GOA general discussion

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Qte Eth

well they can run servers as we can see but other services daoc players get on us are just 100x better.

For me it took 6 days to get account after i first bought daoc ,3 times i had 3 days or so problems with renew account coz pages were down ,and during last year i was even unable to login to rightnow with my game acc/pass ,and they didnt help me with this ,while ive sent em 3 emails in different time about this..And aswell information once per month instead of everday on US, slow patches , unable to run stats for 5 months , no plans to give us extended stats like on us ,with unguilded chars included etc ?
so make a guess how i vote ;)

oh and no test server to copy char to and test :(


Originally posted by Breni
I won't be moving to the US, or stopping altogether - I have a great guild and really enjoy my characters. My faith in Goa as a service provider is good, my faith in Goa's customer service provision is bad.

Voted yes for the same reasons as my illustrious guildmaster above ;)

Have never had any customer support problems and received both my new passwords for the two accounts I have subscribed within the stated 24 hours.

They need to employ a very decent public relations company and or actually use the existing people (ie Kemor and Zargar) better than they do.
Having said that, Barrysworld aren't the official GOA mouthpiece and although Kemor and Zargar do moderate here, they do so because of their roles as server GMs not customer support advisers.

Overall GOA provide a very good service in terms of connectivity etc, their customer support sucks eggs tho.

As for whoever hoped the licence would go elsewhere, far as I understand it, if GOA hadn't taken this licence on there wouldn't have been a European DAoC at all.


Originally posted by cadiva

As for whoever hoped the licence would go elsewhere, far as I understand it, if GOA hadn't taken this licence on there wouldn't have been a European DAoC at all.

gah i wish it were true - id be happily playing on a US server right now


Originally posted by Stormm
gah i wish it were true - id be happily playing on a US server right now

No, that's the whole point, this would have been a US game only (in theory) - ie you would have needed someone who lives in the US to buy you a copy and post it over.

The original intention, from memory, is that DAoC would have been restricted to subscribers with US zipcodes.
Then again, nearly three years ago is a long time to remember back to so there might have been ways round it.
Fact of the matter from memory is you wouldn't have been playing DAoC because you wouldn't have heard about it unless a US based mate told you.

And if things are so bad, the US server option is always open of course. I believe DVDBoxOffice still ship to the UK ;)


yes and believe me i have thougth about it but just that starting from scratch with 2 lev 50's etc rah and the way i h8 exp'ing i just cba

plus the fact that i like my guildees

tilda please giv me unlimited votes please i will vote lots of yes's honestly :D


I voted yes in so far as they can run the servers fairly smoothly most of the time. Like almost everyone else here however, I do feel that what little customer service they do operate is absolutely appalling. Information given to us, their paying customer base, is often either miniscule in detail, late or otherwise shoddy in one way or another.

In my personal dealing with RightNow I have found the process to be cumbersome and annoying at best and at worst a total waste of time.

However, in my personal dealings with Kemor, I have found him to be extremely helpful, effective and efficient.

I think if the poll question had been

Do you think GOAs Customer Service department should be

1. Given pay raises cos they pwn

2. Shaken up a bit cos they could do a bit better

3. Boiled in oil

Then I think that it would have been a far more accurate reflection of the main concerns over the current situation. People expect things like this to happen. Cars break down, as do computer games, we expect this. What we dont expect however is to be treated like mushrooms ie. kept in the dark and fed a load of bullshit.


there is one thing i want to know if many of us have changed our isps ,email addresses and so forth yes im one of them poor lot and also the ppl who have recived passwords that dont work how the hell do we tell goa ? there sites been down for over 2 days theres no other way of contacting them (if anyone knows of a way please put it here for the rest of us )
and while we all scream at goa thers some smug little shit somewhere having a bloody good laugh at the damage hes caused i say name and shame him hes the real villian in all of this


voted no - over the last few days we have shown how incompentant GOA are, we have been left in the dark with no customer services, no subscription pages, not even the server status updated... overall the servers are stable but that's Mythic's responsibility as they write the code to make them this stable. We have a major lack of updates from GOA - without checking forums we wouldnt know about Prydwen being hacked and GOA still havent mentioned what happened on Lyonesse to the english players afaik.

Its amazing how they can even get the simple process of changing and emailing passwords wrong tbh, its not difficult to write a script or program to do this and it already exists as part of the subscription signup process.

If it wasnt for my guild and characters here I would seriously be considering moving to the USA servers.


Originally posted by Stormm
plus the fact that i like my guildees

Exactly. And there, in a nutshell, is the reason people like to say bah I'm gonna move to the US, faster patching, less downtime, customer support etc etc etc, but never actually move ;)

GOA's big failure is their customer support. We all know that. But, at the end of the day, no amount of moaning, polls on BW (apologies Tilda cos I know you did it for a good reason) and threats to quit the game is going to make it any better.

Solid hard cash is the only thing which would provide them with the means to expand their customer support and, as has been said countless times, the lack of publicity for the game here in the UK means it will never get a third English language server as plenty of people started off playing the US beta and just stayed there.

I believe it was Roo who said Mythic should have operated the English language servers from the start and he's quite right. GOA probably do a better job for their French and German customers but that's because there's a seriously larger number of them than on Excalibur and Prydwen.

Right, think I've rattled on enough for one day, I'll shut up now ;)



I vote no. The current situation can only be explained (as hinted at by Sanya) to be an employee (now ex-employee, presumably) related incident.

This is in itself is inexcusable, given that the level of the incident indicates that GOA think ALL passords for ALL users may be compromised.


voted yes
They run the servers fine but the CS is really bad, As many have said even a little note to how things or even a note to say we are doing nothing is better than being kept in the dark.
I have a question on rightnow that is over 2 months old now they have popped into it to say sorry we have had problems, And to say they cant find my acc details, they seem not to have actually read my question but i can do an update if i still need help.
One day my question may be answered....


I voted no

There customer service is poor to non existant.

There are no in game CSR's like in the US so no support there.

We have to wait months for the patch translations into French and German and to cap it off the English servers are always the last ones bought back online!!

They put no thought into what they are doing!! a typical example is the password reset without warning and where a lot of peoples email details on there database is out of date. There has been no information released to people to rectify this btw!! This whole matter could and should of been handled with a lot more thought for the us the customer.

The only thing they do get right is to keep the servers up for a decent amount of time which I think for the money is the bare minimum that we can expect.


I do think GoA is a capable company, just not very good in the social aspect :) They need to communicate more with the community than they are doing right now.


I think goa do a great job, I have had nothing but good responses from them via rightnow and the general information is great.

I have been playing planetside, soe shutdown servers randomly with no notice and no information.

Who's played legend of mir???

GOA are bloody saints Im thinking very hard about coming back.

Everyone is a potential target for a hack inc personal pc's.

Whiners can suck on my chocolate salty balls. At least it'll shut them up.


US, seems to be alot better service.
Faster updates with realm points,
A better site for that info.

Its legal to trade accounts, so ppl dont get scammed.
Its possible to change the password to what you want.
Possible to change subb.

In what way is goa better? I cant think of 1...

or i forgot to add, US also got ppl in game you can pm i think also if a person is getting spammed or something.

Qte Eth

well there is one question about this all , why we dont get same service as US daoc players? if we pay the same..


Mythic sub contracted out to goa the euro versions so they run it how they think is best.

The community is better off in a way w/o a/c trading cause local "legends"/"players" are likely to always be the real person behind it. I can't stand pming people who I have known for ages to find out its not the real person :-/. Tho forcing a/c trading underground can have negative affects.

Kharok Svark

BTW, possibly not the perfect timing on this sort of question, just after a major Hack / server close has happened ...


Originally posted by Qte Eth
well there is one question about this all , why we dont get same service as US daoc players? if we pay the same..
Exactly. They pay X and get Y...when we pay X, we should get Y too. Pretty simple really.


Up until this fiasco, I would have voted a strong YES.
But what really annoyed me was the delay in giving out information about CC secuity being OK.

SO, I voted NO, but I'll still play until Dragon Empires comes out or maybe EQ2.


events.... kill-a-hundred-purple-mobs... w00t event...
go to TG or something and have more fun and drops there...
GOA are not capable of giving good customer service which is the MAIN thing in business world... customer always right is made customer always suck by Goa..
they're trying to bring more roleplaying.. they're unsuccessful in it
fixing bugs is so slow Ultima online would beat GOA twice by time considering UO the buggiest game...
sound bug o_O.. who cares? turn speakers off... defo NO


Originally posted by svartmetall
Exactly. They pay X and get Y...when we pay X, we should get Y too. Pretty simple really.

well we pay goa and goa gives part of that money to mythic, so in the end goa has less money to do anything. Besides that in USA there isnt a VAT on the game iirc(unless you live in europe, which means you pay more than mythic says the fee is)? And we pay 19% VAT on our subs, so 16% of our fee goes to the french goverment. Where this doesnt happen for mythic and then goa still has to pay mythic for the license.


Originally posted by driwen
well we pay goa and goa gives part of that money to mythic, so in the end goa has less money to do anything. Besides that in USA there isnt a VAT on the game iirc(unless you live in europe, which means you pay more than mythic says the fee is)? And we pay 19% VAT on our subs, so 16% of our fee goes to the french goverment. Where this doesnt happen for mythic and then goa still has to pay mythic for the license.

add to all that: GOA is a part of Wanadoo, and Wanadoo is a part of France Telecom. France Telecom has a debt greater than Canada... now you know where the money goes =/


Originally posted by svartmetall
My biggest reason for saying "no" is because of their appalling (read: non-existent) customer support.

I know I'm not privy to all the facts about this hack or whatever it is, but there have been murmurings that suggest this is GOA's, not Mythic's, fault vis-a-vis security holes/dev tool availability.

I would be more than happy to see the licenece stripped from GOA and given to a company with proven good security and customer service.



Originally posted by ssera
add to all that: GOA is a part of Wanadoo, and Wanadoo is a part of France Telecom. France Telecom has a debt greater than Canada... now you know where the money goes =/

French Telecom own the company I work for...Orange w00t my jobs not secure!


I didn't vote either way as I don't think they do a particularly bad not particularly great job. Just an average service where things go right and things go wrong.

Could be better, could be worse.


In these MMORPG there is about a million things that can go wrong, tbh I´m kinda surprised that the servers are as stable as they are.
So, YES, I am very confident that GOA is able to run the servers. Allthough they are only human beings and probably don´t have staff for major disruptive incidents. I mean, cmon what company would have?
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