GOA providing the worst service

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Uncle Sick(tm)

Don't forget that Glendower is using a special dictionary.
Only he has access to it... :m00:

And you did slag off France as a whole - oh, just not the individual frenchman. Pure idiocy.

So stop smoking your wife's weed and get real, faghat.

(one of the very good reasons I read papers from all over the world, and not just the pap spoon-fed to the Amercan press by our illustrious leaders...you should try it).

Other than you I live in a free country...


Originally posted by n3wbie
big·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

sad to say this but it looks like sick was using it the right way

Odd, I dont see anything in my posts that indicate "strong part[iality]" to my own "group, religion. race or politics". Matter of fact, I repeatedly state that I do NOT agree with the politics and policies of the USA. And nobody has really put up any "different" ones to be "intolerant" of... Perhaps you could explain how you arrive at that conclusion?

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
And you did slag off France as a whole - oh, just not the individual frenchman. Pure idiocy.

Another stunningly brilliant, muti-faceted argument by our articulate village idiot.

Pity that your cant follow the distinction on your own ability, but here, let me try and point it out to you....

It is like saying "Fords suck" and not implying that the individuals on the assembly line or those who drive them also suck. After all, individuals really dont have control over the broader issues we are discussing.... or rather that I am discussing and you are scratching you head and grunting over.

And it seems to me that if anyone around here is a "faghat" (a most amusing misspelling), it is probably YOU, Sick, what with your ongoing facination with penises, cocks of various sizes, homosexuality, etc. You seem to mention them in every post!

Maybe that is your problem...all the hostility is due to the years of repressing your true nature, living the lie of the wife and kids, etc, when really you lust/obsess after male sex organs, but too cowardly to face the truth of the matter.

Oh, and there are NO "free countries". You are deluding yourself (why am I not surprised??). ALL of them are controlled to one extent or another by oligarchies/plutocracies.


Originally posted by n3wbie
and there isnt more than 1 race? what about people in Africa, i think it is, who evolved to be resistant to malaria (sp?) and have different skin types to protect them selves from the sun. are you saying they are the same as an eskimo? taken straight from the dictionary -
Are you of a different race than your borther cause you had chicken-pox as a child and is now resistance to it, and your brother did not, and would get sick from the disease?

The races thing is out of date pre darwin when everyone knew god made man. Its just made as an excuse so you could belong to a suprior race.

In a couple of 1000-1.000.000 years there might be a few different human races. But now there are 1, unless the neanderthal, homo Erectus have survived to modern day.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by n3wbie
french people arnt a race, thats like saying americans are a race, they arnt, black is a race, white is a race, do you understand now?

Erm.. k.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Are you of a different race than your borther cause you had chicken-pox as a child and is now resistance to it, and your brother did not, and would get sick from the disease?

The races thing is out of date pre darwin when everyone knew god made man. Its just made as an excuse so you could belong to a suprior race.

In a couple of 1000-1.000.000 years there might be a few different human races. But now there are 1, unless the neanderthal, homo Erectus have survived to modern day.

Originally posted by n3wbie
"The biological aspect of race is described today not in observable physical features but rather in such genetic characteristics as blood groups and metabolic processes"

see what that says? "today".

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Glendower
*using a lot of words for saying nothing - as usual*

So in other words: you can't really say why France sucks then. Right?

Cocks of various sizes? Never talked about various sizes... only your tiny one.
Remember? The whole "Glendower tries to compensate for his small dick by posting bullshit on BW"? Must be the prude American thing, I guess.

Keep smoking your wife's weed.

On a sidenote, Mr.-the-Freemasons-are-controlling-the-world, Lybia is more liberal than the United States of Apple pie....

SoulFly Amarok

I've recieved ace ingame support always, hence I must disagree, same goes for rightnow, has worked well.


OMG someone talking about the original topic of this thread!!!!!!


As to Neaderthals surviviing to the present day... I know a few of them I think, and didn't they settle in the New World... ;)


Thanks all for hijacking my thread. It is now closed.
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