonely mid who is snared btw, as testudo makes u run slower.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
Farewell Windraven :) GL in lotr and RL

and brad, you really dont know this person.. judge someone by the way he behaves to other players and not by his rvr playstyle.

I have much more respect to ppl that dont run in opted groups, dont behave like an elitists etc..

If you say good riddance to someone who plays the game like it should be played, you need to reconsider why you play daoc at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Farewell Windraven :) GL in lotr and RL

and brad, you really dont know this person.. judge someone by the way he behaves to other players and not by his rvr playstyle.

I have much more respect to ppl that dont run in opted groups, dont behave like an elitists etc..

If you say good riddance to someone who plays the game like it should be played, you need to reconsider why you play daoc at all.

I play daoc for fun, but i don't play to the extreme that others suffer because of my actions, thats the differance. I actually feel guilt if i were to chain zerg a person or ruin people's playing times because of a so called playstyle.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.


1. Interesting comma splices, run on sentences, fused sentences, faulty punctuation and general, what I like to call, retardisms in your post there for someone with an "IQ of 170" - one would think you'd at least be accurate and near native for someone who speaks 3 languages fluently and apparently is highly intelligent!

2. Ignoramus isn't a latin word.

3. It's "PhD" - but please enlighten us on your thesis. Or better yet, don't.

4. A written metaphor that is semantic! Interesting! Idiot.

You talk about what brad will become in the near future - yet you have already managed to make yourself look like one of the biggest retards in FH history within days. That is iocularis.

I'm looking forward to threats, I mean, promises in my FH inbox.


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004

1. Interesting comma splices, run on sentences, fused sentences, faulty punctuation and general, what I like to call, retardisms in your post there for someone with an "IQ of 170" - one would think you'd at least be accurate and near native for someone who speaks 3 languages fluently and apparently is highly intelligent!

2. Ignoramus isn't a latin word.

3. It's "PhD" - but please enlighten us on your thesis. Or better yet, don't.

4. A written metaphor that is semantic! Interesting! Idiot.

You talk about what brad will become in the near future - yet you have already managed to make yourself look like one of the biggest retards in FH history within days. That is iocularis.

I'm looking forward to threats, I mean, promises in my FH inbox.

Try looking up the word Informal


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003

1. Interesting comma splices, run on sentences, fused sentences, faulty punctuation and general, what I like to call, retardisms in your post there for someone with an "IQ of 170" - one would think you'd at least be accurate and near native for someone who speaks 3 languages fluently and apparently is highly intelligent!

2. Ignoramus isn't a latin word.

3. It's "PhD" - but please enlighten us on your thesis. Or better yet, don't.

4. A written metaphor that is semantic! Interesting! Idiot.

You talk about what brad will become in the near future - yet you have already managed to make yourself look like one of the biggest retards in FH history within days. That is iocularis.

I'm looking forward to threats, I mean, promises in my FH inbox.

I am also pretty sure patronize is spelt patronise :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
How exactly can you bid someone farewell, when you yourself don't even play on the server?

Apart that i don't owe u any explanation and that i do play now and then on Dyvet, now we are moaning even to ppl who says goodbye? How about u go out and breath some fresh air ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.

This was the funniest post i have seen on FH in years, you are closing in on Glottis old standards!! :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
1) bye bye wind, u were a formidable ennemy
2) all the others u got pwned by 1 sentence of brad, the better person would have ignored it and moved on playing or enjoying themselves


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bye Javai, don't think I ever talked or played with you but at least I donated you plenty of RPs! :D

If you say good riddance to someone who plays the game like it should be played, you need to reconsider why you play daoc at all.

Well said. Actually I only "knew" Javai from his/her rvr playstyle, yet I respected him/her for playing the game like it was meant to be played and never claiming otherwise on forums etc. I'm quite sure that one major reason for population decline is the LACK of such players, who take the initiative to lead a battlegroup where everyone is welcome. And I always was more of a fg player myself.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Lol at everyone flaming Brad. Him and Jamielollicus are the only 2 solo heavy tanks I can remember meeting back when I played EU. Both have respect from me.

However, Javai(spelling) and Leagtheian(spelling), I dont remember you. Maybe you were two of the faceless, nameless Albs that ran with the zerg 24/7.

Bridge camping at Beno, anyone?


Thank god "faceless and nameless Albs" like you can make it up with spamming a forum.


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
Apart that i don't owe u any explanation and that i do play now and then on Dyvet, now we are moaning even to ppl who says goodbye? How about u go out and breath some fresh air ...

So would you consider yourself inactively inactive?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just can't believe not one alb can follow a lonely mid who is snared btw, as testudo makes u run slower.

Can't believe that albs didn't bother to chase one lone and insignificant mid off the wall rather then actually finish killing the mids inside and the lord and take the keep, the original objective?

And I suppose if the albs actually did chase you down and follow you to kill you, you'd instead be on here calling all the albs noobs for chasing after 1 mid for their 100 rps. In other words, damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Is that coming from the so-called native speaker who can't tell the difference between 'to' and 'too'?

"disaffected, and socially unviable"
Shouldn't have been a comma there either :<

Now look up 'Pedant'.

Heres a clue: A person who relies to much on academic learning or is concerned chiefly with insignificant detail.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
I have an IQ of 170 fella, so don't patronize me again you ignoramus.

Why contribute to this forum, if you don't play anymore? Or is that a rhetorical question. I always assumed a forum was for existing players, but you seem to carry the mantle for all the disaffected, and socially unviable.

I am in fluent in 3 languages, I am studying for a phD in Business Studies, I have a wife and 3 adorable children. I also made £750, 000 in the business I ran in real life. Wow Brad can reach to rr10L3 on a computer game...what else do you or he contribute to the wider world? Sorry that again was a rhetorical question.

In a few weeks time I don't think you will even be a voice on this forum. Keep the flag flying 'fuckwit' you do all those who work under you: a sense of immense pride. If you can work out the semantic metaphor I used then, you are an absolute credit to all those disaffected who appreciate you.

Can you say W.A.N.K.E.R? Would be funny to arrest someone like you. 'You cant arrest me I have a wife and kids and I also made £750k in a buisness'


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Now look up 'Pedant'.

Heres a clue: A person who relies to much on academic learning or is concerned chiefly with insignificant detail.
So the difference between 'to' and 'too', which are two different words, doesn't really matter, yet it's necessary for you to point out flaws in others' English, when those people weren't raised speaking English, as this is, if I recall correctly, not the first time you went for the good old 'Can't beat them, use your double standards on their spelling/grammar' excuse when lacking a point.
That's assuming you were on about the insignificance of my last reply. You're being a bit too vague, with the hints and all. You wouldn't be trying to say that you're a teacher, or that you're under the impression that I actually got taught proper English at school, surely?
The whole condescending atitude while having fuck all to add yourself does remind me of a teacher of mine, but just being a bit of a moody hypocrit wouldn't do, would it? You'd actually have to be able to spell yourself, in between taking the piss out of children.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Now look up 'Pedant'.

Heres a clue: A person who relies to much on academic learning or is concerned chiefly with insignificant detail.

Oic (again). So you use the word pedant here, but reply to my post in english plz. Well done again mr. double standards :>


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If a player has "grieved" a person continuously over some time I can understand why the person wouldn't mind if that player left a game, however I agree that it shouldn't have been posted in this thread.

On the other hand, this is a forum and forums are used to state your opinion, no matter how much some people dislike it.

To the thread creator: I hope for GoA's sake that you're just an ass trying to pick a fight with other members on this forum, because if you're being hired for a job at GoA, no matter how much education you got or how high IQ you got, I'm certain GoA is heading for doom.

Oh and to those who think it's only their own right to post on these forums..

Guess what, I don't play.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I always had fun when involved with one of Favail/Javai/Windraven`s outings and was always made to feel welcome even though i was useless at RvR and always managed to have exactly the wrong class for the situation.
Javai never said anything nasty or insulting about anyone in all the times i was grouped with her or in her battlegroups. She was a fine example of a good player who played for fun and recreation and i am glad she decided to move to LOTRO with the rest of us.
Good riddance DAoC and FH.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
So would you consider yourself inactively inactive?

Is it long? U really ain't getting the stupidity of moaning at me cause i said farewell? Fuck off tbh am bored of explaining easy things to u.
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