Good morning, honored GOA employees


Uncle Sick(tm)

Foolish me... checked out DAoC Warcry for some wee quests for my wee Nightshade, when I, hmm, kind of stumbled over the CoC... and I would just love to get the whole name discussion rolling...

Please let me quote this very sensitive piece of art:

Character and Guild Naming Policy
When creating a character or guild name for Dark Age of Camelot, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the medieval time period, and the realm that you are located in. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both first names and surnames, as well as guild names.

1. You may not use any names that violate the General Rules and Guidelines. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racial, ethnic, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.

2. You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of Mythic Entertainment.

3. You may not use names of any employee of Mythic Entertainment.

4. You may not use names of copyrighted characters, materials or products.

5. You may not use proper names of areas or NPC's within Dark Age of Camelot.

6. You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them.

7. You may not use names that contain a phrase or a sentence.

8. You may not use names where a combination of the first and last names violate any of the above rules.

9. You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules.

Looks at some in-game char names and ... /sighs


report them at rightnow, u dont think they ll actaully check themselves?? lol...

big lazy frenchies!


According to that my 2h crush paladin, Cannabis, is ok :)


Those lazy froggies do check ingame names, i have had one char "renamed" by CS(goa).

But true loads of people should have there names changed to "proper" names.



hehe.. saw a char in midgard/excal that ran around with the name Bingopajama BangsYerMama and a little while after he was named Bingopajama Bingo :)

Some people can be glad that I'm not one of those that do the namechecking :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Interesting, I may report a few names using RightNow and see how successful it is. I can already envision the arguments that a character's name is an integral part of his/her identity, but if it's against the CoC, I'm giving it a try. I often reported lame names on Nimue to much success. Sure, my definition of lame is a subjective opinion, but what else can you expect?

Does the CoC differ between the European and US releases, though? I thought DAoC Warcry was a US release-based site.


I hope they don't change one of my Character's name extensions. It's "LordofChaos" I didn't know about the No title in names rule.

- Pathfinder -

Theirs a relevant Euro CoC in your DAoC folder, as well as on GOA's website. I reported myself for violating the naming restrictions (two of my chars have NPC names :p), but I havn't received a response yet :)

Brannor McThife

Yes. They do check. Maybe not as often as some of us would like... .... ;)

Anyway... saw STFU on <sigh> What can you say? Some people do make honest mistakes, but other deliberately think they're so cool coming up with utterly childish and immature names.




If I have to report every name that is against the CoC , Goa will have my e-mail adress blocked for spamming.

I allways thought prydwen was better off on the naming issue, but the **** [insert random curseword] are moving to prydwen now as well.

I have to second my friend on what he says : "Prydwen is turning into a d00dfest" and i dont like it.



Saw a " Nobrot Skabynaker " man thats soo bad , heh

Roo Stercogburn

In amongst the amusing names are plenty that are just downright crass, I have to admit. My feeling is that the players that choose these names generally don't stick around in-game long enough to reach higher level because the types of minds that go for these kind of things don't have the attention span to get there.

Having said that, I must confess I had a hard time resisting creating a char called Cupid Stunt... obviously as a reference and homage to the great Kenny Everret and in no way crass and in violation of the hallowed CoC.


*Looks up in awe at the people on their very tall horsies*:rolleyes:


Names that should be banned just for the heck of it:

Bloodomensword BLOODSWORD
Ucallme Wotulike

...And plenty of others.


stilll havent gotten my own harrasment report done yet.. I am now going "Different ways" to maybe get it done..

oh, and Pointy Sharpsticks? very amusing


lol, bingojama bangsyourmamma

erm.. wasnt me ;)

about this roleplaying, last night i was running around jordheim doing some roleplaying (ok, that long jump i did wasnt exactly roleplaying, but i was bored crafting...)
as a skald who had had a bit too much to drink and was playing tunes in the pub.

some people told me to piss off. others just stood there are looked.. i think they thought it was an event when i told them a song about an evil mug of rum fighting odins sacred ale.... or something. i really WAS drunk when i was r/ping this btw ;)

add that to a r/p sounding name (Trubadur, means Horn Blower) and they thought i was a low level gm ;)

well, i now have jetlag (*groan*, got up at 11am this morning and im shattered) and a mild hangover.

maybe the official jordheim council or whoevers in charge of midgard should start a campaign to kep drunken players off daoc.


Originally posted by Sarnat
Names that should be banned just for the heck of it:

Bloodomensword BLOODSWORD
Ucallme Wotulike

...And plenty of others.

Took me a while to notice what Ucallme meant really. His alt isnt that subtle though :

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom SUPARUNIE

(might me a bit more or less o's though)


Hope they dont change one of my alts name.
Hes called reaver and has been for 2 months before i was even aware there was an expansion coming.

Reaver incase u were not aware is a new class in the expansion


old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Sarnat
Bloodomensword BLOODSWORD
I'll post a picture that explains the phenomenon behind his surname when I get home. After days of grouping with him in Malmohus and asking the reason behind his name he finally gave it to us.



Eeerrm, forgive my ignorance but, not being english makes it a bit difficult sometimes to understand these abbreviatures.

¿What does STFU stands for?



hehehe .. and Flamin rejoices in the fact that he just taught another foreign kid to swear in English! LOL
:clap: :twak:

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Keri
hehehe .. and Flamin rejoices in the fact that he just taught another foreign kid to swear in English! LOL
:clap: :twak:



Just a quick word on this since it will make it easier for everyone...

I know that some of you like to have "funny" names in games, but please remember that you are not playing a single player game. You are playing with thousands of other players, of very different age, situation, country and history.
What you may think "fun” can be really shocking for someone else...

We have that naming policy; we try to change names not respecting it. However, we cannot check ALL the names (we are talking about thousands or them) to see if they are correct or not, that's why we rely on player reports a lot.

If you see a "funny-but-not-so-funny" name, please write it down and, when you log out, take a minute to report it on RightNow (don’t forget to specify your server/realm).

Have fun... While respecting other players' fun...


There was a guy on the yank servers called STFU NOOB , he just ran around shouting "STFU NOOB" to everyone, then a csr popped in front of him and he guessed it...."STFU NOOB" to the csr then got deleted lmao. Was some great screenies of it on the vault.

Orin Askhammare

There's a very fine line sometimes between what's nice, funny or totally moronic when it comes to names. You see some names that make you wonder if the people playing the toons were dropped on the head when they were babies.

People have various levels of creativity and demanding that everyone has a 100% very original roleplay correct name is too much probably. The ones that make you giggle are usually those that you don't notice right away. I don't know if I got the correct spelling here but there was a small dwarf or kobold called Kikya Indashins that gave me a good smile though.

There is always the people that have names from books and the like. I can't count the variations on Raistlin Majere, Caramon Majere, Drizzt Do'Urden that I've seen on both hands probably.

Also a lot of sex oriented names are often in people's native languages too so they might not be directly visible to others.

When I'm grouped I notice that people with names like Eroticon Sex (I've seen that one), Pac Man (that too) and UberSlayer MassiveDamage (god forbid I ever see that) are refused, because there is a high chance they are immature morons. So picking names like these might not be a good idea :)

I'm very curious as to the reasoning behind Bloodomensword's name btw. Especially the all caps on his lastname is a classic. I clearly remember a WTF passing my lips when I first saw that hehe.

I usually try to keep my first names short as I don't want people to have to type "/tell Leetdorkwithverylongname Help12312!" while they are being being pounded into snot ;) Actually maybe if I ever make a healer I'll call him Ifyouwantarezzyouhavetotypemyverylongnamefirst ;)

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