Soha said:if i start to craft i whould let my son or some 5year old kiddie hold a button for some h .. jsut prvode em with candy and voila ... button 3 pressed constantly for xxx h =) .. is that cheating or acc sharing?
necromania said:if i were a gm, i would perma banned you from all over the internet, for being a smart ass here, and being a twat ingame..
will you ever come up with new stuff then calling me " twat" ? getting kinda dull, and it will impress me if you THINK i actually takes " twat" as an insult :>
Misleath said:They can be random if the algorithm got a random input value.
For example take the radiation level in a room or the noice level in a crowded room as input and you have "random"
short version of why computers arent random if you have to idenitcal system and run the same program to genarate the number they will both give the same number its the timing is the same or you would never be able to crack randomly genarated numberspsyco said:i know im right, i can see how people think its random, i would normally shut up, in this situation, but if i did, i would be bored lvling my cabby + idiots would flame
thergador said:short version of why computers arent random if you have to idenitcal system and run the same program to genarate the number they will both give the same number its the timing is the same or you would never be able to crack randomly genarated numbers
try Google Scholar
plus as for macroing i would not do it
but a simple c++ proggy could easily fool any one looking at a log simple genarate an array of array of X size fill that with times have some with timed pause of .001 secs if the system pick one of those it appears to be a double tap also have the proggy press more than one button.
as and admin i look for paterns in server logs (well my system looks for paterns and im sure its the same for goa/mythic.
but really GoA/mythic sort out crafting and peeps will not be tempted to macro it. (mind you i have read some good books while crafting book in one hand other hand over button got some resreach done while playing )
psyco said:before i make a half arsed attempted to defend myself, is this a direct flame against me? or a suporting one, if so why did you choose to quote me over kinetix?
indeed, lets ban soha now for abusing his children...Tears said:Thats not cheating, its child labor
Tears said:Thats not cheating, its child labor
it ment as the simple facts m8 its part of a resreach area i have had to look at and basically a cpu cant genarate a random number its mathamtically impossible as if u use a forumal/algorythum to genarate the number its not random and that what computer system do.psyco said:before i make a half arsed attempted to defend myself, is this a direct flame against me? or a suporting one, if so why did you choose to quote me over kinetix?
Killder said:If GOA say you're macroing, I'm 99.99% convinced that they are correct!
thergador said:it ment as the simple facts m8 its part of a resreach area i have had to look at and basically a cpu cant genarate a random number its mathamtically impossible as if u use a forumal/algorythum to genarate the number its not random and that what computer system do.
in fact most things in nature follow physic's models and r there for not random iirc correctly only the flight path of a butterfly is the only truely random activity
there for if you want to make an random number gerarator you would have to have a butterfly that on one else could get to and use the direction speed altitude time ect to help genarate the number how ever, this would fail at the home user level so to most people. there is no such thing as a random number.
oh and i quoted ur self m8 as i saw what i said in the same line of thought as what you had said
ps and i am using the standard physic's model not the quantum physic's model (due to us only being in the age that we can only see 5 dimentions and throwing in 2 more dimintions would enable random number but cpu's dont use quantum(tri state) mathamatics. and before some say's they are testing it ill say yes they are trying to but they have managed to get it working, they have now moved from tristate to quantum nanocomputing(see
psyco said:thats not telling me its random, it tells me, computers by definision are not random, then it tryed to convince me otherwize, but doesn't egsactly expane the process
Killder said:If GOA say you're macroing, I'm 99.99% convinced that they are correct!
If you are ..... SHAME ON YOU!
Levelling up a Crafter is not as bad as crybaby whiners make out - just read a book or watch TV while occasionally pressing a button, you dont need to risk using dodgy software that could get you banned.
Kinetix said:Anyway its complete nonsense GOA closing accounts and acusing ppl of having a macro program. There is no way daoc client can see diference between keyboard input or program char input.
if they acuse ppl just because they didnt respond if PMed thats bull#%&"
there are more then 20 useable programs for macro with mouse/keyboard input.
Is a wrench/pencil stuck on the FoP keyboard button a macro? Lol
Esselinithia said:The Code of Conduct doesn't only say no third party program (macroing) but it also say, you must be present and pay attention to the game when you play it. If you occassionally press a button but stay AFK, it is just as illegal. It is hard to detect macroing (Much harder to detect lego robot with a long enough program to follow) without breaking some rules on GOAs part, but it is pretty easy to detect AFK status
Esselinithia said:Also circumventing the automatic log out for AFK time is illegal.
Esselinithia said:The Code of Conduct doesn't only say no third party program (macroing) but it also say, you must be present and pay attention to the game when you play it. If you occassionally press a button but stay AFK, it is just as illegal. It is hard to detect macroing (Much harder to detect lego robot with a long enough program to follow) without breaking some rules on GOAs part, but it is pretty easy to detect AFK status
psyco said:so its not ileagel to go eat dinner without loggin ofF?
6. Piracy, damage, modifications or changes to the Game and its Expansions.
It is strictly prohibited to use any third-party software or any other device with a view to modifying the Game and its Expansions in any way, changing the way of playing said Game and its Expansions or playing in an abnormal manner or in a way that could impair the correct operation of the Game and its Expansions. The authorisations granted to you in accordance with this Agreement may under no circumstances be used for the purpose of creating or supplying any opportunity for third parties to access the Game and its Expansions, particularly through server emulators. Furthermore, you may not undertake any action that would impose an unreasonable or disproportionate burden on our infrastructure.
psyco said:i think it shows how much we pay attention to the CoC, lol, then brag that we got suspended, when infact its in the CoC, we just didn't realise it, lol>.<
Esselinithia said:Example: Pulling leviathan and other fish with some of your group out of water: Illegal (according to a GOA GM who was contacted when some of the fish spawned by leviathan ended up on the shore), diving against tornadoes, running in water against some monsters: common practice, and GMs are OK with it.
Kinetix said:Dont get me wrong but i think that GMs spend too much time on unusefull things instead of fixing the real bugs.
FH said:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kinetix again.
Kinetix said:These types of rules are NOT WRITEN anywere and the fact ppl use it to kill some fish mobs its Mythic´s fault. Not our fault programers didnt make the dam fishes smart to dive out of range. These "abuse" situations dont exist they just exist in the mind/perspective of GMs.
Waspic said:It's not illegal to think and draw conclusions where the law/rules stop.
Afaik there's a law in Alaska saying that it's illegal to throw a moose out of a flying aircraft - that law doesn't exist in Denmark, but that doesn't mean it's ok there
So why do ppl not throw mooses out of moving aircrafts all the time in Denmark? Maybe cuz they can actually think - and Hurray for that
I see what u mean, but spoken/written language is a poor instrument to understand our world, and there will always be holes that can be abused.
Ofc it's not illegal to be AFK, the very word is explained on CamelotHerald's Beginner's Guide.
I think it's not so hard to understand - based on CoC - what things are ok and not ok. I do think that most ppl abusing bugs or software deep in their heart know that they're doing something not ok.
Kinetix said:Mythic failed on that Game programing and since they cant be blaimed for bad programing they blame players for bad gaming