Good players or cheaters?



Originally posted by starblade
It's like seeing a firby with a Fender rushing towards you (even tho I usually dont get to him :p )

omfg its so true giv spd and end on chants ;)


LOL @ entire post.

oh and i get the feeling Yogi thinks you are a twat...


rofl yes all of us mids use radar..every single one of us.


avalonian over your head = kill me now i got crap hitpoints and cloth armour (95% of the time)

cleric epic armour is one of THE easiest in the game to spot, dye it black or die fast, your choice. another thing clerics can do is switch the meduim shield to a small shield, dyed all black with a hooded cloak u can pass for a scout/confuse very easily.


Originally posted by K0nah
avalonian over your head = kill me now i got crap hitpoints and cloth armour (95% of the time)

cleric epic armour is one of THE easiest in the game to spot, dye it black or die fast, your choice. another thing clerics can do is switch the meduim shield to a small shield, dyed all black with a hooded cloak u can pass for a scout/confuse very easily.

Till they start waving their arms about that is ;)


Originally posted by bewal
The only thing that is stupid is to show total ignorance on how pvp works and even doubt that someone cheats based on what you described.....

Ignorance is not the same as stupidity. He clearly doesn't know as much about RvR as many of the people on these forums, thats no reason to call him stupid..
The guy was asking a question, not throwing accusations.. Albeit he could have thought it throught a but more, but the way he phrased it made it clear (to me anyway), that he wasn't trying to pin an accusatoin on someone..


Originally posted by Hatt
rofl yes all of us mids use radar..every single one of us.

well good case closed then.
Let's all sit on Apathy. I hear he's made entirely of marshmallow.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
1. Guess what the dude with the stick is.
Apophys = level 50 Healor wiv a big stick :p

Sticks is cheaper than hammers, and as us healors cant hit for toffee, but have nice dmg sheilds n chain armour, I like to confuse ppl :)


nobody said so far, so i will, as it is my right to do so, since i never got to say it.

"Someone got owned"


Best "camouflage" ive ever seen in albion is the one on Fungus lvl50 Saracen Sorcerer (think he is in HB).

Hooded Cloak
Vest (no robe)
Short Staff or no weapon
All black tinted.

From medium distances he looks completly like an infil


Several ppl already said that, btw bumping ancient threads is bad ;(

Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Best "camouflage" ive ever seen in albion is the one one Fungus lvl50 Saracen Sorcerer (think he is in HB).

Hooded Cloak
Vest (no robe)
Short Staff or no weapon
All black tinted.

From medium distances he looks completly like an infil

He's briton fyi, but yeah, it's startling how no-one ever goes for him first. Well, went. He seems inactive atm ;(


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Best "camouflage" ive ever seen in albion is the one on Fungus lvl50 Saracen Sorcerer (think he is in HB).

Hooded Cloak
Vest (no robe)
Short Staff or no weapon
All black tinted.

From medium distances he looks completly like an infil

Aye and reaction time is ok as well (although his reading group/chat is a bit low ;)) Yesterday we encountered 2 times 1 FG hibs and we got mezz in with both and prevailed. (right after we got owned though by the zerg who came in helping ;))

And 2 clerics in 1 group makes ownage group. Unbelievable how long we could fight with 2 clerics healing, BoF, MCL 2 etc. :) People should try to get more clerics in 1 group it's cool :)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Not hard to tell 1 class from another.
In any case Sorc or Wiz or even Theurg, they are casters and would be killed 1st.

Its called TACTICS, something Albs seem to lack.
Take it as a lesson and next time when your zerging in emain to kill casters 1st instead of trying to 2 shot Hero's with your "uber" DoT's.

when we use these so-called TACTICS we're always called "lamers" "cheaters" "pathetic" "zerglings" etc etc.

or if we actually win we're called "overpowered" :p

Slip Slipurson

OMG stopped reading halfway into second page... here someone askes a question and some ppl go on like they are the best players ever.... how about "dieing in DF... take the XP group to RvR in midgard since we all are on pad anyway ... get killed... read BW/VN and see 100000000 posts about cheats and radar, and then nicely ask if u THINK they cheat or just are good...

I must say that i lost all respect in atleast 3 people that i gighly respected here/ingame after only reading 1 and ½ page of "look at me i have to say what everyone else is saying cuz then i am cool all i have to do is change the post a bit" and "OMG how can u loose in RvR i never loose i am the uber leet RvR dude that PWN everyone"

All i can say is GROW UP and STFU

(well some posts where serious and tried to explain nicely about skills and tactics)


For myself, i know the most active sorcs playing on excalibur, so targetting them is quite easy since you look for their names + you combine this with the red/purp gfx, they are #1 target, and if you see the cabalist pet, you just ignore :p

spotting wich caster is wich is really easy if you learn their spells etc, and have good fps and no lagg.


Originally posted by sorusi
For myself, i know the most active sorcs playing on excalibur, so targetting them is quite easy since you look for their names + you combine this with the red/purp gfx, they are #1 target, and if you see the cabalist pet, you just ignore :p

spotting wich caster is wich is really easy if you learn their spells etc, and have good fps and no lagg.

Give Amber Simulacrum charmable mobs in Emain Macha !!!!

And make them lvl 44 so they con blue :)

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