GOA Reliability/Lag and long delays with patches etc......


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
US servers are full of retards imo (its true), who think they know everything about the game. thats why we get sooo crappy patches that gimp stuff.

plz red VN abit and see ur self.

the new server whit no toa is NF still, as much as i have been reading..... so whats the point.

and lol their hightime of playing is at the time most normal ppl are sleeping or soon getting up to go to work.

(its ok if u dont have a life)

ok thats all i have to say............................................................

edit: and that talk of lag.......... never seen it again afther the router fix... so its ur own prob not GOA


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
Uhm... I'm not seeing any doom-saying. I merely listed some observations that appears like facts. And, notice how the GM didn't deny those things.

As I already said, I don't see a problem with those "facts" either. Actually I see it as an advantage.

So, go somewhere else to play clever and immitate Flimgoblin.

actually it was either Archeon or Roo that came up with


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Q fkin Q

These servers are laggy <somtimes> im guessing so are US .

I just wanna play pre TOA so im gonna get a us account.

what ever happens, happens.

cya there lav ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It is rare that all servers are down, and it isn't a patch. When an individual server goes down, you can play on a 2nd or a third server, and if the servers are on different networks (or same network is connected to many other networks) it can reduce the lag. Clear advantage, that makes a lot of people happy on US edition. Not to mention the fact most players who use US servers from Europe doesn't play at peaktime. Mythic servers have a bit more visible support for 3 reasons:

First, they can use it in developing new patches, GOA can't. Secound, they they have problems they should fix with hot fixes often, GOA gets a patch that worked fine on US servers before. Third, all Mythic servers use the same language, so they can have a big support team instead of 5 smaller ones.

GOA has relatively stable patches, which helps to have better uptime for servers. It has other advantages and disadvantages mentioned here. Mostly about exploring and knowing the important facts.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
GOA's "wait and see approach is just another example of those french gits being lazy, ffs no wonder they got occupied in the world wars - they too lazy to fight back :kissit: .... My point is GOA could take the initative make a poll and act on the results is it really that hard - oh wait it is not only are they lazy shits they seem to be tight to splash out on new hardware..... all remember the time excaliber was suposed to get an upgrade but diddn't happen for ages...

also like to point out the GOA is a seperate company and could with draw it services as such. I know they have contracts etc... but like all contracts they have to be renewed.... afterall they get nothing but abuse from the majority of us due to the service they provide....

:worthy: Salute GOA :cheers:

You are a right pain the ass with ur so called "right now" support.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
hum, that would be a good idea, goa drop daoc and then what? Goa have been doing a spot on job of late, now all we need is weekend support :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Kittyfantastico, your every post here is about how great the US servers are and how happy you are that you moved. You're starting to sound like a broken record. Yes, I can understand how you'd want to attract more people to the US servers to play with you in the off-hours, but this forum is not intended for this.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Laviski said:
GOA's "wait and see approach is just another example of those french gits being lazy, ffs no wonder they got occupied in the world wars - they too lazy to fight back :kissit: .... My point is GOA could take the initative make a poll and act on the results is it really that hard - oh wait it is not only are they lazy shits they seem to be tight to splash out on new hardware..... all remember the time excaliber was suposed to get an upgrade but diddn't happen for ages...

also like to point out the GOA is a seperate company and could with draw it services as such. I know they have contracts etc... but like all contracts they have to be renewed.... afterall they get nothing but abuse from the majority of us due to the service they provide....

:worthy: Salute GOA :cheers:

You are a right pain the ass with ur so called "right now" support.

Actually the GOA servers have been running better hardware than the US servers for most of the time playing (they upgraded to bi-xeons long before the US did).

Not to mention that investing a load of cash/time/resources on a server that may well just do a PvP and bomb after a month or two is somewhat silly when they can see the response on the US servers.

Sure they could run a poll - there were more than 3500 people trying to cram into camlann for the first month - a poll would have said open several PvP servers....


Dec 22, 2003
Laviski said:
GOA's "wait and see approach is just another example of those french gits being lazy, ffs no wonder they got occupied in the world wars - they too lazy to fight back :kissit: .... My point is GOA could take the initative make a poll and act on the results is it really that hard - oh wait it is not only are they lazy shits they seem to be tight to splash out on new hardware..... all remember the time excaliber was suposed to get an upgrade but diddn't happen for ages...

also like to point out the GOA is a seperate company and could with draw it services as such. I know they have contracts etc... but like all contracts they have to be renewed.... afterall they get nothing but abuse from the majority of us due to the service they provide....

:worthy: Salute GOA :cheers:

You are a right pain the ass with ur so called "right now" support.

Your stupidity astounds me, every, single, point, you attempt to make, badly, is absolute bull shit. Never in my life have I read such a pile of shit.


Dec 22, 2003
Laviski said:
GOA's "wait and see approach is just another example of those french gits being lazy, ffs no wonder they got occupied in the world wars - they too lazy to fight back :kissit: ....
250,000 french soldiers died in active combat, fighting in the second world war alone. Not to mention the vast civillian casualties.
They were only occupied in the 2nd world war.

Laviski said:
My point is GOA could take the initative make a poll and act on the results is it really that hard
You mean like the clustering poll and the fact that we're getting clustered in a few weeks?

Laviski said:
- oh wait it is not only are they lazy shits they seem to be tight to splash out on new hardware..... all remember the time excaliber was suposed to get an upgrade but diddn't happen for ages...
Random fact of the day, EU servers have better hardware than US servers. And, oh wait, it happened about 2 weeks after the news article, thats hardly ages in the grand scheme of things.

Laviski said:
also like to point out the GOA is a seperate company and could with draw it services as such. I know they have contracts etc... but like all contracts they have to be renewed.... afterall they get nothing but abuse from the majority of us due to the service they provide....
No, the players who arnt too narrow sighted to see it, realise that acctually goa to a pretty good job. The only people who tend to abuse them are poorly informed, ignorant or just plain stupid.

Laviski said:
Salute GOA :cheers:

You are a right pain the ass with ur so called "right now" support.
A RN reply filed under the correct heading will normally recieve a reply the same working day. Ie, the last RN i sent was at 2pm, by 2:27 I had a reply.

I refer you to my statement in my previous post. :rolleyes:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004

i'm not alone in the area of problems with right now over the last 4 years....

and you only did clustering because of the fact ur losing way too many players..... a lot of us want a different server with different ruleset..... No Toa/restricted BB's is a start (would have liked OF but hey life ain't perfect)

excal Used to have a population of 2500 little over a year ago.... now even with clustering i be surprised if it stays over 2000 (excal + Pryd) after the first month....

Random fact of the day, EU servers have better hardware than US servers. And, oh wait, it happened about 2 weeks after the news article, thats hardly ages in the grand scheme of things.

if thats the case the time when it happened it didn't seem to handle the load very well then.... or maybe it was just lag.... who knows...

anyways nuffsaid


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
The whole service went down, including the webpage. We had news posted here (in non-official forums) within minutes of it happening. There's been updates here regularly, and I'm assuming they don't post on the main webbie because they can't (what would you prioritise, getting the game up and running or getting the news system up and running?)

Independent server for a news on thier network a revolutionary and expensive idea? I think not - they can do better. An 'unofficial' outlet like FH to relate their techincal position? That's unacceptable too. FH is great but it shouldn't be my first port of call.

Liken it to the news - "This is Mr Smith reporting from somewhere in Europe for a news network. I'm about to RightNow it (if I can find the button). Apparently we can't get online for some unsubstantiated reason for an unsubstantiated amount of time" Thanks for your pointless efforts.

GOA have responded and got better. You're a lucky man though if you've had GOA act quickly on your behalf - they have used French working rights as an excuse more than once (especially the weekend stuff, which is crap as continental shift systems work in most IT businesses there, they're just avoiding the wage issues). Answer = move countries ffs, like IT isn't a global footloose industry anyway, many more countries in the EU would accommodate them.

Think Mythic should stick with GOA, but we should make GOA respond to our demands, ofc we expect problems, but a poll on what should come next as suggested is a great idea


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Laviski said:
GOA's "wait and see approach is just another example of those french gits being lazy, ffs no wonder they got occupied in the world wars - they too lazy to fight back :kissit: ....
Eh, that's an unbelievable amount of bullshit, what is your problem anyway? Ignorance must run rampant from where you come. What the fuck does the world wars have to do with anything anyway, you fool?


Dec 22, 2003
kiliarien said:
The whole service went down, including the webpage. We had news posted here (in non-official forums) within minutes of it happening. There's been updates here regularly, and I'm assuming they don't post on the main webbie because they can't (what would you prioritise, getting the game up and running or getting the news system up and running?)

Independent server for a news on thier network a revolutionary and expensive idea? I think not - they can do better. An 'unofficial' outlet like FH to relate their techincal position? That's unacceptable too. FH is great but it shouldn't be my first port of call.

As I understand it, what happened was this:
GoA have the own group of servers, routers etc etc, then it all leads to a main pipe onto the net.
Somewhere on this pipe a powersupply shits itself and the router goes down.
The backup comes online, but then also crashes due to the load of 17,000 daoc'ers all trying to reconnect ;)
Due to this, some other routers are down, and some server hard drives are dammaged.

Thus, having a seperate server wouldn't help as people wouldn't be able to access it. It wasn't acctually the servers that went down, it was the router, and thus, the servers were acctually up most of the afternoon, just nobody could access them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Tilda said:
Thus, having a seperate server wouldn't help as people wouldn't be able to access it. It wasn't acctually the servers that went down, it was the router, and thus, the servers were acctually up most of the afternoon, just nobody could access them.

I think the idea was to have a fallback alert page off-site. Then do some nifty DNS stuff, so if their net is down the alert page will show to the users and say "something is wrong". Then they can update that 'something' to tell the users that don't use FH.

It's a minor thing though, and in reality it's only really big sites that does this. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Azathrim said:
I think the idea was to have a fallback alert page off-site. Then do some nifty DNS stuff, so if their net is down the alert page will show to the users and say "something is wrong". Then they can update that 'something' to tell the users that don't use FH.

It's a minor thing though, and in reality it's only really big sites that does this. :)

Aye that was the plan - see your point Tilda but I was talking about just informing peeps, I understand routers/servers go down, can't be helped but keep the flow of info going should be possible.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2005
Kittyfantastico, your every post here is about how great the US servers are and how happy you are that you moved. You're starting to sound like a broken record. Yes, I can understand how you'd want to attract more people to the US servers to play with you in the off-hours, but this forum is not intended for this.

Belomar with total respect what difference does it make to you WHAT my posts are about, if my opinions bother your over sensitive nature to such an extent, I suggest you ignore them.

Why because I have moved to the U.S servers my opinion should be any less valid than yours is beyond me. If as you so sweepingly state ALL my posts are about how great the US servers are, have you actually taken a note of the posts I chose to reply to....
Could they in any way be mostly about clustering and the U.S servers to start with....Oooo I don't know, seeing as you so like to jump to conclusions yourself could it be within the bounds of possibility that I have a specific opinion or interest in these posts...maybe?

And please if this is not what the forum is intended for, why are these topics tolerated...or could it be you just wish to read opinions that aggree with your own.

Not that I owe anyone any explanation for why I choose to post, on what topics, or about what subject, I will anyway...maybe it will head off any unsubstantiated attacks at my exspense in the future.

I post on these particular topics because all clustering, doomsayers, server talk whatever DAOC is a GREAT game...it deserves it's players and to be represented in a fair and just way.
The reason players pay, stick with it, and don't move to other games is because of this greatness.

Now forgive me for saying this but my posts are directed at players who are unhappy with some aspect of playing on the G.O.A servers, rather than telling them they have to like it or lump it, move to another game, or just give up altogether I try and give them a light at the end of the tunnel. If they really didn't want to play the game I assume they wouldn't be posting here and would have moved or just cancelled their subscriptions.
As it is I only post on yopics concerning clustering and the U.S servers, not as you so unfairly claim to tout for players, If you had bothered to read my posts you would have noticed I play with my husband almost exclusively so why would I want to encourage players fr my own selfish ends.

I post to give people another choice, I don't mindlessy spam on other areas of the forums, I just want to be a voice for the other side of the argument...am I not entitled to that?
After all every debate has two sides, and if you are happy with GOA my posts aren't going to deter you are they?

I can't help but notice that you aren't a moderater here, so yes I appreciate your personal opinion but unless I am PM'd with an official warning/telling off I choose to disregard it.

I think it's only fair that both sides of the argument be represented, and if you are thinking of moving to the U.S servers in the first place I am sure you want to hear opinions of people who have moved...just a thought :)



Dec 22, 2003
Yea great, US servers are amazing, GOA do a good job and worth my 24/month. Further enticing people to play US leaving all thier friends behind..deal with constant downtimes just after patches and start all over and deal with childish Americans is all fine as long as you represent the whole picture..I think people should disregard your posts because your only showing one side of the story not a balanced argument, your opinion is almost mythic fanboyisam, which ofc you are allowed but its not a fair representation.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2005
Gamah said:
Yea great, US servers are amazing, GOA do a good job and worth my 24/month. Further enticing people to play US leaving all thier friends behind..deal with constant downtimes just after patches and start all over and deal with childish Americans is all fine as long as you represent the whole picture..I think people should disregard your posts because your only showing one side of the story not a balanced argument, your opinion is almost mythic fanboyisam, which ofc you are allowed but its not a fair representation.

LOL I never claimed they didn't, they were great otherwise why would we have have carried on playing the past the free subscription...We only had a problem with the clustering...we moved..end of story.

The problem is the way I see it, is not that my opinion is unbalanced just that more people choose to rubbish mythic and the US servers and rather than accept that if you DON'T want the clustering, or want a crack at the other types of servers that you shouldn't or certainly shouldn't endorse it. In short you should either put up with it, or move and shut your trap...

Yes I prefer the US servers myself but as I always say thats my opinion, my comments are always directed at those that are unhappy with some aspect of GOA not because GOA is bad, but just because they are unhappy in the first place. I'm absolutley estatic the GOA has so many followers and loyal fans...I have friends still playing on the Europe servers and if everyone was unhappy they would close. A lot of people are happy with the clustering and thats great too.

But surely those that aren't deserve the right not only to choose where they go but also post their opinions here. I am sorry if I have needlessly upset people here, and I am sorry you view my posts as unbalanced and mythic fanboyisam. Then again I feel this speaks more for your own opinions than mine...after all.

Further enticing people to play US leaving all thier friends behind..deal with constant downtimes just after patches and start all over and deal with childish Americans please point to me the balance in this statement...



FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
i just phoned an american and he told me about a group i needed to send some info to

we love teh americans


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tilda said:
As I understand it, what happened was this:
GoA have the own group of servers, routers etc etc, then it all leads to a main pipe onto the net.
Somewhere on this pipe a powersupply shits itself and the router goes down.
The backup comes online, but then also crashes due to the load of 17,000 daoc'ers all trying to reconnect ;)
Due to this, some other routers are down, and some server hard drives are dammaged.

Thus, having a seperate server wouldn't help as people wouldn't be able to access it. It wasn't acctually the servers that went down, it was the router, and thus, the servers were acctually up most of the afternoon, just nobody could access them.

Tilda, what you say is VERY unlikely. Why? Because massive connection count shouldn't damage a hard drive, if the server platfom has a huge UPS and diesel engine powered generators as backup power, etc. if this system gets damaged it can result in a shutdown of everything in building, routers, servers, switches, etc. and a damaged power supply can damage the hardware, the sudden shutdown can damage filesystems (and sometimes databases).

But every domain should have 2 name servers, on independent networks and indpenedent power supplies, so the domain is reachable, and they can even manage it. If they purchase any cheap hosting at any ISP, or trade some "backup web space" with any of their partners, it means we can reach the official URL and get the message about the problem there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Actually the GOA servers have been running better hardware than the US servers for most of the time playing (they upgraded to bi-xeons long before the US did).

Not to mention that investing a load of cash/time/resources on a server that may well just do a PvP and bomb after a month or two is somewhat silly when they can see the response on the US servers.

Sure they could run a poll - there were more than 3500 people trying to cram into camlann for the first month - a poll would have said open several PvP servers....

well that pretty sums up my vew of GOA ... "they could but they won't."

If your comparing camlann to the new ruleset server i have to laugh.... Camlann is a tough server to play on ( i have several 50's). It ain't easy to level even if u have a set group of players helpin each other out. Camlann is a server consisting of whiners, complainers, Flamers, chain killing assholes and some downright decent ppl. I beleive camlann dropped to a population of 500 becuase its to hard for ppl to level there, its that simple. Not many people there are willing to help others cause everyone on that server is a potential enemy (meaning RP's & xp :clap: ).

In a normal server, the realm generally helps each other out, its easier to level and easier to get items and organise raids. This new server that US are offering is giving the people that played this game before toa and liked the game before toa came is a chance to sorta semi get back to the game they first played. Its also has the recipe for some great fights as there will be no +melee dmg no +spell dmg no +spell casting no annoying speed warps and the list really does go on and on and on and on so i won't go further into it as most of you know yourself. and as for power shortages well alchemist will make a few quid for their trouble of mass produce :D .

Well another question we should ask is why didn't GOA give us Co-op server? oh wait i can answer that "we could but we won't". Granted it may not have being as a sucess but you never know as we were never given the choice in the first place.

Well to sum it up no matter how many posts/threads are made to have a new server, be it the New US rules server or a Pre-Toa server GOA won't do a damm thing except sit in their hole of a office and watch us complain. Afterall "they Could but they Won't"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Laviski said:
well that pretty sums up my vew of GOA ... "they could but they won't."

If your comparing camlann to the new ruleset server i have to laugh.... Camlann is a tough server to play on ( i have several 50's). It ain't easy to level even if u have a set group of players helpin each other out. Camlann is a server consisting of whiners, complainers, Flamers, chain killing assholes and some downright decent ppl. I beleive camlann dropped to a population of 500 becuase its to hard for ppl to level there, its that simple. Not many people there are willing to help others cause everyone on that server is a potential enemy (meaning RP's & xp :clap: ).

In a normal server, the realm generally helps each other out, its easier to level and easier to get items and organise raids. This new server that US are offering is giving the people that played this game before toa and liked the game before toa came is a chance to sorta semi get back to the game they first played. Its also has the recipe for some great fights as there will be no +melee dmg no +spell dmg no +spell casting no annoying speed warps and the list really does go on and on and on and on so i won't go further into it as most of you know yourself. and as for power shortages well alchemist will make a few quid for their trouble of mass produce :D .

Well another question we should ask is why didn't GOA give us Co-op server? oh wait i can answer that "we could but we won't". Granted it may not have being as a sucess but you never know as we were never given the choice in the first place.

Well to sum it up no matter how many posts/threads are made to have a new server, be it the New US rules server or a Pre-Toa server GOA won't do a damm thing except sit in their hole of a office and watch us complain. Afterall "they Could but they Won't"

Ok you officially have no clue. Goa did run a poll about the new server type and as they said in the news a week or so back:
Friday News said:
We will measure the success of the American servers before investigating the possibility as your wishes seemed different when we asked you about this subject.
It seems that the Euro player base wasn't as enthusiastic about it as the US players were. So a more accurate statement would be 'they did, and we didn't want it'. They've also had a long term poll about other server types on the website and have stated that the demand for a co-op server is not high enough to justify the enormous expense of opening one. So again, 'they did, and we didn't want it'.

If you're going to be a clueless whiner, at least pick something true to whine about.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
well well well

Most of the players that left don't read the once a week post on the goa site.... I tend to read the almost daily news posts on camelot herald.

And GOA did do a poll yes i know, but that poll was ages ago and there was no option to have a NO Toa/Buffbot server in their list. now unless they had a new poll in a last few weeks which i don't recall or any of my other m8s thats from DAOC were aware of it. If even they do get a new poll GOA should email all of their previous subscribers and make them aware of it, but as before they could but they proberly won't.

So don't bitch unless u can tell me there was a Poll this year in relation to having a new server...... and if even there was having no-toa was an option. Mythic was the only one that did a poll this year not GOA


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Laviski said:
well well well

Most of the players that left don't read the once a week post on the goa site.... I tend to read the almost daily news posts on camelot herald.
So you're whining that the Goa site doesn't tell you anything but then say you don't actually read the Goa site and have no idea what's on it. There have also been 9 news posts on the Goa site in the last three weeks. According to my maths, that's more than once a week.

And GOA did do a poll yes i know, but that poll was ages ago and there was no option to have a NO Toa/Buffbot server in their list. now unless they had a new poll in a last few weeks which i don't recall or any of my other m8s thats from DAOC were aware of it. If even they do get a new poll GOA should email all of their previous subscribers and make them aware of it, but as before they could but they proberly won't.

So don't bitch unless u can tell me there was a Poll this year in relation to having a new server...... and if even there was having no-toa was an option. Mythic was the only one that did a poll this year not GOA

First you say there was a poll then you say there wasn't....
Goa poll from earlier this year. Also there was a permanent poll which was up until that poll was launched asking about interest in other rules variants - Home Invasion, Co-op etc.
You're wrong. Get over it.

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