GOA event - fun or failure?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
Just wondering what others thought of last nights event in the Hibernian dungeon. (and maybe to give feedback to Requiel)

I came away with very mixed feelings about it, the start of the event right up to the fights with the giant snake were a lot of fun. Unfortunately the lack of feedback on what we should be doing at this point meant we started to lose people and boredom/frustration started to increase.

The point at which Requiel ported us out though was an absolute killer, after 3.5 hours in there just to be told the script hadn't worked and the end boss hadn't spawned was a complete let down. Then to be told that on other servers this boss normally drops respec stones just seemed a final kick in the teeth.

While I understand the script failure was unavoidable and that Requiel seemed overworked (and was on his own unpaid time at that point) the goodwill/enjoyment that was built by this excercise was replaced for me by bitterness. I stood in Aeg at the end and just walked away from my machine, as a player who can rarely make raids/MLs due to work/home life I had put in a lot of my valuable time, skipped my dinner, turned down 2 calls to join a guild RvR group and missed out on what seemed like a lot of keep take action in Hib to join this event and I got short changed at the end.

Did anyone else feel like this or am I being unreasonable?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2004
It was nice to wander about inside a different dungeon for a change - I thought it was funny when that grape snake died and split into countless others. :D

For an event, it was pretty weak though. I didn't have a clue what I was meant to be doing and ended up dying to a pile of those red con near-invisible snakes with some guildies. :)

Best part was tearing about the countryside on those amphetamine-powered rats! It put speed5 to shame! :worthy:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
what event ...

didnt know there was any event and they always seem to start in the afternoon when most are at work so dont get to participate anyway.

Wouldnt have minded seeing the hib dungeon never seen that before


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Got to say Great start Loved the rats, just wish I had recorded it :D

Kind of went down hill after that :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
The event started about 8pm in Aegir, plenty of broadcasting for close to an hour. There was also a mention of a closed Hib dungeon on the main site and here, which would be a clue for one of the 2 realms.

And yes, those rats were just awesome :)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Ok fair points made.
Events are a bit hit and miss, we either make them with very obvious plots and people say they are too predictable or we try and do something a bit sneakier and people say they don't understand what's going on. It's a hard balance to get right and it mainly depends on the players who turn up on the night which is impossible to factor in advance.

I'm sorry that things didn't go according to plan last night, the final boss for some reason didn't spawn and therefore the rats wouldn't take you home. By the time I realised this was happening it was already very late so I had took the decision to give everyone the chance to go home rather than spend more time trying to fix the event. The event worked on Excal, it worked on Gorre and it worked on the French servers when it was run there. I have no idea why it didn't work on Pryd and at 12:30am I was running out of time to figure it out.

We try and make the event itself the reward rather than make uber loot the reason for coming. The opportunity to do something different, something for which there is no walkthrough and will never be repeated should be the main draw of the events.

We run an event every fortnight and do each realm in turn, so it'll come back to Midgard in about 6 weeks time. I hope this won't put people off getting involved and coming along on the next one. It's also worth pointing out that if you have an idea you think would make a great story for an event you can submit it to us using RightNow and the Life on Your Server category.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I'm always interested in RP events, have been since day one, back in the end of beta, when we all hit emain to work together, only to find we'd been tricked, and jumped upon the three NPC's to hand out some vengence.

There are, however, a few pointers that I feel need to be made, things that could perhaps streamline things a little.

the main complaint most made in the battlegroup, was that they didnt know what was going on, best way to resolve this, without giving everything away, stick a few E&E in the BG, tell them whats expected, then if things go wrong, you have immediate feedback, rather than having to catch the gist from a spammed battlegroup.

Personally I wouldnt have had an issue with sticking around for another 30 mins if the mob had been spawned for us, but I understand it was past midnight for Requiel at that point.

That aside, I'd love to know the method the hibs use to drop the snakeybeast, because every snake killed spawned 10 more...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Oh, almost forgot...



Jan 21, 2004
only thing i had to complain about it was that i couldnt talk to middies in the cg held by requiel ;) all i saw was: ... so most likely all they saw from smurfz was ...



[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
I'm going to post here as well as I feel the need to point something out. Req really went above and beyond trying to sort that last night.. to the point that he was in the office late enough that he missed his last bus and train home and had to walk.

Credit where credit is due please.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Awww, poor Req!

I would sleep in the office rather then stretch my legs tho :p

Hey, am a fat twoll, what can I say? You know what twoll speed is!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
Requiel said:
Ok fair points made.
Events are a bit hit and miss, we either make them with very obvious plots and people say they are too predictable or we try and do something a bit sneakier and people say they don't understand what's going on. It's a hard balance to get right and it mainly depends on the players who turn up on the night which is impossible to factor in advance.

I'm sorry that things didn't go according to plan last night, the final boss for some reason didn't spawn and therefore the rats wouldn't take you home. By the time I realised this was happening it was already very late so I had took the decision to give everyone the chance to go home rather than spend more time trying to fix the event. The event worked on Excal, it worked on Gorre and it worked on the French servers when it was run there. I have no idea why it didn't work on Pryd and at 12:30am I was running out of time to figure it out.

We try and make the event itself the reward rather than make uber loot the reason for coming. The opportunity to do something different, something for which there is no walkthrough and will never be repeated should be the main draw of the events.

We run an event every fortnight and do each realm in turn, so it'll come back to Midgard in about 6 weeks time. I hope this won't put people off getting involved and coming along on the next one. It's also worth pointing out that if you have an idea you think would make a great story for an event you can submit it to us using RightNow and the Life on Your Server category.
I don't think the sneakiness of the event was a problem, we found our way round the dungeon well enough and the getting lost in unexplored areas was most definitely part of the fun for me. I joined that event for two reasons, one I wanted to see that dungeon and 2 because we had a guild group there. The concept of any kind of loot did not go through my head until it was mentioned after being ported out, at which point I realised we were being short changed again.

What i'm trying to say is I came away with a bad taste from it all when quite frankly I should have been beaming from ear to ear (and yes those rat rides really were quite excellent!). I appreciate the effort put in, hell I appreciate your walk home!! But as stated you really do need more cover, either you need 100% focus on the event/bg in question or one of the E&E needs to have a hotline/hints and tips sheet to cover the steps required.

And yes, what was the tactic we should have used on that snake :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Many Thanx Requiel was much appreciated :worthy:

I was impressed with Hib Dungeon and was good to see something sooo different

Now where do I get one of those rats :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Give some space for Requiel and listen to he broads. Yes there were information "spammed" well advance about the forthcoming event. Too bad the script what tells what mob to spawn backfired / didn't work. Hope u get it fixed Requiel. Main this - what is important - is that we have these events.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
To bad i've been working late this week, would have loved joining on the event. People need to learn some patience. :)



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
I think it was fun, but would have liked to get more time to look around and less impossible to kill splitting mobs :D




Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2004
Damn ofc the only day I coudnt play :)

Btw even it it did fail, thats something that can always happen, u still should thank for Req and the others to even hold events !!!
Last event I was on with the giant skeletons ect in Moderngrav was fun and we didnt get any rewards there but it was fun !

Ohyea and if the GM's want storys for events .... contact me and I could think of one ;) I am working on a sort of guildevent atm :)

Requiel :worthy: for ure effort to organize them !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I thought it was a lot of fun. Just kinda a bit late on a normal week-day ;)

In the start it was a lot of chaos (which were also kinda fun :p)
And the rats were just splendid! Killing mobs wasen't really that much fun, but hey I didn't get to the snake so that might be why :p

And I can't see how you can be walking away with a bitter taste in your mouth when something funny finally happens :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Sigh @ thread starter. Why would GOA even organize events when people like this only whine and whine?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
I think it's always nice with initiative on events. Events are some of the rare things in the game that gives it a new touch or angle. Didn't attend this one, because I was rvr'ing and later lost my connection, but imo it doesn't matter if the script was working or not, if the plot was secret or predictive.. what matters is that someone took the time to arrange something special for the players who wanted to join. Gave an opportunity to forget crafting, artifacts, rp farming, xp'ing, ml's for an evening. Still remember the event in moderna very vividly. Joined in the middle of it, but had a terrific time, because all of a sudden there was a story to follow and try to roleplay.

Don't critisize the script, story and effort put into the event, but instead you should decide with yourself wether you want to join an event another time or if you just feel it's a waste of time. No reason really to spill it all here.

Just my 2 cp


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Belomar said:
Sigh @ thread starter. Why would GOA even organize events when people like this only whine and whine?

Totally agree with you Belomar.


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Nausilus^^ said:
I think it's always nice with initiative on events. Events are some of the rare things in the game that gives it a new touch or angle. Didn't attend this one, because I was rvr'ing and later lost my connection, but imo it doesn't matter if the script was working or not, if the plot was secret or predictive.. what matters is that someone took the time to arrange something special for the players who wanted to join. Gave an opportunity to forget crafting, artifacts, rp farming, xp'ing, ml's for an evening. Still remember the event in moderna very vividly. Joined in the middle of it, but had a terrific time, because all of a sudden there was a story to follow and try to roleplay.

Don't critisize the script, story and effort put into the event, but instead you should decide with yourself wether you want to join an event another time or if you just feel it's a waste of time. No reason really to spill it all here.

Just my 2 cp
what he said


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004

well i think theese events are v nice havent been on many of em due to PVE aint exacly my kind of thingy. but i stil lremember a great event when all 3 realms was aboute to help eachother kill mobs in a thid lookalike map.

That must have been the greatest event ever tbo ad i have never had such fun in this game almost.

So keep up the good work goa with youre events but think a little more about us RVR ppl 2 and give us some kind of events also=)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
Just attended a hydra hunt in Fomor... we died at the hands (if snakes have hands) of several snakes that when they died turned into more snakes... etc

which was nice

Ohh and we are Hibs :eek2:


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
yeah events where the realms join forces would be cool :clap:

maybe some ancient evil has arisen and we have to set our differences with each other aside to be able to face this new threat or we shall all perish from the face of the earth ! :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
Belomar said:
Sigh @ thread starter. Why would GOA even organize events when people like this only whine and whine?
Excuse me at what part did I whine and whine? I put my view across, I gave credit for the good parts I critiscised the bad parts, I gave an opinion on what needs to change to make it better. I put across MY view and from what I saw in the BG the view of a number of other people in a polite way.

If that is the total input you can provide on an event that wasn't your realm, that you didn't attend do us all a favour, stay retired and go troll another game board.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 14, 2004
Grayh said:
yeah events where the realms join forces would be cool :clap:

maybe some ancient evil has arisen and we have to set our differences with each other aside to be able to face this new threat or we shall all perish from the face of the earth ! :worthy:

the Battlegrounds uber wtfpwn 3way realm event ruled... again again


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yeah we got our dungeon back, we head there to kill the bloody hydra as he really deserves to die hard. We enter and there is snakes all over, and we get wiped ... and there isent any GM's about to talk to about it. Was fun to see them, but wasent bloody funny to get killed by them and have our raid night ruined there :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
Yeah those snakes were bloody evil, pulled 1 and killed it, oh hi der 30 more :| bye-bye 60 person raid. Twice.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Landar said:
That aside, I'd love to know the method the hibs use to drop the snakeybeast, because every snake killed spawned 10 more...

Believe me, Hibs would like to know too :eek:

They are not a standard Mob in the dungeon and we assume were added for your event.

It appears that even GoA don't know how to get rid of them, since they are still there, stopping us from attempting to kill the Main boss in the dungeon, and using it to XP etc :eek:

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