Glossary of Guild Acronyms


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Orly - Orly alb/pryd ;p

Also see you've missed out TR - The Rigante alb/pryd.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
TFO - The fallen order (hib/exc)

WotM - Warriors of the mist (mid/pryd)



Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
WR = White Rose
Two Midgard guilds, same name on both excal and prydwen but not same guild from start. This should explain why WR sometimes claim, for example two towers.
Fun thing is when I meet one from excal they appear with guild colour on name, even thou we don't share same /gu or /as.
ohh and I'm from the prydwen side....
Dec 31, 2003
Joohl said:
WR = White Rose
Two Midgard guilds, same name on both excal and prydwen but not same guild from start. This should explain why WR sometimes claim, for example two towers.
Fun thing is when I meet one from excal they appear with guild colour on name, even thou we don't share same /gu or /as.
ohh and I'm from the prydwen side....

Where is that updated list :p ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Will compile all the additions into a summary post later on today if I have time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Albion -

AD = Apocalypse Dudes
AoD = Angels of Darkness
BR = Bulle Reloaded
B&Q = Blade and Quill
Casuals = Casuals
CCD = Colon Capital D
CM = Custodia Malacitana OR Carnificis Ministerium
CoZ = Covenant Of Zak
CT = Chaos Theory
DK = Dragon Knights
DT = Drakan Templars
FC = First Cohort
FL = Forgotten Legends
GnD - Grace and Dignity
GOA = Guards of Avalon
GoL = Guardians Of Light
GoP = Guardians Of Power
GoV = Guardians of Vetutsa
HB = Herfølge Boldklub
HG = Humberton Guard
KF = Kupo Flux
KotRT = Knights of the Round Table
OotKT = Order of the Knights Templar
Orly = Orly
PE = Public Enemies
PL = Pheonix Legion
RD = Red Dragons
RF = Rising Force
SB = ShadowBrothers
SoTL = Servants of the Lake
SS = Shadowlords Society
Synergy = synergy
TAC = The albion Concordant
TBC = The Black Circle
TiW = The Iron Wind
TM = The ministry
TMM = The Merry Men
TR = The Rigante

Midgard -

AB = Aesirs Blade
AM = Aftermath
Aqua = Aquamarine
BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
BB = Bannana Bunnies
BBFF = BrynjaBridgeFreedomFighters
BO = Bad Omen
BS = Bragi's Scorpions
coo coo = coo coo
DAoM = Dark Age of Midgard
DH = Danish Huscarls
EL = Everlast
Enh = Enhärjarna
HoS = House of smek
IDA = Imperial Dwarven Army
KC = Kobold Conspiracy
KN = Klan Nidstang
Lf = Lokis Fallen
Mael = Maelstrom
PWs = Purple Warriors
RD = Realm Defenders
RG = Red Guard
RS = Red Shadows
SC = Savage Conclave
SH = Sarumans hand
Slayers = Slayers Brotherhood
TDA = The dark alliance
TDD = The Dark Disciples
Venom = Venom
WotM = Warriors of the mist
WoV = Wrath Of Valhalla
WR = White Rose (2 white roses's in midgard)

Hibernia -

AD = Ascending Dawn
AoW = Artisans of Willow
AR = Amicitiae Renatus
BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
CLA = Celtic Leaf Army
CT = Crimson Tears
DS = Deadly Shadows
ECL = Eclipse
GA = Golden Age
HDS = Hibernian Dragon Slayers
IA = Ilfirin Arda
LC - Legacy Crusaders
MH = Marsh Horde
NaF - Na Fianna
NFD = Na Fianna Dragun
NS = Natural Selection
Sev = Severance
TD = Terra Dominus
TDD = Tuatha Dé Danann
TdMM = Tuatha de Mag Mor
TFO = The fallen order
ZT = Zero Teamplay

Can we have this thread made sticky please? Perhaps if all of the previous comments were deleted and this one with guilds listing was kept?

Keep on adding them :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
kirennia said:
Can we have this thread made sticky please? Perhaps if all of the previous comments were deleted and this one with guilds listing was kept?

Keep on adding them :)

I'm compiling the list already, have added more than are on this list, so don't change original post yet mods!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Albion -

(E)AD = Apocalypse Dudes
(P)AoD = Angels of Darkness
(E)BR = Bulle Reloaded
(E)B&Q = Blade and Quill
(E)Casuals = Casuals
(P)CCD = Colon Capital D
(E)CM = Custodia Malacitana
(P)CM = Carnificis Ministerium
(E)CoZ = Covenant Of Zak
(E)CT = Chaos Theory
(E)DK = Dragon Knights
(E)DT = Drakan Templars
(E)FC = First Cohort
(P)FL = Forgotten Legends
(E)GnD - Grace and Dignity
(E)GOA = Guards of Avalon
(E)GoL = Guardians Of Light
(P)GoP = Guardians Of Power
(P)GoV = Guardians of Vetutsa
(E)HB = Herfølge Boldklub
(E)HG = Humberton Guard
(P)KF = Kupo Flux
(E)KotRT = Knights of the Round Table
(P)OotKT = Order of the Knights Templar
(E)Orly = Orly
(P)PE = Public Enemies
(P)PL = Pheonix Legion
(E)RD = Red Dragons
(P)RF = Rising Force
(P)SB = ShadowBrothers
(P)SoTL = Servants of the Lake
(E)SS = Shadowlords Society
(E)Synergy = synergy
(E)TAC = The albion Concordant
(P)TBC = The Black Circle
(E)TiW = The Iron Wind
(E)TM = The ministry
(E)TMM = The Merry Men
(P)TR = The Rigante

Midgard -

(E)AB = Aesirs Blade
(E)AM = Aftermath
(E)Aqua = Aquamarine
(P)BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
(E)BB = Bannana Bunnies
(P)BBFF = BrynjaBridgeFreedomFighters
(E)BO = Bad Omen
(P)BS = Bragi's Scorpions
(P)coo coo = coo coo
(E)DAoM = Dark Age of Midgard
(P)DH = Danish Huscarls
(P)EL = Everlast
(P)Enh = Enhärjarna
(P)HoS = House of smek
IDA = Imperial Dwarven Army (can't find this on duskwave?)
(E)KC = Kobold Conspiracy
(P)KN = Klan Nidstang
(P)Lf = Lokis Fallen
(P)Mael = Maelstrom
(P)PWs = Purple Warriors
(E)RD = Realm Defenders
(E)RG = Red Guard
(E)RS = Red Shadows
(P)SC = Savage Conclave
(E)SH = Sarumans hand
(P)Slayers = Slayers Brotherhood
(E)TDA = The dark alliance
(E)TDD = The Dark Disciples
(P)Venom = Venom
(P)WotM = Warriors of the mist
(P)WoV = Wrath Of Valhalla
(P and E)WR = White Rose

Hibernia -

(P)AD = Ascending Dawn
(P)AoW = Artisans of Willow
(E)AR = Amicitiae Renatus
(E)BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
(E)CF = Celtic Fist
(E)CLA = Celtic Leaf Army
(P)CT = Crimson Tears
DS = Deadly Shadows (can't find this on duskwave?)
(P)ECL = Eclipse
(P)GA = Golden Age
(P)HDS = Hibernian Dragon Slayers
(E)IA = Ilfirin Arda
(E)LC - Legacy Crusaders
(P)MH = Marsh Horde
(E)NaF - Na Fianna
(P)NFD = Na Fianna Dragun
(E)NS = Natural Selection
(P)Sev = Severance
(E)TD = Terra Dominus
(P)TDD = Tuatha Dé Danann
(E)TdMM = Tuatha de Mag Mor
(E)TFO = The fallen order
(P)ZT = Zero Teamplay

Can we have this thread made sticky please? Perhaps if all of the previous comments were deleted and this one with guilds listing was kept?

Keep on adding them :)

edit:nerf 10 minute timer. I just made new post with excal/pryd tags to make it easier for people to contact others :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Albion -

(P)30 = The 30
(E)AD = Apocalypse Dudes
(P)AoD = Angels of Darkness
(E)AoR = Angels Of Retribution
(E)Asq = Asq
(E)BF = Black Falcons
(E)BR = Bulle Reloaded
(E)B&Q = Blade and Quill
(E)Casuals = Casuals
(P)CCD = Colon Capital D
(E)CM = Custodia Malacitana
(P)CM = Carnificis Ministerium
(E)CoZ = Covenant Of Zak
(E)CT = Chaos Theory
(P)DLK = Dark Llama Knights
(P)DoA = Disciples Of Aldur
(E)DK = Dragon Knights
(E)DT = Drakan Templars
(E)FC = First Cohort
(P)FL = Forgotten Legends
(P)GK = Griffon Knight
(E)GnD = Grace and Dignity
(E)GOA = Guards of Avalon
(E)GoL = Guardians Of Light
(P)GoP = Guardians Of Power
(P)GoV = Guardians of Vetutsa
(E)HB = Herfølge Boldklub
(E)HG = Humberton Guard
(P)KF = Kupo Flux
(E)KotRT = Knights of the Round Table
(E)KoP = Knights of Pendragon
(E)LoD = Legion Of Darkness
(P)LoE = Lords Of England
(P)OC = Outcast
(P)OotKT = Order of the Knights Templar
(E)Orly = Orly
(P)PE = Public Enemies
(P)PL = Pheonix Legion
(E)RD = Red Dragons
(P)RF = Rising Force
(P)Rose = Rose
(P)SB = ShadowBrothers OR Shadowbreed
(P)Seven = Seven
(P)SoTL = Servants of the Lake
(E)SS = Shadowlords Society
(E)Synergy = synergy
(E)TAC = The albion Concordant
(E)TB = The Brethren
(P)TBC = The Black Circle
(P)TDS = The Dragon Senate
(E)TiW = The Iron Wind
(P)TLW = The Last Watch
(E)TM = The ministry
(E)TMM = The Merry Men
(E)TP = The Prodigy
(P)TR = The Rigante
(P)UF = Uranicus Phalanx

Midgard -

(E)AB = Aesirs Blade
(E)AM = Aftermath
(E)Aqua = Aquamarine
(E)Atreides = Atreides
(P)BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
(E)BB = Bannana Bunnies
(P)BBFF = BrynjaBridgeFreedomFighters
(E)BC = Black Company
(E)Blizz = Blizzard
(E)BO = Bad Omen
(E)BR = BokkeRijders
(P)BS = Bragi's Scorpions
(P)CC = Clan Chaos
(E)CE = Cutting Edge
(P)coo coo = coo coo
(E)DAoM = Dark Age of Midgard
(E)Def = Defiance
(P)DH = Danish Huscarls
(P)DL = Das Liebers
(P)EL = Everlast
(P)Enh = Enhärjarna
(P)GG = Grimnur's Guard
(E)Groove = Groove
(P)GW = Grey Wolves
(P)HoS = House of smek
IDA = Imperial Dwarven Army (can't find this on duskwave?)
(P)Ins = Insurgence
(E)JH = Jack Herer
(E)KC = Kobold Conspiracy
(P)KN = Klan Nidstang
(P)Lf = Lokis Fallen
(E)LS = Laxne Saint's
(P)Mael = Maelstrom
(E)Naz = Nazgul
(E)NoM = Norsemen Of Midgard
(E)NP = Nolby Pride
(P)On = Onslaught
(E)Pain = Pain
(P)PWs = Purple Warriors
(E)RD = Realm Defenders
(E)Rev = Revolver
(E)RG = Red Guard
(E)RS = Red Shadows
(P)SC = Savage Conclave
(E)SH = Sarumans hand
(P)Slayers = Slayers Brotherhood
(P)Smile = Smile
(P)SU = Svea Ulvar
(E)TDA = The dark alliance
(E)TDD = The Dark Disciples
(P)TR = Talon's Reach
(E)Val = Valravens
(P)Venom = Venom
(P)WotM = Warriors of the mist
(P)WoV = Wrath Of Valhalla
(P and E)WR = White Rose

Hibernia -

(P)AD = Ascending Dawn
(E)AoP = Alliance Of Power
(P)AoW = Artisans of Willow
(E)AR = Amicitiae Renatus
(E)Arach = Arachnophobia
(E)BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
(E)CB = Clan Bearhawk
(E)CF = Celtic Fist
(E)CLA = Celtic Leaf Army
(E)Chosen = Chosen
(P)CT = Crimson Tears
(E)DA = Draconis Alumni
(E)Des = Desaevio
(E)DH = Dem Hibbies
(E)DO = Dark Order
DS = Deadly Shadows (can't find this on duskwave?)
(E)DW = Dream Walkers
(P)ECL = Eclipse
(E)El'da = El'da
(E)FTR = For The Realm
(P)GA = Golden Age
(P)GP = Green Peacekeepers
(P)HDS = Hibernian Dragon Slayers
(E)IA = Ilfirin Arda
(E)IG = Ithil Galad
(P)JH = Jack Herer
(E)LA = Llaw Arian
(P)LC = I Luna Caligo I
(E)LC = Legacy Crusaders
(P)MH = Marsh Horde
(E)NaF = Na Fianna
(P)NFD = Na Fianna Dragun
(E)NS = Natural Selection
(E)OG = Our Group
(P)Pandora = Pandora
(E)PDC = Pagan Death Cult
(E)PM = Post Mortem
(E)Rage = Rage
(E)RH = Realm Hunters
(P)RM = Rure's Minions
(E)RR = Random Roleplayers
(P)Sev = Severance
(P)SW = Stealthing Warfare
(E)TD = Terra Dominus
(P)TDD = Tuatha Dé Danann
(E)TdMM = Tuatha de Mag Mor
(E)TFO = The fallen order
(P)TWH = The Wild Hunt
(E)Ven = Vengeance
(E)VL = Vita Lunar
(P)ZT = Zero Teamplay

Okay, I just used duskwave to add more. A added the top 20 of each server to do with last week realm points as well as total realm points. I wasn't going to add everyone else it would've ended up too cluttered :) Tell me if I've made any mistakes or if I've missed anyone and I'll add them in. Feel free to delete my old posts as they're just clutter now...dang 10 minute rule again.

Edit:Doh, just saw your post eggy :( I was on a mission and didn't scroll up between posts. Hope mine isn't wasted :(

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