GOA general discussion

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GOA's big failure is their customer support (Moreover , I don't know if it is right because I've hear people happy with the CS). BUT as far as i'm concerned, I have never used the CS for 1,5 years.

Their servers work very good (they work 99.9 % of the time). There is no lag. It is the most important for me.
Patch day are not as bad as Everquest patch day for example.
Lack of news ? I don't find. There are friday news and remember that GOA can't say the same things than Sanya (ie grab bag) because they are not the game's dev.


Very disappointed in GOAs ability to run things, I voted no.

Servers are up 99% of the time, thats probably the only thing they have done right.
Non existant customer support, and when you do seem to get through to someone you tend to find that your grandmas dog knows more about the game/computers than the staff employed there.

Delayed patches, well ok, we knew this was going to happen, but the delays seem to become quite long and when we do get the "translated" patches GOA have introduced a whole host of their own bugs into the system, they then proceed to do a big fat sod all about it.

In Game events? Like the ATK monster spawning thing, thats a in game event, right? Thats the only thing ive seen (ive heard of a couple of things more, but never seen them!) That was supposed to be one of GOA's major selling points, In game events.

Hacking, well ok anyone can get hacked, but you would have thought that an online based company would have some pretty strict security in place, after all if some asshole drops a destructive virus onthe server, for instance, bang, there goes your entire revenue. Lucky for them the guy who did "hack" the server (ex employee inside the building, whatever) didnt do something like that, he/she/it could of by the sounds of it totaly arsed up the database, server, whatever... all he chose to do was pull a load of peoples chain by messing with spawns.

Lack of customer service, evident lack of security, and very few "priomised" events, buggy patches... vs... 99% Server reliability

Nah, still say no.



An awful website that only works in ie (I cant access the polls or my account in mozilla at all)

A pathetic excuse for a herald (we DONT WANT FLASH the USA version is perfect!)

An awful support system often resulting in people waiting for months on end without anyway to contact them through email.

Having to translate into 2 other languages + running the servers is too much for them patches are around 3months behind when GOA had hoped to have them done a few weeks after the USA.

Lack of communication + increasing subscription cost whilst service gets worse


For the time they are taking to fix this and the lake of CSR's...
I would say they don't have enough ppl to handly this kind of game/server mass user stuff, i mean ok we're addict and we will live with such a downtime without services, but this wouldn't be acceptable for any reliable support team of any informatic system... unless they don't have enough ppl to do the work or they don't really care about the downtime...

oh i forgot...

No GOA as a company cannot handly such a number of players/server by themselfs.
This does not mean we should blame they employs, no idea if they lack the skill or just the means to work properly :D


So far scraping thru the spam, this seems to be how the trends work:

a) 99% uptime, better than a lot of similar games.
b) Failry stable systems, even tho upgrades did take a while.
c) erm........

a) Rightnow - the worst customer relations we have ever seen, so what alternatives?
b) No CSR's like the US due to lack of funding - *suggestion* - perhaps choose some volunteers to take this on?
c) Poor billing system - very hard to use, often down.
d) Translations / patching slow - *suggestion* - UK to host the English servers alone?
e) We dont get all the juicy cash bugs the US does.
f) Poor feedback from GOA?
g) XML loused up for too long.
h) Poor main page, too big for 56k'ers really, not functional in Mozilla and other browsers - *suggestion* Give plain HTML / php pages!
i) inability to change your game pass yourself.
j) Cant sell / swap accounts (although i agree you should not be able to!)

So rather than continue the bitching, how about some sensible suggtions?


think that rounds it up.

Considering the Web site is our only real means of communciation both ways between the player base and GOA, and also our only means of account maintenance/subscription perhaps they could focus a bit more effort on revamping it. As you suggested via the use of plain html/css and backend server scripting asp/php allowing it to be both easily maintaiable (by them) and usable (by us)

as for the XML - give up?


Originally posted by old.0xygen

An awful website that only works in ie (I cant access the polls or my account in mozilla at all)

works fine in Opera :)


Originally posted by sharma
seems the opinions are almost a 50/50 split

but you need to remember that this is at a bad time for goa, so more people are tended to vote no. If everything is fine from now on and you take this poll a month later,there would be more yes and less no's :)


I think GOA is doing a gr8 job compared to other mmorpg's..been playing Ragnarok Online and that has the most shitty support/service ..ever existet i the world of mmorpg's..so quit whining


I voted yes.

I have never had any major problems with cs. Rightnow has worked for me effectively and promptly.

Considering the serious nature of hacking (.."the European DAoC platform has been under the attacks of a malicious person.") I think the whole situation has been handled relatively fast , who knows how many different things they had to sort through before reopening servers?

They have compensated me in the past for server downtime.

The game runs very well.

I recieved my new password and it works so aok there aswell.


if they wernt capable there would be no servers at all.


given that there's just been a denial of service due to hacking/restoring systems after hack etc.

I think the community must have quite a bit of faith in GOA to have slightly more saying "yes" than "no"

44% to 42% as of writing.

Elenah Lopez

I'm happy with how GOA maintains the servers and their CS isn't that bad, I've seen lots worse...

And about the failure of communication - we don't know if it was possible for them to say anything really. If it was an inside job/hack, then they couldn't really say much as they had to prevent that person from doing any other damage. Hence they would have to shut down the servers before he got word of GOA taking steps...

We can't tell for sure, that's the only thing that's wrong at this time. The damage has been done and at this time they could just as well tell us what has happened.

Besides that, GO GOA ! :clap:


say all the peeps that are able to get back in the game...



Originally posted by Elenah Lopez
...their CS isn't that bad, I've seen lots worse...

Yes, I've heard some companies come round and eat your children now.


I think they are capable of running the servers,

a more apropriate topic would be "Do you think GOA's Customer Support and general Customer Relations is adequate, good, or poor"

and i bet 99% votes go on poor.


I think they're perfectly capable of running the servers, they just chose not to.


Originally posted by old.m0000
I think they are capable of running the servers,

a more apropriate topic would be "Do you think GOA's Customer Support and general Customer Relations is adequate, good, or poor"

and i bet 99% votes go on poor.



Originally posted by Flesh
I think they're perfectly capable of running the servers, they just chose not to.
What else do GOA run? Because it's understandable if DAoC gets slightly less attention then say Ultima Online (in it's prime)... but then again they have teams for this type of thing, meaning work must be one big coffee break.


Havnt played the game very much, but unfortunatly what i've read about GOA i have to say no. Or is that just aload of '' I WUB TO WHINE '' people ? but what do i know :)


Originally posted by old.m0000
I think they are capable of running the servers,

a more apropriate topic would be "Do you think GOA's Customer Support and general Customer Relations is adequate, good, or poor"

and i bet 99% votes go on poor.

hmm trickquestion?

no info on whats goin on, closing down vital functions of their system that the players use without a varning and not telling why until a week later.

poor customersupport with people that use a randomgenerator when creating answers to people that ask relevant questions for the player. (it do seem like that sometimes, I aint joking)

no ingamesupport like daocUS have.

late patches.

servers crash when there is relicraids.

no XML for... too long.

their security was just breached through and abused.


GoA is ok, they are, their serveruptime is uber and its relatively lagfree. But, improve the support a big knotch (sp?) and they would be really good imo.


edited: pissed up rant :D

quite funny reading summit u wrote but have no recollection of doing so:D

anyway.....FU GOA!!!:D


In my opinion, if part of the service is broken then you dont take the fucking weekend off! You stay until you fix the problem! We are paying customers. This isnt a freeware game. They(Rightnow and Subs page) have been down since 22nd August with no estimation as to when they will be back up.

GOA have failed to provide a secure server to run DaoC on. They have also failed miserably in their Customer Support.


In fact it on Monday morning Im going to the bank and buy me some stocks on that co

hm tricky one.

I know the Rightnow isnt what I call service when we pay money for it.

But if we dig a little in GOA ownership some people would understand that they dont lack of fundin it´s more like the opposit direction. ;)

They can run the servers..

They have the hardware for it.

In fact is on Monday morning Im going to the bank and buy me some stocks on that company..


4 days + still no email... Yes my address is up to date since I changed password the week before.

Can you guess what my answer will be?


I voted yes.

Although no longer a subscriber, I would consider myself a veteran DaoC'er, and have always been reasonably happy with the set up in general.

Having the limitations of 56k modem can make one feel slightly inadequate when playing along side those with faster and more stable connections as a general rule, but this hasn't been a problem with DaoC, and I can say that on the whole, my experiences with the servers, csr and the game in general have been good.....(its mainly the selfish, unfriendly little twats "in" game that have spoilt it for me on rare occasion).

I dont think there's much cause to doubt GOA in light of the recent hiccups, as with any scenario where security is threatened, silence is the best possible key in thwarting the perps, and thus giving the attack victim a chance to regather its forces and resources, in order to be better prepared, should anything similar happen again.

In the light of this, I can understand to a degree why GOA etc have been very cagy about whats been going on....although, to keep consumer confidence, the consumer has to know that he/she's important, and the only way to do this is via communication, any communication is better than no communcation at all.
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