Goa Strike back!

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Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
That is why he is the Midgard E&E, there are E&Es for every realm so if you are a Midgard E&E you don't need to know anything about the other realms :)

LoL, your as clueless as he is, maybe you should be his E&E replacement xD .. now get back to thidranki!


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
LoL, your as clueless as he is, maybe you should be his E&E replacement xD .. now get back to thidranki!

I wasn't being aggressive, and its true. That was truely childish responce, but hey, what can you expect. And I am in thid now :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Emote flooding is as stupid as chat flooding. Maybe it is time emotes were removed from the game?


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
LoL, your as clueless as he is, maybe you should be his E&E replacement xD .. now get back to thidranki!

Anyway, because I play thid and enjoy myself doesn't make my opinion less than yours, the fact you use it as an insult is not only amusing but just shows how much of a ____ you really are, I won't sink to your level and mindlessly flame you, but I you should think before you post trash, it helps.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Infanity said:
Thanks GOA, For yet another shit ban on my account, I can HONESTLY see how someone must find it upsetting and harrasing to recieve emotes in a game :<

well u deserve it after laming on msn :)


Jan 22, 2005
Gamah said:
LoL, your as clueless as he is, maybe you should be his E&E replacement xD .. now get back to thidranki!

Oh and I do know it can be frustrating when my cabalist, half your level has more kills on /title than your minstrel and bainshee put together (I know how much that matters to you) and I know its hard to conceal your anger and jealousy but there are people who care.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gamah said:
Yah I am drawn to stupidity for my own amusement and you are a fountain of it. You have to be the most retarded E&E ever, you have no concept of any classes outside of midgard and have proven time and time again you are not fit to be an E&E.
How exactly, because I have an opinion you dont like, or perhaps I like to stick up for classes and my realm as a whole, or because I dont let wannabe bullys make me back down when I think they are wrong. Boy you got issues m8, not much love in your life I can see.

My opinions on here and my actions as an E&E ar two totally seperate things, this isnt an official forum, I can say my peice here like anyone else, in game I help those who ask for it, share my knowledge with anyone who asks and do my bit for testing, bug and abuse reporting and point people in the right direction when they need a hand, so please do tell us why you have such a major cob-on for me?


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
How exactly, because I have an opinion you dont like, or perhaps I like to stick up for classes and my realm as a whole, or because I dont let wannabe bullys make me back down when I think they are wrong. Boy you got issues m8, not much love in your life I can see.

My opinions on here and my actions as an E&E ar two totally seperate things, this isnt an official forum, I can say my peice here like anyone else, in game I help those who ask for it, share my knowledge with anyone who asks and do my bit for testing, bug and abuse reporting and point people in the right direction when they need a hand, so please do tell us why you have such a major cob-on for me?

:clap: go Whoodoo!


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
How exactly, because I have an opinion you dont like, or perhaps I like to stick up for classes and my realm as a whole, or because I dont let wannabe bullys make me back down when I think they are wrong. Boy you got issues m8, not much love in your life I can see.

My opinions on here and my actions as an E&E ar two totally seperate things, this isnt an official forum, I can say my peice here like anyone else, in game I help those who ask for it, share my knowledge with anyone who asks and do my bit for testing, bug and abuse reporting and point people in the right direction when they need a hand, so please do tell us why you have such a major cob-on for me?

I wouldn't worry m8. Gamah has an inferiority complex seeing as he fell out of the ugly tree and hit all the branches on the way down.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Requiel says you get banned for the "flooding" some emotes is hardly flooding. and not interupting some fucking chatbox? you begin casting instawin spell of d00m wont be seen instead you see fatfuckalabama makes a rude gesture.

The thing is people isnt sending in reports that their chat box got flooded. they are more than welcome to /ignore that player and no one else will see it right?
people send in the reports because tehy cry when someone emotes spam them. its no fucking way interupting gameplay WHAT SO EVER

jesus we been over this over and over. remove the stupid rule and follow the rule of your superiours aka Mythic.

Yes S U P E R I O U R S.

damn this all just pissed me off. Jamie could use a daoc break though xd


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I can imagine it's frustrating being banned, but if you've been hung for this twice already, surely you should consider learning from it? No amount of whining on here will change the rules that are set - and from what i understand a large part of your banning, in your own admission, was from using obsceneties in a public channel. To be honest, the fact that you twinked it to avoid the filter is pretty pathetic - it points at you actually aiming to offend him, and giving everyone in ear shot no option but to have to stick you on /ignore, but by that point you've already said your piece...

With regards to the spamming emotes - just grow up. Emoting someone is fair enough, but doing it over and over is, in my opinion, lame. It's distracting to others around you, it's pointless and it's childish.

If you want to taunt someone about kicking their arse, why not go make a post about it in the RvR forum? If you need to boast about it that much, then go for it - hundreds of others do, and it doesn't interfere with anyone elses game.

GoA wouldn't ban you for no reason - if someone complains, they'll look into it and make a decision from what they have on record, not just the word of one single person.

Chill out, no-one at GoA hates you, i'm sure, and it's not some personal vendetta ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
If your emote spamming is anything like your post spamming here on FH, i'm not surprised they banned you.

Shame its not a permanent ban. :)


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Requiel said:
I don't thnk you read the text that you quoted very carefully Zebolt. As I have said. It's not the fact that you're using an emote that will get you punished it's the fact that you're disrupting people around you by flooding commmunication channels. Regardless of what it is that you're spamming, it's not allowed to flood and every time that you log into the game you accept that it's against the rules and that we can take action against you for breaking that rule.

Putting a 5 second delay on emotes would not prevent people from flooding unless there was a 5 second delay on all commands and chat modes. Would you want to have an enforced delay on everything you typed in the chat window just because a small minority of people think it's funny to flood? Rather than wasting resources on coding a solution to the problem and thereby making life more difficult for the vast majority of mature and reasonable players, it's better to make it clear that this behaviour is prohibited and take action against the few players that abuse it.

GoA is bullshit


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I can't believe people are still whining about this. It's not as if it's some big secret and Goa only just put the 'no spamming' clause in the CoC without telling anyone.
Whether you think it's a stupid rule or not, it's still a rule and you agree to be bound by it every time you log in. Accepting the rules then whining when you get slapped for breaking them is pretty stupid.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
chretien said:
I can't believe people are still whining about this. It's not as if it's some big secret and Goa only just put the 'no spamming' clause in the CoC without telling anyone.
Whether you think it's a stupid rule or not, it's still a rule and you agree to be bound by it every time you log in. Accepting the rules then whining when you get slapped for breaking them is pretty stupid.

so spaming pboae in Tnn is also called flooding and no bann?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I gotta say I dont get this emote spam banning thing either, channels are flooded constanlty by spells, buffs, NPC chatter whatever anyway. But rules are rules, we all know em so we try and stick with them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
All they need to do is put an option in the Chat config systems menu to turn them on or off like every other message that appears in it.

Simple solution realy


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Garok said:
All they need to do is put an option in the Chat config systems menu to turn them on or off like every other message that appears in it.

Simple solution realy

or remove the fucked up rule


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Jamie, has it ever occurred to you that people might report you, just because it's you, for constantly being a tit? It's fekking stupid to spam emotes anyway.
And it obviously doesn't affect you much that you got a vacation, this whole thread is proof of that! Must be boring without being able to log into daoc lol.
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