Good morning, honored GOA employees



hmmm, hope there aren't any dutch speaking guys at GOA doing name checking .....


The very first time I played daoc was US version release day way back in 2001. I was one of the first to play and went in at the deep end - I started on one of the Roleplay servers and made a troll warrior. Of course the naming policy is stricter here than normal so it didnt suprise me that the idiot named SADDAM HITLER who was harrassing people at Gna Faste got banned from the server soon enough ;).

Orin Askhammare

I hope so for your sake too windforce heh. How would that translate? Tramp McSlut? ;)

Bleri McThrust

One of the guys in our guild actually reported himself :)

When he created the character (months ago) he was, erm how shall we put this :rolleyes: , in a state where his judgement could be said to be impaired.

So after months of putting up with the name he suddenly discovered there was a CoC on names. Went ahead and reported himself and bingo got name changed virtually straight away :)


Dialarez WhoYouGonnaCall i havn't seen for a while, a very good cleric :/

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Orin Askhammare
There is always the people that have names from books and the like. I can't count the variations on Raistlin Majere, Caramon Majere, Drizzt Do'Urden that I've seen on both hands probably.
That amuses me to no end. When someone's beat them to a certain name, they'll just misspell it. I saw this a lot on the US servers.
I'm very curious as to the reasoning behind Bloodomensword's name btw. Especially the all caps on his lastname is a classic. I clearly remember a WTF passing my lips when I first saw that hehe.

Uncle Sick(tm)

A guy in my guild, known by the name Rabo, was wondering why, every time he was around spanish speaking players, they would start laughing, pointing and jumping around him...

Well, it turned out that Rabo means something like "donkey dick" in spanish and something even worse in portuguese... he reported himself promptly.... ;)


Originally posted by old.Akirai
There was a guy on the yank servers called STFU NOOB , he just ran around shouting "STFU NOOB" to everyone, then a csr popped in front of him and he guessed it...."STFU NOOB" to the csr then got deleted lmao. Was some great screenies of it on the vault.

That was funnier when I read it that the CSR shouted "STFU NOOB" back at him, and then barred him. Ok, so it would be out of character, but it made me chortle.

I like names that have meanings. Damini Jaya means "Lightning Victory", and if any of you had met the bedraggled mage wannabe in UO, pitifully failing all her lightning spells, you would have caught the irony :)

These are the sites I use to make names, I like to design a name to suit the character I'm playing.

This one is particularly good, because it lets you feed in what you want the name to mean, and work backwards...

Just for sickofit, I made you up a new (less grumpy) name - Itzak Theron. It means Laughter Hunter . Seemed quite apt. But then, I-never-check-my-poxey-pm's also has a certain ring to it :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Really don't know why it should be so difficult to find a proper name... use Google ...
"gaelic names" gets you about 27 million hits...

Itzak Theron... certainly has a ring to it. On the other hand I had the image of an UZI wielding, ultra-orthodox jewish settler in my head (the ones with the stylish hats and the funky looking curls... ;))

My new name shall be:


Originally posted by kemor
Just a quick word on this since it will make it easier for everyone...

I know that some of you like to have "funny" names in games, but please remember that you are not playing a single player game. You are playing with thousands of other players, of very different age, situation, country and history.
What you may think "fun” can be really shocking for someone else...

We have that naming policy; we try to change names not respecting it. However, we cannot check ALL the names (we are talking about thousands or them) to see if they are correct or not, that's why we rely on player reports a lot.

If you see a "funny-but-not-so-funny" name, please write it down and, when you log out, take a minute to report it on RightNow (don’t forget to specify your server/realm).

Have fun... While respecting other players' fun...

As I understod it you should also pick a name that is 'in the spirit of the game'. The problem is that 'Killer LordOfJustice' is not offensive in any way, but it sure as hell is not in the spirit of the game.

Should names like the above be reported to RightNow? *crosses fingers for a yes*

I tried to pick my names in a roleplaying sense. I don't know alot about old england and the knights of Arthur but I choose names that hopefully wouldn't offend anyone nor spoil it for any roleplayers.

Hammerfist .. thats still a modern lastname in england right? ;)

since this was such a nice thread (and interesting) I thought I'd write some more. I've taken some names from this thread, as example of the names I'm writing about above. What kind of mom gives their children names like:

Bulls Eye
Merciless (2 our of 3 SFXman .. not bad .. hrhr)
Stay Frosty
Flamin Arrow (and from my own guild, ack!)

There are of course thousands of others like this, and according to me that's disrespecting the roleplayers and (again) the spirit of the game. Those are not names *point above* - that's nicknames usually used in FPS-games like Quake or Half-life.

Flame, whine, hammer me dead - this is how I feel about it all.


/em hides from the big name changing type people


Originally posted by Arlone

As I understod it you should also pick a name that is 'in the spirit of the game'. The problem is that 'Killer LordOfJustice' is not offensive in any way, but it sure as hell is not in the spirit of the game.

Should names like the above be reported to RightNow? *crosses fingers for a yes*

I tried to pick my names in a roleplaying sense. I don't know alot about old england and the knights of Arthur but I choose names that hopefully wouldn't offend anyone nor spoil it for any roleplayers.

Hammerfist .. thats still a modern lastname in england right? ;)

since this was such a nice thread (and interesting) I thought I'd write some more. I've taken some names from this thread, as example of the names I'm writing about above. What kind of mom gives their children names like:

Bulls Eye
Merciless (2 our of 3 SFXman .. not bad .. hrhr)
Stay Frosty
Flamin Arrow (and from my own guild, ack!)

There are of course thousands of others like this, and according to me that's disrespecting the roleplayers and (again) the spirit of the game. Those are not names *point above* - that's nicknames usually used in FPS-games like Quake or Half-life.

Flame, whine, hammer me dead - this is how I feel about it all.
Coming back on this, since i think naming issue is an important one for a lot of players (and myself, and GOA of course).

Some adventurers, usually due to a particular encounter or an event of some sort in their life, "earned" a nickname. With time, this nickname became part of their life and, even their friends, started calling them using this nickname.
Personally i know a good old dwarf, Gurnit Hamarok, who, during a party in one of the jordheim's tavern, was so drunk that he thought one of the barrel was a werewolf.
He spent 30 minutes hacking the barrel down..and 2 hours trying to explain his mistake to the bouncer. Since then, he was known as Gurnit BrokenBarrel...

...don't ask him to tell you this story though, he's a bit touchy on the subject (the barrel won...)

While it's "better" usually to choose a name "fitting" in the ambiance of DAoC, nicknames such as the ones above are 100% ok.

i know that in the example, it's a lastname and not a name, but i hope you get my point :)

another ps:
If you have a "nickname" like that, think about a real name, that maybe only your close friends would know and a little story behind it wouldn't hurt. Even if you do not care about roleplaying, i think you will find it interesting and fun...even if it's only to let the ones telling you that you have a weird name in awe :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

I can live with in-char nicknames, Kemor, but most of the nicks in-game are just FPS related (uSiNG f4nCY l337).

You once declared that all server are roleplaying servers (still makes me shake my head in distress) and that you (or your boss, whatever - I never shoot the messenger) don't want a zoo for roleplayers.

Well, that is exactly what happened, though.
Roleplayers are the fancy zoo animals all the 1337meisters with BS names laugh about.
No, I am not whining for a strictly rp server... I know it's pointless.
Well, ffs, I want one!;)

And how would SFX explain his "nicknames" (he is really getting it in this thread;))?

Cannabis, Knight of the Bong?
Sniffed too many spices in the Holy Land?
The Saracens got him marijuana addicted and now he pledged to wear this name in shame until he can bring honor to himself again?


old.Im pac man!!

When I'm grouped I notice that people with names like Eroticon Sex (I've seen that one), Pac Man (that too) and UberSlayer MassiveDamage (god forbid I ever see that) are refused, because there is a high chance they are immature morons. So picking names like these might not be a good idea

Maybe the reason i dont get much groups with you is because this so called immature moron is lvl 50 and there is no way i would be in parties where your lvl 14 ice wizz might be
included. Maybe next time you should make sure you party with me before calling me something. You might learn a couple of things like:
If you do a /send leetdor , or maybe even /send leet, leetdorkwithverylongname will get the send you know?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Im pac man!!

Maybe the reason i dont get much groups with you is because this so called immature moron is lvl 50 and there is no way i would be in parties where your lvl 14 ice wizz might be

I don't know why people think their level means anything in a discussion...
All it means is: "Man, I have loads of time on my hands."

As usual- just my very own and oh-so-personal opinion:
None of your character names looks too impressive... to me.

On the other hand... I haven't reached level 50 yet, so please ignore me.

Orin Askhammare

Originally posted by old.Im pac man!!

Maybe the reason i dont get much groups with you is because this so called immature moron is lvl 50 and there is no way i would be in parties where your lvl 14 ice wizz might be
included. Maybe next time you should make sure you party with me before calling me something. You might learn a couple of things like:
If you do a /send leetdor , or maybe even /send leet, leetdorkwithverylongname will get the send you know?

Oh ffs rofl. No I've never even had to group with you or have been in any situation where I might have grouped with you. I don't have a fucking clue what kind of person you are. I didn't call you an immature moron, and I don't know you. What I said is that the names I mentioned there are just the kind of names that send out a warning signal to the people I normally group with. That signal can turn out to be very wrong but a lot of the times it's right. I find it an odd sight to see an ironclad knight running around who is called Pac Man. Go sue me! I could have mentioned any of a ton of names there that strike me as odd in an environment like DAOC, but yours came to mind at that time. I don't hate you or despise you. I would most likely have a great time with you drinking a beer in the pub.

I do think however that calling yourself Pac Man in a game like DAOC is kinda silly. You probably think I'm silly for thinking that. Each is entitled to his opinion fair enough. Nothing more to it.

As for the send tip. Thanks.

Now go back to playing Pac Man damnit!


If you called yourself Pac Man you should've known that some day someone might react to it being against the entire roleplaying concept. Don't act like you've been kicked in the soft spot now.

Orin Askhammare


Fuck me, Alb plate has a soft spot? :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

As long as you have a crush-ing argument Alb plate will dent in nicely ;)


If you called yourself Pac Man you should've known that some day someone might react to it being against the entire roleplaying concept

Didn't see anything in CoC that suggests that you should be pro roleplaying concept.

I met a lot of roleplayers and i like the concept of typing correct language (most of the time) but i basically don't give a *#$@$ about pretending this game has anything to do with real live or people who are offended with me not playing their game.

I wouldn't mind changing my name if people are bothered with it.

- Pathfinder -

I often use lul instead of lol, to differentiate from the British zerg :) - unfortunately this turned out to be an interesting word in Dutch, but we can't please everyone right? (Especially not that cheeky Dutch Coren git :)).


Originally posted by old.windforce

Didn't see anything in CoC that suggests that you should be pro roleplaying concept.

Well Dark Age of Camelot is an mmorpg, and guess what the rpg means.

On the other hand there's roleplaying and roleplaying.

Imho, hopping around saying "thee", "thy" and other archaic english words does not make you a roleplayer.
I do think that chosing that people should pick "decent" roleplaying oriented names, be it to avoid issues like this thread, or just out of respect to the roleplaying community.


Seriously, people like this one should be racked, revived and racked again.


Well i seen a character called dont touch my tits lmao only saw this char for a few days i wonder why:rolleyes:

Roo Stercogburn

Good job we don't have too many Terry Pratchet fans trying to call their chars things like Youbastard. Surprised though I haven't seen a Rincewind or Twoflower about though. And the CoC is just plain unfriendly to Monty Python fans ;)

I don't think you have to choose serious names all the time, much of the fantasy RPGs are based on is amusing and I think people forget this. Agree about thees and thys etc, being in character doesn't mean mangling the language to sound all lofty.

And you can sound dark and threatening without saying muhahaha all the time.

I just like it.



yay, my own petition went through!

oh, and the nickname thingy.
well, Stay Frosty once fumbled during Ice Training, in the academy, and his teacher told him to stay frosty, since some his limbs might break off, if he defrosted too fast.
theres a story, eh?
besides, he was only meant for a little "Ice Wizard group" event-ish thing. which is fun, btw.

- Pathfinder -

And Guard blaen still looks maliciously at me every time I pass WD :)


Roo , i just ran into Ryncewynd when playing excal/alb :p

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