AD = Apocalypse Dudes
AoD = Angels of Darkness
BR = Bulle Reloaded
B&Q = Blade and Quill
CM = Custodia Malacitana OR Carnificis Ministerium
CCD = Colon Capital D
DK = Dragon Knights
DT = Drakan Templars
FC = First Cohort
FL = Forgotten Legends
GOA = Guards of Avalon
GoL = Guardians Of Light
GoP = Guardians Of Power
GoV = Guardians of Vetutsa
HB = Herfølge Boldklub
HG = Humberton Guard
KF = Kupo Flux
OotKT = Order of the Knights Templar
PE = Public Enemies
PL = Pheonix Legion
RD = Red Dragons
RF = Rising Force
SB = ShadowBrothers
SoTL = Servants of the Lake
SS = Shadowlords Society
Synergy = synergy
TAC = The albion Concordant
TBC = The Black Circle
TiW = The Iron Wind
TM = The ministry
TMM = The Merry Men
Midgard -
AB = Aesirs Blade
AM = Aftermath
BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
BB = Banana Bunnies
BO = Bad Omen
coo coo = coo coo
DAoM = Dark Age of Midgard
DH = Danish Huscarls
EL = Everlast
IDA = Imperial Dwarven Army
KC = Kobold Conspiracy
KN = Klan Nidstang
Mael = Maelstrom
PWs = Purple Warriors
RD = Realm Defenders
RG = Red Guard
SC = Savage Conclave
SH = Sarumans hand
Slayers = Slayers Brotherhood
TDA = The dark alliance
Venom = Venom
WoV = Wrath Of Valhalla
WR = White Rose
Hibernia -
AD = Ascending Dawn
AoW = Artisans of Willow
AR = Amicitiae Renatus
BaF = Bulle af Fetstryk
CLA = Celtic Leaf Army
CT = Crimson Tears
ECL = Eclipse
GA = Golden Age
HDS = Hibernian Dragon Slayers
IA = Ilfirin Arda
LC - Legacy Crusaders
MH = Marsh Horde
NaF - Na Fianna
NFD = Na Fianna Dragun
NS = Natural Selection
Sev = Severance
TDD = Tuatha Dé Danann
TdMM = Tuatha de Mag Mor
ZT = Zero Teamplay
From the list so far If you didn't put your realm and I don't know who are, I didn't add you to the list cause I cba to check on duskwave. Just repost with your server name next to your guild. Will update this tommorow with more guilds when more have posted
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