GOA have actually done something right!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
GOA have done alright. It looked like they were going to mess up OB. But in the end it was just a few hours late. The client has been rock solid too.

A few hours late? 3 days = 42% loss of total OB time - that is excessive not just a few hours


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 14, 2008
Well, its true it was a damn bumpy ride throughout the OB alot of problems and stuff.. compared the luxury of the US Services *Lucky bastards :flame:*
but today, im just being optimistic... cause I had a lot of fun yesterday.. the game was smooth for me, I went on rampage raping stuff, and I managed to try most of the classes and see what I liked most it was fun, delay of Head Start registration process wasnt much of a problem.. they announced fast as soon as i got kicked off the server :p so I just went to sleep.. woke up early in the morning managed to register my codes without problem.. site is working better now for me.. and all i got is few hours to hit afternoon..
so far its going good.. so I agree with Prudil, we dont need to be so stressed out anyways :drink: because all of this shit is getting fixed before the damn release..now Imagine.. your free 30 days getting fucked up..that would hurt.. :kissit: so idc..as long as they fix it.. keep it up GOA after all @@ we might end up together for years rofl


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2008
All said and done its the game that actually matters - and that is 100% good fun


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
For once I am feeling good towards GOA today. I woke up this monring and logged in and bingo!, no problems entering my EA code or my in-game items code.

I expect that sometime early this afternoon I will be able to log in and start the character I will be spending the next 5 years developing.

They screwed up at open beta but offered compensation to players who were delayed getting in, so that was a good thing by them.

I feel so good about today that I even think GOA will now start to give us news as it happens, and even a bit more notice about game events - although I may be going a bit far there.

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