Cya coren, best of luck :)
E Easy Guest Jul 23, 2003 Thread starter #32 Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey Now bump my thread too >< Click to expand... And mine
B Biermann Guest Jul 24, 2003 Thread starter #34 You'll be back. PS. Giona still was the best mini imo!
O old.Whismerill Guest Jul 24, 2003 Thread starter #36 Goodbye Coren my friend. Always have had some problems to make me understandable but still think you are one of the best player I have met.
Goodbye Coren my friend. Always have had some problems to make me understandable but still think you are one of the best player I have met.
V vestax Guest Jul 24, 2003 Thread starter #37 Hey Coren, bumped into some fine looking ladies last night, they said they also play Daoc and were very upset to see you leave. So i took this picture
Hey Coren, bumped into some fine looking ladies last night, they said they also play Daoc and were very upset to see you leave. So i took this picture