Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules



Originally posted by Adolf Bush
Yes. We wonder..you see, these are English-speaking servers.
Not UK-only. Not Brit-only. Not Englishmen-only. It is merely an
indication of the language of the client and the general language
of communication on the server.

East-European people play there. Scandinavians play there.
I am not your doctor, but I believe I'll diagnose your skull as
rather thick.

You don't see the point... But then with a name like Adolf Bush I shouldn't expect you would see the point.

Yes, it does indicate the general language on the server. You're right there. Perhaps I didn't use the right terminology to describe what I was trying to say.

I can't be bothered arguing to be honest. Go practise your goose stepping.

Adolf Bush

Originally posted by *Hienrich*
I can't be bothered arguing to be honest. Go practise your goose stepping. [/B]

Phew. I can now stop watching this thread.


Originally posted by Adolf Bush
Phew. I can now stop watching this thread.

Good. Bugger off.

This account wasn't made just to post in this particular thread given the name of the account and the fact that you registered... oooh... today :) I'll also bet that the account was made about 3 minutes or so BEFORE you posted that :)


Adolf Bush

Originally posted by *Hienrich*
This account wasn't made just to post in this particular thread given the name of the account and the fact that you registered... oooh... today :) I'll also bet that the account was made about 3 minutes or so BEFORE you posted that :)

Brilliant deduction, although not quite right. There's a whole board
to troll, not merely one person. You were lucky to be first, though.


Originally posted by Zargar

When we get a report about a name violating the code of conduct, we investigate the validity and severity of the violation. If the name really violates the CoC as claimed, there are various options for penalties that we normally use. Which one(s) will be chosen depends on how severe the violation was. They are listed in order of severity.

1) Do nothing, the violation was determined to be too minor to take action against.
2) Change the name where the user has the option of chosing a new name.
3) Change the name where we chose a new name.
4) Oral warning, meaning a warning attached to the account for future reference.
5) One or more days suspension.
6) Account termination.


Can you please tell me which violation category my name fell into, about a year ago.

Shinytoughchick :)


If I remember correctly you got it changed back because it didn't violate the CoC - the original complaint was levyed against your surname.


Yes correct, Hienrich, but why was it changed in the first place if it wasn't in violation and without consulting me?


Possibly because they made a mistake and you managed to get it put right?

Yeah they shouldn't have changed it without consulting you, but you did get it fixed as it's not a CoC violation technically.

Let's face it, Shinytoughchick isn't as offensive as Slobodan.

Being french they probably mistook it for something more offensive.


z the disco ball heh

just out of interest, shineytoughchick? why? hehe, surely so many better names you could think of ;)


oO ouch! i dunno, cos i'm tough and a chick and stuffs :D


:clap: Nice one for sticking to you guns..at least they now know you are a real 'toughchick'(o: :clap:


Originally posted by ~shy~
oO ouch! i dunno, cos i'm tough and a chick and stuffs :D

is that why your nickname on bw is ~shy~ ;)

poor shy tough chick ;)

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