Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules



Originally posted by bob007
omg 10 pages on pryd, 2 pages so far here. Ohh and the topic title is wrong. GoA can't violate something they don't agree to everytime they enter the game. On the other hand. You agree to it, So you and nobly bribe must abide by it.

Note. I had a good long post pointing out the pros and cons of this "violation" by a name. But cba posting it as no one will read it anyway. Lets ask a different question.

Why would "slobodan" be offended by changing his name. If he knew that someone in game felt offended by him useing it. What about the feeling of others around YOU before yourself.

I would read it, and i would be very willing to tear it apart for you too :p

Edit: And no, i wouldnt do it with "You suck, thats such bs" but with proper arguments! theres a challenge for ya


Originally posted by old.Niljindil

I would read it, and i would be very willing to tear it apart for you too :p

Edit: And no, i wouldnt do it with "You suck, thats such bs" but with proper arguments! theres a challenge for ya

I havn't even typed it, Yet you seem willing to "tear it apart" without reading a word. You may agree to everything i may have posted, yet you seem not to want to agree in anyway. :confused:


Originally posted by bob007
omg 10 pages on pryd, 2 pages so far here. Ohh and the topic title is wrong. GoA can't violate something they don't agree to everytime they enter the game. On the other hand. You agree to it, So you and nobly bribe must abide by it.

Note. I had a good long post pointing out the pros and cons of this "violation" by a name. But cba posting it as no one will read it anyway. Lets ask a different question.

Why would "slobodan" be offended by changing his name. If he knew that someone in game felt offended by him useing it. What about the feeling of others around YOU before yourself.

faecious ... if thats how you spell it is what this reasoning is : )

if i was genuinly offended by your name would you change it even if i had not intended it to offend you.
if you knew that someone in game felt offended by the name bobiskey because in history x some bloke called that butchered race x would you change your name ... it would come down to if you intended it to resemble that person or not and that is what its about intention not perception.

getting someone else to change THERE name because YOU are offended by it is not only selfish but also childish. If society didnt put up with things it didnt like wed be walking around smacking the crap out of each other


if you dont like it play another game, they make the rules you play like they want.


Originally posted by commie
Also Kemor is in violation of the coc. Kemor is a copyrighted name of an Italian gel used to help people with hemmoroid pains (if im not totally mistaken, it

can be a gel used anally for some other illness, im not italian so im not sure). You can read about the product at http://www.dererum.it/prodotti/kemor.htm .
We expect him to stop using this name, it isnt disturbing since i think its every mans right to stop his anal pains, but its a copyrighted name and thats breaking the coc.



actually yes i need to post this twice cos it sums it all up imo.
This is about Intention not Perception as mentioned above.
In this particular case one thing needs to be determined.
Did slobo intend to make people think of the Brutal dictator or whatever he was ?
No because if he did hed have called himself Slobodan Milosovich.
I wonder if hed have chose the name Slobodan Aenka (dunno why aenka just sounds foriegn to uk me) would said people have complained about the name then when with a normal second name it is clearly of no resemblance to any DICKtator.

so basically no he didnt intend for that G.O.A you have no case change his name back and dont be so pathetic ... everyones still playing daoc on a string as it is ... when will you learn we dont need the constant bs from your good selves :)


Not a sig but a side note ... does sanya bother anyone else ...?
shes so cheerfull about the fact that she works for mythic and shes so pleasant when telling us why that los issue hasnt been fixed since last year yet or why class A was accidently overpowered and will be fixed in 120 patches time ..... and ... she kinda ... makes you believe her =/


Originally posted by celadorn

faecious ... if thats how you spell it is what this reasoning is : )

if i was genuinly offended by your name would you change it even if i had not intended it to offend you.
if you knew that someone in game felt offended by the name bobiskey because in history x some bloke called that butchered race x would you change your name ... it would come down to if you intended it to resemble that person or not and that is what its about intention not perception.

getting someone else to change THERE name because YOU are offended by it is not only selfish but also childish. If society didnt put up with things it didnt like wed be walking around smacking the crap out of each other

In short YES, If someone was clearly offend and gave a good reason to GoA to have any of my chars names changed, I would let it be. Its just a name I picked at random. It could of been anything. Bobiskey is NOT me, Its the name given to an animated char in an online game.


It MIGHT be a common name, but not for the majority of players. For the majority of players Slobodan or whatever isn't a common name so it is INSTANTLY associated with Milosovich. Or however It's spelt.

Use some frickin common sense here.

As I said in the thread, you're only throwing your toys out of your cot because Zargar changed your name.


Oops Niljindil, I had a chat with him about it once, I thought he had to change it too. I prolly missunderstood it then :)



I am thinking of doing a reaver named Nelson Mandela, after my favorite-actor is that ok?


Wasn't Stalins name Josef and not Joseph? Not sure on how do judge the so called murders done by him. The world, esp the states where very very very sick in their handling of communism, facts from those sources (esp. USA) aren't to be trusted really.

Doesn't matter tho, Stalins way of ruling was shit even without the murders. Not the right communism according to me ;p.


Originally posted by cougar-
suprising that excalibur board just gave headless answers without even thinking first, and that prydwen board actualy got a good discussion about it.

Probably as suprising as Prydwen players reporting your name to GOA in the first place perhaps?

Let's try to generalize people some more on the basis of what game-server they play on please, because we KNOW it makes sense.

(Yes, that WAS sarcasm)


Originally posted by old.Lythande

Probably as suprising as Prydwen players reporting your name to GOA in the first place perhaps?

Let's try to generalize people some more on the basis of what game-server they play on please, because we KNOW it makes sense.

(Yes, that WAS sarcasm)

i agree without sarcasm.


ya tbh i think the attitude "i got hurt now i need to hurt others" is kind of childish..

there is put a rather huge work in finding and dokumenting the NP reportet names ..

Minser of HB


Originally posted by cougar-

look above, some ppl with age over 14 actualy did answers they realy thought about, schh away now and dont try to answer something you dont have a clue about.

What is it here to have a clue about? Should we all stand as one line behind the all mighty cougar and nolby pride and support your childish war against goa? Lets put it this way... if you hold your breath until you turn blue- i dont give a s**t :)


give back LESBIAN LOVER !!! that name owned :D

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by uncle_sal

What is it here to have a clue about? Should we all stand as one line behind the all mighty cougar and nolby pride and support your childish war against goa? Lets put it this way... if you hold your breath until you turn blue- i dont give a s**t :)

So you want me to die irl because you dont have anything clever to answer?


Originally posted by cougar-

So you want me to die irl because you dont have anything clever to answer?

No... i dont want you to die... i wish no harm to any1... *sigh* you used to be such a nice guy... but you propably noticed people listen to you and then you got big headed... a shame... i want you to wake up and smell the coffee... wasnt the 13 page thread on prydwen general like enough of this subject? And isnt Sherekahn a tiger from Disneys jungle book... GOA makes the rules and we just have to play with them or not to play... i found this subject funny on 1st thread, but enough is enough :p


yup its a tiger, not same spelling tho. Hey im at work and is bored, you cant expect me to not answer a flamethread!


Likewise... boss is out of town... no customers... no games... phonebill getting too big... nothing to do but troll the forums... maybe youd like a nice round of web-minigolf or something? ;)


Sure gimme url! (all boards including vnboards already are done-trolled for today).


"moninpelit" = multiplayer.... so there naturally.... minigolf 2... get in room and say something ill be there waiting :p


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
give back LESBIAN LOVER !!! that name owned :D

:clap: :clap: :clap:

sure did :)

who took offence to it i wonder ....
lets have the name gay pride and see what they do ....
whos that offensive to ... insecure homosexual males ..? =/


Originally posted by bob007
I havn't even typed it, Yet you seem willing to "tear it apart" without reading a word. You may agree to everything i may have posted, yet you seem not to want to agree in anyway. :confused:

Tearing it apart is much more fun! :p

Edit: and yes im bored ;)


Thought I'd copy the post to here, since it is the same original topic:

Hello all,
I don’t normally post in this type of thread, but there seem to be several misunderstandings connected to how the code of conduct violations are treated, which I would like to make clearer.

Let us take the concrete example of Slobodan to illustrate.

When we get a report about a name violating the code of conduct, we investigate the validity and severity of the violation. If the name really violates the CoC as claimed, there are various options for penalties that we normally use. Which one(s) will be chosen depends on how severe the violation was. They are listed in order of severity.

1) Do nothing, the violation was determined to be too minor to take action against.
2) Change the name where the user has the option of chosing a new name.
3) Change the name where we chose a new name.
4) Oral warning, meaning a warning attached to the account for future reference.
5) One or more days suspension.
6) Account termination.

One or more of the above (or entirely different solutions, these are just the most common ones) may be chosen, determining which one will be used is entirely up to us. We are willing to listen to arguments, which does not mean that we will automatically agree if you argue, it means we will consider what you are saying. You can disagree, but in the end, we determine the outcome of a CoC violation.

So what about equality, treating all the players equally?

We do treat the players equally. This means that no matter who has the name Slobodan, it will recieve a name change. If it is a NP member, one of the volunteers or my personal player character does not matter, they will all be treated equally for the same violation. This does not mean that everyone with a “name violation” will recieve the same sanction, the penalty entirely depends on the severity of the violation (although other factors can play in, such as previous warnings). I can assure you that a name like Stalinblowsurmom will get an account suspension, while a name with a far fetched obscure reference, would fall into category one in the list above.

I hope that clears it up a bit,


Originally posted by *Hienrich*
It MIGHT be a common name, but not for the majority of players. For the majority of players Slobodan or whatever isn't a common name so it is INSTANTLY associated with Milosovich. Or however It's spelt.

Use some frickin common sense here.


Ahem, so ignorance is a good thing these days, then, and should set the standard?! ;) I am getting the impression (judging by the relevant threads here) that ppl nowadays don't seem to get much of a general education :p ....

MTV MUST be dumbing ppl down then .... ;) Looks like the US "trend" of ppl causing a fuss about perfectly legitimate names, words etc because of their own limited literacy is spilling over to Europe .... :(

<goes away and cries about humanity>


Originally posted by lacroix
Ahem, so ignorance is a good thing these days, then, and should set the standard?! ;) I am getting the impression (judging by the relevant threads here) that ppl nowadays don't seem to get much of a general education :p ....

MTV MUST be dumbing ppl down then .... ;) Looks like the US "trend" of ppl causing a fuss about perfectly legitimate names, words etc because of their own limited literacy is spilling over to Europe .... :(

<goes away and cries about humanity>

Mmaky so you're telling me I'm ignorant just because I don't know what a common name is in a foriegn country? You're forgetting as well that these are ENGLISH servers. Therefore people on them aren't expected to be ukranian, russian, fecking outer mongolian (Although sometimes I do wonder with the general mindset of some idiots that play this game).

It's like me expecting you to know common japanese names and their relevance to historic people of noteriety.

Come on for gods sake. I just find this whole shit kicking up about someone's name changing completely childish. I mean if the player of slobodan was mature, he'd have said "Yes, ok, perhaps I shouldn't have chosen this name, no, I don't agree with the discision but I'll accept it because after all my characters DO belong to GOA" (Ok so slight exaggeration there)

To be perfecty honest this whole affair goes to show how immature the community is as a whole.

GOA want to change your characters name. Live with it. Shit happens. You should have thought about that before you named him after someone quite so infamous. (I don't believe for a second Slobodan didn't realise who the character also shared a name with)

Adolf Bush

Originally posted by *Hienrich*
Mmaky so you're telling me I'm ignorant just because I don't know what a common name is in a foriegn country? You're forgetting as well that these are ENGLISH servers. Therefore people on them aren't expected to be ukranian, russian, fecking outer mongolian (Although sometimes I do wonder with the general mindset of some idiots that play this game).

Yes. We wonder..you see, these are English-speaking servers.
Not UK-only. Not Brit-only. Not Englishmen-only. It is merely an
indication of the language of the client and the general language
of communication on the server.

East-European people play there. Scandinavians play there.
I am not your doctor, but I believe I'll diagnose your skull as
rather thick.

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