


going against the grain here but..
i have to say despite all this childish behaviour you speak of, him being kicked from 5 guilds or however many you say etc

pwns >.<

last night well actually this morning :eek:
i was on my way to df to PhArMz0r gold (for my friend (see i do do good deeds!) when gohrim approached and asked me if i wanted to hunt for some gold with him, (me being a loving,caring person, willing to give everybody a chance :m00: ) i say sure
-i was never one for long stories so i'll skip to the point
the man pretty much solo's reds as fast as some people solo blues T.t he also solo'd a purple with only a few heals from me .
and later on ,when me being a twat and not knowing my way round DF pulled 1 purple!! and 2 oranges!!, the man tanked all 3 simultaneously and we actually pulled it off.
despite your oppinions of him, in my book he owns as a friar.

oh and off-topic, he seemed pretty nice as well^^


damn, flames with no response don't make a good read

someone pm this Ghorim and get him to post here

*Cultivating the bonds that hold Albion together*



A lot of things you hear about him is something that happened a while ago.
He might have improved lately. :D

I find it a bit disturbing tho, hearing all the guilds he got kicked from.


I'm going to stand up here and say that Gohrim is actually quite a nice guy.

Yes, Gohrim in nice guy shocker!

But seriously though, I was initially dubious about him, having grouped with him and seen his oft-times doubtfull combat technique <cough>.

Having got to know him a little better though, chatting with him in Cornwall Station while crafting etc, I can safely say he is a good person to know. And he is extremely hurt by these flame threads. Please, don't judge someone before you know them.


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
the man pretty much solo's reds as fast as some people solo blues T.t he also solo'd a purple with only a few heals from me .

Well of course he does, hes a friar.


oi,Najwa we didnt even need a cleric..friar+infil was quite enough :)


He is a nice guy, he is a little hyper at times but over all i would want him in my RvR grp, and have grp'd with him in PvE while i was in alb.

also he's not the only player who wont rez someone they've had a run in with, i seem to remember a cleric who wouldn't rez at all.


Pinky here!

I have talked with Gohrim all night on irc, all i can say hes 100% ok. Im gone try make him join us mids insted, when it seems like you albs dont want him, wouldent mind him in my guild.
He got the sprit for the game, hes fun, and hes swedish!

And then he owned me with Pinky... me got owned by a Friar... only mean one thing he rocks. Just so ya know, your missing out on a really good player and mate.
I say, give him a new chanse, give him group in rvr, and he will be number one before ya all know it.

Thats all, Pinky going too sleep now,tired, but want food, should i do??Pinky must think about this...

Plankton - lvl 50 warrior
Morka - lvl 41 skald

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Derric
oi,Najwa we didnt even need a cleric..friar+infil was quite enough :)

An infiltrator in a DF group is all you need. With PBT we out-tank tanks: Evade Evade BT Evade Evade Evade BT Evade... etc

btw- Friars can solo hulks, I haven't heard of any other class which can.

Roalith, I would've agreed with you some time back. Gohrim started tailoring to repair Castle Excalibur's doors, when mids took the relics. He is more dedicated to Albion then most other people.

But as said above, he's a little hyperactive and will do what he wants, whenever he wants. Like he'll leave your group on a whim, to start his own, or will say he's going to join you and before you know it, has his own group going... etc

It's just little things which leave him as someone I cannot count on when needed. No one's perfect and I would prefer people gave him a second chance, but he gave himself a reputation early on and will need to work hard to lose it.


i took a hulk to 60% last night, before it even hit me :p
<thats ofc with buffs>

I can solo a red succubi with 80% hits left, and about 40% endurance, by only using DF and Hamstring chain.

chain stunning rawks.

on Topic:

Gohrim seem a nice chap. A bit hyper, easy-to-annoy, but i know many who are worse. He seem a very good player, all-in-all. If he is a first-timer, i'm impressed :)


Confused :eek:

To start with i would like to say Danhy whats your problem ? You took over my hunt started telling me to shut up etc etc and when i confronted you after you where only rude. i think this might have somthing to do whit you trying to give me advice on my spec while i was lower lvl and you see i didnt folow your advice and from what i have heard my friar turn upp just fine ..

And about the guild thing...
have not been a memeber of LoE never been in any guild more than like 3-4 days its not easy to find a guild that on the same lvl as you since i play like 14-16 huers / day

To all the ppl i ever had any problem whit IM SORRY ! (ecception for danhyr cause hes just pure evil :flame: )

To the rest of you that have suported me and given me credit for what im trying to do THNX !!

I might come on as young since im dyslectic and dont spell well im actualy 23 and a hardcore gamer.

And if there by any chnace is a respectable serios guild that after all this wants a friar let me know... solo in the zergs aint that much fun

And Pinky if it wont get much more fun in the coming weeks ill probabaly start on mid :p



Firstly i had better say something, i was rather drunk when i posted that post and i hope you dont think im "Pure Evil".

I Never tried to take over you hunt, As it was i never new it was "your" hunt, i turned up with my group and you were deciding on a leader and everyone though that should be liste, so whilst liste was explining things u were off pulling mahrs and spiders bringing aggro on the whole grp. whilst liste was explaining. Then u came up with some comment like oh we just go kill the prince thats it. so yes i told you tol shut up and listen to liste. but you didnt like this so what the hell.

And i had never met you b4 this day, so how the hell could i give u advice on your spec. and im a merc ffs not a friar. i know crap all about friars.

Danhyr 50 Merc

RIP Joe Strummer


danhyr how come u are so lol ?

danhyr your a lier :p

I got about 25 ppl to come for MY hunt and you can ask laird or liste about that you ppl caim and wanted to join then folow the rest and show good manners or buzz off..

And second of all how come your the only one thats say i pulled mobs?

Are you blind aswell ? just stay away from me never meet anyone that just try to ruin somone els play for no reason.

I dont know you dont wanna know you dont want anything whit you to do or your lies so stay AWAY !


you are a prick.
don't make flames then when it doesn't go your way say
"oh it was my brother that posted" or " oo i was drunk"
gohrim pwnd you ..


shut up najwa you prick. i see u sitting ast bllody sauvage all day trying to make friends


to najwa

najwa leave danhyr bee he is just a strange person he lives on trying to make fun of others ... do not even respond to his posts he just aint worth the time...

at least this is my conclution after trying to reason whit him in the most friendly whay i know 4 times ..


Nice to see you managed to work out how to register here Gohrim, buggered if I could work it out - I did try :/

Now, back to the usual transmission: FlameyWorld!




thnx roalith actualy had to ask a friend to do it for me hes a web designer and even he toght it was cind of comlicated and wierd..


Gohrim - in Danhyr's defence: you did in fact pull all sorts of mobs while groups were being made :p

You also thought that we should just rush the prince head first ad whack it.
This tactic might have worked - who knows. Personally, i prefer to lose as few people as possible, and make it a generally pleasant experience for everyone. Rushing head on, might have caused a whipeout, where going slowly might have gotten the badboy down.

Regarding the leadership:
You brought your team, i brought mine, and a third team joined. Danhyr was in mine, so as such, he didnt just barge in.

He most likely didnt realize that you and i had discussed quite alot of it in private messages prior to the hunt.

All things considered: You two dont seem to get along very well. I suggest being polite about it, or try to avoid eachother :)

Generic Poster

Re: to najwa

Originally posted by Gohrim
najwa leave danhyr bee he is just a strange person he lives on trying to make fun of others ... do not even respond to his posts he just aint worth the time...

Switch those names around, and you're onto something ;)


Originally posted by danhyr
shut up najwa you prick. i see u sitting ast bllody sauvage all day trying to make friends
AFK is the way to make friends!

and liste don't stick up for everyone ffs you always do it, just let flames commense 'k?


To liste

Liste from what i recolect it all started whit me helping laird lvl then sudenly we where a full grp + 2 ppl so we made it 2 grps while more ppl came we where 2 fg and a third smaler grp si i sugested to mr laird that we get a cuple of more ppl and make it a prince hunt.

Then you and your grp came and joined us wich was werry nice and you did a gr8 job whit the hunt and the mobs you refer to that i pilled i did not pull... you know id we stand around somwhere long eunugh as we did mobs pop.

There was no reason for danhyr to start yelling to em to shut upp.

i tryed reasoning whit him afterweords in a polite whay tho he did not listen and asked if i wante to fuck whit him wich i personaly take as he is ither homosexual or werry disterbd.

Have tryed to reason whit him several times after this saying its np lets forget it ever happened byt seems he rather keep yelling and caling me names :/


Re: To liste

Originally posted by Gohrim

i tryed reasoning whit him afterweords in a polite whay tho he did not listen and asked if i wante to fuck whit him wich i personaly take as he is ither homosexual or werry disterbd.

Have tryed to reason whit him several times after this saying its np lets forget it ever happened byt seems he rather keep yelling and caling me names :/

First of all that first part seems like you missed something and second, even tho i havn't seen a log of the fight i'm having a hard time believing what you say Gohrim, simply before of the way i've seen, heard and read on this forum and on various events in the game. Like the morning where you almost assualted Ken for no reason. He kept trying to say forgot it, it's no big deal but you kept shouting at him, unaccpetable, childish and insane. Learn to laugh at things and think before you throw jet fuel on the burning pot of grease.

And on a little side note, i did attend the price raid which is in question here, and i did see you running of to try and solo a mob or two while Liste was talking.

SoulFly Amarok

50 Friar Phenix knight

ïf you're saying that you're a Phoenix knight..heh..duskwave ;>

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