

Galewyr Dark

Originally posted by Euthanasia.
aravis ..stfu.
me and gohrim were camping princess, you and your rude group come in shouting "we're having princess " without asking and gohrim only leeched off her cos i told him to cos your a prick. t.t
don't steal people's camp spots and i won't attack a mob which should have been mine in the first place ..umkay? . kkthxbye.


actually when we arrived Gohrim was just finishing off a Succ...so we got ourselves ready and waited for him to finish his pull...he was VERY alone at this point.

We waited for him to finish off and sit down off to the left as i rember.

Without saying a word i might add at this point and he was STILL very alone unless that stealth of urs is enough to pass a grp of 50s.......no i didn't think so.

So we proceeded to pull the princes Gohrim still sitting off to the left hadn't said a word and neither had we, was assumemed that becuase he was solo he couldn't do the ambassador and princes by himself so we did it anyway seeing as the room was empty of Succ.

So Jaas pulled the princes and i started wjackign her while the rets of the grp did the Ambassador. Suddenly Gohrim jumps up....still alone...and starts whacking the Ambassador, we repeatadly tell him to stop and get no response and he continues.

Ambassador dies.

I'm still going on the princess at this point and shes down by about 1/3 of her hpts when everyone else, including Gohrim joins in. She promtly dies and Gohrim by some strange twist of fate gets the loot.

NOw if this was a miss undertsanding by us or Gohrim, he said nothing to say dont' take the princess i want her or anythign for that matter.

Suffice to say after this i was not a happy person....o sent a few PMs around people i know and was told...Rightnow....so i did...its still there with the evidence that I and the my group gathered from the encounter. Think of me what u will.

I'm sure under the right circumstances hes a very nice person, under those circumstances, he was a tosser plain and simple.

and its Dyslexic btw...i am also Dyslexic, its a problem with spelling and Short term memory, the only one i can think of similar is Dyspraxic [sp] which has an effect of inability to understand, it also has some motor function affects to so i doubt that is what u ment.



Originally posted by Euthanasia.
unlike some people i don't require a guild, i make friends and i get groups without guilds.

and well tbh i can honestly say i've never been kicked from a guild
can you?
OH no wait wtf?
you got kicked from disciples of aldur.

Okay first part - this would be why you have applied to virtually all of the major guilds including SOTL and GoP and been declined by everyone then?

And the last point - I had a disagreement with someone in AoV and was invited to apologise. I didn't want to apologise as it was a point of principal, so rather than put DoA's GM in a bad position I left. Rather different to the way you handle problems Najwa. Now please go do your homework or something more useful than annoying your betters here.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Psi

You really didn't have to post that :puke:

Just trying to be a little more like the old sickofit again. :eek:

Sue me.


Question: Why flame Gohrim? hes a nice guy.

grouped with him a few times, spoke to him as well, nothing rude about him afaik.


Can say we were always proud to have Turamber in DoA.
Didn't get kicked.

And you were planning to duo the Princess? :m00:


Gale that was a completely different occassion cos when i was with gohrim, it was krollka's buffcleric, and a pile of blues +jesi and some others.

So no, for a start.

"useful than annoying your betters here."- quote from turamber?
lol my betters? you up yourself cock.

"You should spend less time playing this game and more time growing up and learning how to act like an adult. "-nother quote from Turamber.

All i can really say is this:

If your the mark of an adult Turamber, i think everyone would be better off acting like a child.


Sadly the only encounters ive had with gohrim are bad ones, but not bad enough to warrant the slagging in this thread :S


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
Gale that was a completely different occassion cos when i was with gohrim, it was krollka's buffcleric, and a pile of blues +jesi and some others.

So no, for a start.

"useful than annoying your betters here."- quote from turamber?
lol my betters? you up yourself cock.

"You should spend less time playing this game and more time growing up and learning how to act like an adult. "-nother quote from Turamber.

All i can really say is this:

If your the mark of an adult Turamber, i think everyone would be better off acting like a child.

Well done, there is hope - first post you've not said "fuck" in for a few weeks. You are a retard, pure and simple. Well - sure not pure but definitely simple.


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
If your the mark of an adult Turamber, i think everyone would be better off acting like a child.
stand by my previous comment.


Seems to me like Gohrim is a nice guy who knows how to play his char but is just a little misunderstood.

Ofcourse, I've never met him so I don't know but he seems an okay guy from his responses.

Give him a chance.

n00b 79

Hi there, i almost never write anything in these forums but today i will.....

I feel sorry for Gohrim or wtf he is called because i think he is misunderstood (do you spell it like that ?) and if you 2 cant get along try to avoid eachother.

Merry Xmas to my loving guild (Phoenix Legion) and to my Albion, miss you all guys have fun and at least show respect for eachother on christmas days


ok lets stop lying here ?

First of all I was NOT alone when you ppl arived to princess room i was with Cedd.

Second you pulled every mob in the room wich was OUER camp.

And then i said 3 times DO YOU MIND noone answerd.

So of c i killed the princess was ouer camp !! you just barged in and took the mobs so i didnt find it more than fair to have a 1/9 chnace on the drop.

And afterwards when i got all the drops i was NOT rude.

Gave the drop to one of your tanks since it was plate.

keept the seals and sure cal me bad or rude or wathever you like.

Was ouer camp you have no right to come and pull OUER mobs.

I wold for sure NEVER come and pull mobs of ur camp...

And FFS stop mocking Najwa at least he got some manners and humor wich is more than i can say of some of the ppl posting crap here.

Main problem with albion is instaid of beeing friendly and talking you like to yell and cal echother names.
And my main problem is when i get caled such things offen of my lack of knowlage or somthing like that i get hurt... and so pateticly imotional that i can be from time to time i start yelling back.

And this thred aint all about bad things about me several ppl actualy said im nice.

I can understand those that dislike me and all i can say to you is if it was my bad then im sorry and if it was yours then lets forget it.

n00b 79

Gohrim lägg ner nu, skit i allt och börja om från början....

and to you who doesnt understand swedish i just wanna say : Hi


Gohrim, if you want to be treated with some respect then I would suggest you should apologise to all the people you have sworn at; mouthed off at and issued death threats to.

As for Najwa: always tried to be a friend in-game, but what a waste of time that was - a grasping immature child with no conception of how to treat others.

No wonder you two get on so well.


I would suggest you should apologise to all the people you have sworn at; mouthed off at and issued death threats to.

that works both ways, alot of you have said less than nice things about Gohrim so i think you all should apologise to each other, kiss and make up :sex: :whip:

you should all group together and have a laugh about all this! Gohrim is not as bad as people are saying on here(i think he's a nice chappie! :D )


kinda off topic, but the other day in malmo/mid I did a "/disband <playerx>", and the weirdest thing happened, it said something like "Gohrim left your party" followed by "<playerx> left your party" ... didn't think much about it, thought it was a general bug or something ... kinda funny tho afterwards reading this post about him .. him not even being a middle earth citizen and all :)

not ment as a flame or anything, just sharing an unusual experience :)


Originally posted by Turamber
Gohrim, if you want to be treated with some respect then I would suggest you should apologise to all the people you have sworn at; mouthed off at and issued death threats to.

As for Najwa: always tried to be a friend in-game, but what a waste of time that was - a grasping immature child with no conception of how to treat others.

No wonder you two get on so well.
that was v.laughable tbh.
you say if you wanted to be treated with respect you should apologise?
and since you always wish to be respected i kinda find it hipocritical how earlier you said you wouldn't apologise regarding the incident with AoV.

"and issued death threats to."
if you consider /duel challenges death threats your kinda a gimp.


i have done wath i can

I have said im sorry time after time if i have caused anyone any truble.

Not much more i can do but tbh ppl stop making fun of najwa...
Hes a nice person if you get to know him.

And i dont requer any apolegys from anyone as i said the bad you have done to me i can forget. (even tho all i ever wanted was to join sotl since the first day i started playing daoc and got kicked cause os this thred)

Well i guess i deserved that.

Anywahs the problem in albion remains (Be nice to echother)

And tbh i dont need a guild or more ppl to invite me to grps i have my real friends u all know who you are. And i play with them.

Galewyr Dark

well.....Gohrim we must be talking about comepltly different times then...i'm done a few princes runs with my guild, on ONE u were there...one...and you were VERY alone, infact throughout the event only u from outside of our grp was hitting the thing, if Cedd logge din at this point...i didn't see him do it, but he was definatly not there when we started.

I've just gone over my chat log of the event [i run it all the time...quite handy]...the same one GOA have....and saw no @@Gohrim says:.....text in it at all...lots of you say..and Azi says....no Gohrim says......not even in the screenies i took.[thats GOA also have]

An you were alone...someone else arrived AFTER we had done the princess but there was U...me and my grp...and the princess.....

so thats bull

also we waited for you to finish the succ u were on and sit down in the corner...then checking the room was empty off succ that u may or may not have wanted to pull..it was empty.....

those...Cursed Souls..or somthign similar....are summoned by the princess afaik...please correct me there.....


oh...and i have recieved no apologies from you for it...nor has any of the GoP management

edit- Having reread ur post Gohrim u must be talkign about somehting completly different.

You kept all the seals from our event and gave 'the Tiara' to Jaas...definatly not a tank...and definatly not plate...so more lies...or another time another group

And yes...u were most definatly NOT rude at all..infact u said nothing offensive at all....or anythign for that matter


Why does this sound wired

Cause i remember this exacly since it was not long ago.

You might have missed Cedd since he relogged a cuple of times cause of his fps problems but he was there i was power lvling him on Suc's and nightmares and there was still some nightmares in the room wen you pulled the princess.

As i said before im not werry familiar with the how things work.

But 1 thing i know for sure is you dont pull from somone elses camp.

And i said DO YOU MIND 3 times im sure you didnt se it cause you barged in to pull the princess ask the restthat stod up next to me and you might fnd oute i did.

And i did not give anyone any tiara gave one of the tank's a pair of PLATE Gloves ! also asked DO YOU WANT THE DROPS after princess was dead.

And if you wanted to kill here you culd w8 untill we leave the camp you have no right to BARGE in and take ouer CAMP.

I will gladly w8 and see how GoA judge this was MY camp...

I can apolegise if i make mistakes tho you took MY camp PUlled MY mobs and then blaim me i dont know how that can end up being MY mistake. Pls Explain that and ill gladly repay you the full 46 dimond seals and give you an apolegy.

Just doesent seem right you pulling mobs from ouer camp and expecting us to just stand around. I toght i was polite to ask if you wanted the drops and gave you ppl the plate gloves.

Just cause you are more ppl than us and have a guild dont give you the RIGHT to come run us over and if it does then i will just quit playing daoc cause then its pointless IMO


OK sroted it oute now

Been talking to Galewyr and cind of found oute the whole princess thing was a missunderstanding.

I want to say im sorry for this to Galewyr and all of the members of his grp.

Also wold like to request that you find oute who i gave the plate gloves drop from the princess cause im sure i gave them to one of you'r grp

I hope you accept my apolegies and we can forget this ever accured :D

Happy Hunting


My two cents...

Gohrim is a great friar, he has always been helpful to me and will always have my respect. I truly believe that most people in the game that dislike him are not basing there opinions on experience with him, but more, on other peoples opinions, like this thread. As far as I can see he has said he is sorry for any problems that he may have caused, and that takes some courage at least.

So, as far as I can see, Gohrim is a good player and a good person, perhaps a little over zealous at times, but I believe he deserves a fair chance and not to be judged by this thread or other threads like it.

As I said, just my two cents.

Galewyr Dark

from the...long...very long...chat we have had....seems to have been a missunderstanding on both parts with messages not reaching each other..../s range or whatever.

so..i have removed my GOA RightNow

one thing i ahve to say to Gohrim tho...is be a bit more...verbal...not swearing like Naj...just amke urself heard



n00b 79

give gohrim a chance ffs....stop judging him if you dont know him


was there...not much to say...

Was exping with Gohrim & Co.
group ended up with 10 people
(for the 'not so smart' you see its a few to many people)

decided to make two grups...

/me reads in /as that Danhyr & Co. wants to make a Prince Raid

Liste ( bows deeply ) joins our group...

Gohrim & Co. decides to kill the Princess and her 'friends'

Liste suggests on /g to join up with Danhyr & Co. to kill the Prince also

Danhyr & Co. merges with Gohrim & Co.

The masses moves towards Prince ...

a few people LD's on the way, and liste makes a 5 min rest untill time is up or the players returns.

Shane starts to kill a few mobs while waiting, Gohrim helps ...

LD people returns, mobs pop on Shane/Gohrim ...

Danhyr tells (not asks) to stop pulling, so the people can rejoin the different groups...

Gohrim says he wasnt pulling mobs pop'd on him etc.

about 5-10 mins goes on, and Danhyr (i assume) gives up and tells Gohrim to shut up...

someone calls someone an Idiot (missed who told who)

~ 5 mins badmouthing and the masses moves on towards prince.

Standing at the ramp, rebuffing etc. a few people relogging due to low FPS or whatever...

A few moves up the ramp (incl Gohrim) starts to fight a few mobs up there....

we kill the prince with only 1 or 2 dead, due to good leadership performed by liste and good players (has to say that :) )

decides to move on to Middie-prince ... gets slained ,,, /released and devided the drops, by lottery ( /roll 66) and was fairly gived out without many complains)

a lilttle after i read in the /as that Danhyr and Gohrim still argues about the 'Idiot' and 'Shut up' msgs

Gohrim treathens Danhyr by turning the 'chat-log' over to RightNOW and SotL ( gods know why)

Bad guys : Danhyr (the 'shut up' guy) and Gohrim (the 'idiot')
Good guys: Liste and laird (but who cares - cant flame them for that)

Can understand Danhyr by being offended by the -idiot-part
and likewise I can understand gohrim for entering defense-mode by being asked to -Shut up-

both people are great guys with a bit too much pride to step down... Gohrim is a good fella, and Danhyr is great fun

(dont know any of them well but good enough to tell an oppinion)

My point - Danhyr offended gohrim and gohrim offended Danhyr
makes it even to me, so that cant be much of a problem!
Shame on both of them! :D

This message isnt affected by me knowing Danhyr better than Gohrim nor that im in Guild with Liste or alliance with Danhyr :D


words of wisdom...

just missing one point...
I sugested the prince hunt.
Didnt join any others for it...

Me and lard started wath became 3 grps and the danhyr and co joined anywhays this is ancient history and meeningless nonsense.

wath happened last night is wath you shuld be talking about alb power relic gone poff...

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