Goodbye Awimp =/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Straef said:
N last theres imo 2 groups of players, the people that actually play for fun, make online contacts, chat etc, and the people just playing for the game, killing stuff, abusing people and usually disrespecting pretty mutch anyone as long as they're not guilidies or people that might be of use.

and isnt it funny that some people care more about the second then about the first? you rather go away as far as possible from your enemies (who cant even hinder you) then be with your friends?

and the abuse isnt normal in games BUT you WILL encounter it...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I'm sad to see you go m8. hope you enjoy Hib =D

Talking about abuse on the server I have seen is happing more and more recentlym iv played this game for over 2 years now and iv made a mistake or to in the past and been called a F***er or to but you have to let it go and learn from your mistakes but even i will draw the line for example a TOA encounter I was doing the other night at 3 or 4am at a favior and I was day tired and made a mistake just to be told by 1 person in teh grp that I am a compleate F*** up and I should die irl. tbh behaviour like this is becoming more and more common iv been playing on-line games since i was first playing Doom =D and it was never that bad at first but over the years where anyway can get on-line you just dont know who or what is abusing you. I think ppl that are court abusing ppl should be named and shamed its not right and its not funny.. but then again I agree with a lot of other ppl.. its just a GAME at the end of the day!! if it get to out of hand you have the old SS button and you can report them for breach of CoC. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2004
It's a real shame to see someone leave under these circumstances.

Unfortunately, there has always been obnoxious little snots who seem to think it's ok, from the 'safety' of their net connection, to say/send the sort of thing that would likely get them a fat lip in real life.

The bottom-line is that regardless of how badly someone screws up in-game, if you send them foul-mouthed abusive messages then it is you who is in breach of the CoC and, in my opinion, it is you who deserves to be reported and dealt with. I'd advise anyone receiving that sort of rubbish to SS it and send it straight off.

I'd rather have a game populated with people that might screw-up once in while to one populated by people who think its ok to abuse other players.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Awimp come back your scout community needs you!
We have all messed something up at some point, i know i have as im usually wrecked on raids, saying that im usually wrecked while rvr'ing too:)
And silverstaff right back from old school sidi days:)
Come back they will get over it :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
bah comp started acting crazy-- self posting now!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
tbh I've also seen some ppl that were kicked from raid because of not listening to leader and talking to NPC's... but no1 sorted it by leaving realm, but joining another raid and paying more attention :p That can't be the only reason... can it? :eek:

Anyway, welcome to Hib ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
well, excuse me, but you are all assuming he left albion jsut cos he got flamed on a ML raid. How do you know there where not other motives behind it.. and tbh all you ppl on that ML 3 raid should be ashamed of youself, considering if you had come out of it when the relics where being attacked we would probably still have 3 relics now............................


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
This guy prolly decided to leave the game way before, prolly had nothing to do with people flaming him for his mistake.

And honestly, I pm'ed this guy when he reported me to my gm's for abuse. He didnt wanna speak with me. So asked him why report me, when i was the one trying to calm the crowd. He said i was responsible for what happened to him, because it was my raid.

Get some fucking balls, Awimp, and stop being such a drama queen. What happened to you was wrong, no doubt. But seriously? QQ.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I sense cheese in this one.

Get over it.

If I where to delete every time I got flamed it would be a shitload of rerolls :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Danhyr said:
well, excuse me, but you are all assuming he left albion jsut cos he got flamed on a ML raid. How do you know there where not other motives behind it.. and tbh all you ppl on that ML 3 raid should be ashamed of youself, considering if you had come out of it when the relics where being attacked we would probably still have 3 relics now............................

Thats bullshit. I was the first person to warn of the raid, my minstrel Flying was above door 1 and was the first defender to die. The mids had door 1 at 50% before the /bu knew of the raid. If you are trying to tell me that 100 people could have suicided, ported to haven, ported to sauvage, formed up, buffed and moved to Excal in the time it took the mids to get the doors down then you have been badly misled. Don't listen to secondhand information, I was actually there watching the whole show in corpsemode and there was jackshit the ML3 raid could have done. Maybe if more albs did what Krissy's group did and patrolled Hadrian's wall instead of staying in emain to farm then we might have mad a proper go at defending.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
People keep mixing real life into this, I would hate to see what happened to him if he disobeyed direct order had this been the military, if he just refused to listen to his boss at work. To be honest a bit of verbal abuse would have been the mildest consequence had it been real life.

I'm sorry he felt he had to leave, but as Cedrik says, there must have been other reasons for him to delete than that. Having played for as long as people says he has I'm certain he, as the rest of us also have been flamed at before.

In my opinion an experienced player should know that there is a reason the raid leader spams numerous times when something is important.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Danhyr said:
well, excuse me, but you are all assuming he left albion jsut cos he got flamed on a ML raid. How do you know there where not other motives behind it.. and tbh all you ppl on that ML 3 raid should be ashamed of youself, considering if you had come out of it when the relics where being attacked we would probably still have 3 relics now............................

I guess your assuming everyone on ML3 flamed him then. Wich isnt true in my case.

and about the relic stuff. during ML1 when 2 relics were stolen by the time i had gotten to excal relic was almost safe so not much help leaving ml1 raid there. Same would have happned if we left ML3 raid tbh..........


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Chimaira said:
I sense cheese in this one.

Get over it.

If I where to delete every time I got flamed it would be a shitload of rerolls :D
U quit game n come back instead :p
Wb munkeh :<
damn im tired, sleepy time -.-


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2004
Awimp LeGimp! :worthy: Come back! I'll be sad to see you go, a very good player and more so a very good friend since the classic days

Talk to GoA and get your characters re-instated! :)

Alb > Hib!

:wub: > :twak:

Come back!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I know exactly what its like to get abuse for making a silly mistake, i almost quit cos of the hate i got, but stuck with it, and glad i did. So i know how Awimp feels, we are only human after all. I've known Awimp for quite a while, since the days of Lost Souls, was a good guy and i doubt any malice was intended in the mistake he made. And it was just a raid, can do it again np, my mistake cos alb a str relic :p. Really is no need to abuse ppl to the point it makes them quit, and Awimp musta got somr aweful abuse to have to leave.

To be frank, i'm shocked and appauled. After what i went thru and all the publicity that got, i thought people would have lightened up a bit to mistakes, but no, u guyz just take this game far to seriously. After all, its only a game....

And Awimp m8, if u read this, good luck in hib, hope to kill you soon :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
I remember Ogric mainly from levelling Oro as we grouped a few times. Few times he simply helped me and a friend out with buffs as he happened to be in the area.

Shame something like this has happened. I can understand the frustration of peeps on a raid when someone isn't paying attention though. Sounds like this was going too far and as it turned out in the end had no effect on raid outcome whatsoever.

Would like to see Ogric back again.

Edgar Frog

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Invisibul said:
u guyz just take this game far to seriously. After all, its only a game....
Some may argue that you took this game way too seriously by trying to play the mirc card to your advantage then whining apologetically afterwards. And if it's only a game with no real consequence then why don't you repeat the 'mistake' you 'accidentally', 'on the spur of the moment' made, since it bears no significance on your side of things.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Edgar Frog said:
Some may argue that you took this game way too seriously by trying to play the mirc card to your advantage then whining apologetically afterwards. And if it's only a game with no real consequence then why don't you repeat the 'mistake' you 'accidentally', 'on the spur of the moment' made, since it bears no significance on your side of things.

lol or u cud just be quiet and not try and stir trouble again??

no need to go through wot invisibul did etc so leave it.

Edgar Frog

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
DaggerElivager said:
lol or u cud just be quiet and not try and stir trouble again??

no need to go through wot invisibul did etc so leave it.

In the same way there's no need to go through 'wot' I supposedly did in your skewed view, so maybe you should leave it and stop victimising me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Edgar Frog said:
In the same way there's no need to go through 'wot' I supposedly did in your skewed view, so maybe you should leave it and stop victimising me.

vicitimising you lol?? i just said leave it about invisi...he has suffered enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Good luck in Hib Awimp, sorry to see you going.

It is a shame that people feel the need to be abusive and to take the game too seriously these days, but then I suppose its understandable (though not excuseable) in a way, considering the increased time that goes into getting a character ready for RvR these days.

Pity though as we all make mistakes, even the "OMG how could I have been so stupid" variety at some point.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Not met the gentleman. Wasn't there myself. But I do know the encounter.

When I was there, there was frank amazement that in our raid no one talked to the Boss, cos no-one who'd been on any other raid had seen that happen before.

Kinda puts that reaction into perspective !



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Dimse Dut said:
Today Awimp/Ogric/Silverstaff left albion. He deleted his chars and is no more.
He left beccause some people took the verbal abuse over a single mistake to new horizons.

I was Proud to be his Guildmaster and Uranicus and I has lost a friend but gained an Challenging enemy. He has moved to Hib.

I hope you hibs treat him better than we Albs did.

*sobs and has to eat a few cookies to stop crying on her keyboard*

Dimse Dut

Well gl to him over there.

But seriously there are some complete wankers in-game and on these forums. To which point if you are ever feeling abused by certain ppl there is always /ignore, besides that who cares what a few morons think. Running away from things never resolves anything as more than likely you'll meet some other moron either in Hib or another game or IRL.

Depending on what lvl of abuse he was getting recording logs, ss's etc then report to GoA. Must of been pretty bad i'd imagine to force someone to delete and reroll. Perhaps it was just an excuse for being tired with the realm and the final nail in the coffin of Prydwen Albion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Edgar Frog said:
Some may argue that you took this game way too seriously by trying to play the mirc card to your advantage then whining apologetically afterwards. And if it's only a game with no real consequence then why don't you repeat the 'mistake' you 'accidentally', 'on the spur of the moment' made, since it bears no significance on your side of things.

Firstly, TBH u a gimp for bringing that up again, also, get ur facts right b4 saying anything about me. People like u must have so far up ur butts its comming out ur mouth, and for bringing that up again, thx, just when i thought it'd ad been put aside and ppl got on with the game.

Secondly, this a good-bye Awimp thread, so post ur lame ass whine sumwhere else and get a life.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 9, 2004
Oh dear!

I was on the raid where this "incident" occured. As this not being my first ML3 raid (fourth i think) i know that someone ALWAYS sets the encounter off prematurely. We were in fact joking about in in my group before we entered the room with the mob, like "I bet 5 gold a necro will set it off" kind of jokes.
I honestly wasn't surprised at all when someone actually DID start it, but i must say i was a bit surprised at the amount of hate that rose up, comments in the bg like "you FUCKER!" (which was in the "bg leader" colour, can't remember who said it though) and such, and i can only imagine the kind of abuse he got through pm's.

Not saying i feel sorry for him, if i just had started an encounter i'd been warned not to start i'd been apologizing my arse off and prolly leave the raid just like he did (I wouldn't delete though, deleted a 50 once and i've pretty much regretted it ever since :p).

Anyway, my point is; Sure, if someone fucks up, let them feel it, kick them from the BG even. But there's no need to get abusive to that point. We're supposed to be friends aren't we? :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Cirandi said:
i know that someone ALWAYS sets the encounter off prematurely.

Not true. My recent ML3 of 100+ people, no one set off any NPC that they weren't supposed to. Probably because it became a bit of a running joke in the BG how I kept spamming "And remember, no one talks to XXX!!!"

Cirandi said:
Sure, if someone fucks up, let them feel it, kick them from the BG even. But there's no need to get abusive to that point. We're supposed to be friends aren't we? :)

Can't agree more with this tho. It IS highly irritating to be running a raid, and know that people blatently aren't listening, as it does take a lot of effort. However the abuse that the player got for it was in no way justified. I think some players do try and lead from the back seat also, which can be just as frustrating when you are trying to give instructions and someone is spamming other stuff.

Having said that although I started off on that raid I left early on to try defend the relic and missed the entire incident. Awimp, do reconsider and come back. I'll be running an ML3 soon which you'd be more than welcome at :).

D xx

Edgar Frog

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Invisibul said:
and for bringing that up again, thx, just when i thought it'd ad been put aside and ppl got on with the game.
Maybe it's better for people to remember and learn from your 'mistake'.

Invisibul said:
Secondly, this a good-bye Awimp thread, so post ur lame ass whine sumwhere else and get a life.
There's a fine line between 'lame ass whine' and 'positive criticism for the good of the community'. It may also be considered acceptable behaviour to slightly sidetrack a thread, because it is on a similar topic to Awimp's reason for leaving (you were even the one who brought it up, so why should we not discuss it?). Also, the whole 'whining about whining' (ad infinitum) defence can be brought up against your 'post ur lame ass whine sumwhere else'. The whole 'get a life' thing strikes me as odd, perhaps hypocritical, coming from one who is undoubtedly a hardcore Dark Age of Camelot player.

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