GOA event - fun or failure?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Lothar said:
Damn ofc the only day I coudnt play :)

Btw even it it did fail, thats something that can always happen, u still should thank for Req and the others to even hold events !!!
Last event I was on with the giant skeletons ect in Moderngrav was fun and we didnt get any rewards there but it was fun !

Ohyea and if the GM's want storys for events .... contact me and I could think of one ;) I am working on a sort of guildevent atm :)

Requiel :worthy: for ure effort to organize them !

Lothar, I remember GOA posted in the Friday news a few weeks back that if you have any suggestions/stories to an event, feel free to right now it under the Server/Realm/Social category. (Or a category that is something like that, can't be arsed to look it up properly :p)

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