Global Warming strikes again!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I must say I have been hugely amused by the way hot summers like 1998 are due to global warming and so are cold winters :p

Because like my dad you tend to take the simplistic meaning of the words :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I fail to see how this story has anything to do with global warming.

Even the journo's weren't daft enough to try to make a connection (and we know that they love to jump on bandwagons) - so how come you have?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I must say I have been hugely amused by the way hot summers like 1998 are due to global warming and so are cold winters :p

what did you expect? scorching hot straight away? :)

the cold water from the melting ice makes the winters be slightly worse then usually, and will probably be even worse in whatever years as more and more cold water travel more south then it "normally" does..

someone explained it had something to do with the warm weather around the equator making the gulf stream turn back farther north then it should, or something :)

i wont go any direction with that particular thing just yet tho, but if thats true then we might get some brutal winters comming. :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Global warming, just another way for mediocre small men to control us all.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Nothing in the weather fluxuation that can't be seen in the past 100-200 years, better yet, 1000 years.

Man just has become so arrogant that they think they can adjust the planet :p

Worst part? They probably will and f*ck everything up.


Dec 26, 2003
Because like my dad you tend to take the simplistic meaning of the words :p

Hah no - I was intentionally provocative :) However I do have an Inconvenient memory when it comes to global warming and I still well remember the Triumphalism when we had a hot summer in 1998 due largely to a strong El Nino coinciding with high solar activity.

It is a little sad that the general public thinks one cold winter would mean anything the same as one hot summer but the thing that makes me cry foul is the fact that the same people who are jumping around telling everyone that a cold winter does not equal no global warming were conspicuously quiet in the hot summer of 98.

I fail to see how this story has anything to do with global warming.

Even the journo's weren't daft enough to try to make a connection (and we know that they love to jump on bandwagons) - so how come you have?

Its the Beeb tho - the BBC which has re-written its own charter so that it does not have to provide balanced reporting on global warming (which alone is pretty disgusting) - theres no way they would actually actively try to disprove global warming.

Sadly they have been a bit silly and heavily invested the BBC workers pension fund into companies making a mint from Global Warming - if/when it all goes tits up they will have a massive pension defecit for us taxpayers to fill...

what did you expect? scorching hot straight away? :)

the cold water from the melting ice makes the winters be slightly worse then usually, and will probably be even worse in whatever years as more and more cold water travel more south then it "normally" does..

Actually the main culprit for this years winter is the North Atlantic Oscillation - its particularly strong but the more troubling bit for global warming supporters is that this was sparked by an unexplained unusually cold patch in the mid atlantic.

There is 0 to do with melting ice - the cold patch is in the wrong place for that.

The other worry for the Global Warming camp is that theres currently an El Nino so it should actually be warmer than usual this winter - maybe we'll get a warmer summer :p

Nothing in the weather fluxuation that can't be seen in the past 100-200 years, better yet, 1000 years.

Man just has become so arrogant that they think they can adjust the planet :p

Worst part? They probably will and f*ck everything up.

Yes - the problem with Global Warming (or the oxymoron climate change) is that climate is an artificial construction - by choosing which slice of time you want to examine you can determine your results.

Since 98 I can show a slight drop - since 76 an overall rise - since the medieval warm period a slight drop since the last ice age I can show warming but so what?

A theory is only good if it can make predictions that could potentially render it false but despite every prediction so far being wrong its still apparently regarded as true by believers :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The problem is people want to look at a 20 year sample and see the proof for global warming... when in reality you need 200 years to get even a semi-accurate view of if we're fucking stuff up or not.

People don't understand statistics and are retarded.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It means the "great big giant thaw that will kill us all if we don't pay a bit more tax™" is a load of bollocks.


Dec 26, 2003
besides you being entertained by something i couldnt make any sense of this.

Of the linked story its the worst Sea Ice in the Baltic for 15 years.


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Good to see some points on the misguided "Faith" of MMGW in here.

How can you trust any of these orginaizations when their members all have investments in green energy, or their government(not the people) could benefit from huge taxes? They fudge data to get the results they want, and even get some of their opinions from Hiking magazines and student disertations.

What's sad is that they think most of the world is ignorant...and they are correct.

What a scam.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
GLOBAL warming is just that, the WARMING of the GLOBE.

Localised warming or not is NOT the same thing.


Dec 26, 2003
GLOBAL warming is just that, the WARMING of the GLOBE.

Localised warming or not is NOT the same thing.

The Globe is made up of localised areas - I notice the warmists are happy to leap on localised events but throw their arms up when the opposition do it :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
As far as Global Warming being man made, there is no concensus. Only one side is sticking their fingers in their ears and saying it's over. Of course those are the same people that are now calling it climate change and predicting another mini ice age.

Even people with opposing views are pissed that the "indisputable evidence" from a certain side of the argument changes, is falsified, or is even pulled out from thin air.

Also, the ones who will profit most, or could lose a great deal if their green energy investments don't pan out(Al Gore), are hypocritical baffons that live in a way totally opposite of what they preach to their sheople.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The Globe is made up of localised areas - I notice the warmists are happy to leap on localised events but throw their arms up when the opposition do it :p

No, the simple fact is the GLOBE has WARMED in the last few decades.

Localised weather events can be disrupted by this warming, however. Not all disruptions are supposed to be an increase in warmth. Many areas will stay similar, some will get slightly colder, and many will get wetter.

It's really quite simple.


Dec 26, 2003
No, the simple fact is the GLOBE has WARMED in the last few decades.

Localised weather events can be disrupted by this warming, however. Not all disruptions are supposed to be an increase in warmth. Many areas will stay similar, some will get slightly colder, and many will get wetter.

It's really quite simple.

If they had been right that the warming from the late 70s to late 90s was caused by CO2 it wouldnt have stalled.

We are outputting record amounts of CO2 but we only see a very weak warming thats not statistically significant and is most likely natural.

Still you'll learn in the end.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
If they had been right that the warming from the late 70s to late 90s was caused by CO2 it wouldnt have stalled.

We are outputting record amounts of CO2 but we only see a very weak warming thats not statistically significant and is most likely natural.

Still you'll learn in the end.


Seriously? Are you even looking at the data?

Ignore the media and pick up a textbook or read a scientific paper, ta


Courtesy of nasa


Dec 26, 2003
Ignore the media and pick up a textbook or read a scientific paper, ta

I dont take a lot of notice of the media because its been almost unanimous in its support of the AGW faith until very recently.

Are you referring me to one of the notorious 'peer reviewed scientific papers' reviewed by people hand picked not to object to the warmist nonsense perhaps?

If its all very clear to you I'd love to hear your explanation for why Global Warming has taken over a decade off?

Edit - nice graph but have you heard of statistical analysis - its this thing they do in proper sciences?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That doesn't really show a lot, except a half to 1 degree rise over the course of 40 odd years.

Newsflash, the global temperature has never been a constant and never will be, likewise with the icecaps, you do know that not very long ago at all half of Europe was under ice? Can we blame all the cold and hot periods in the history of the earth on man? Don't be ridiculous.

Its all getting rather old really, no matter what we do we are still told over and over and over that we are all fucked so what is the point in it all? Where exactly is all this green tax going? Its certainly not going on renewable energy. Only a tiny fraction of what is made through green tax actually goes on green issues, regardless of whether the danger is there it is one massive scam. That's the problem many people have with it.

I am all for protecting our planet (for the time being its the only one we have got) but this bullshit is getting out of hand. Cutting down rainforests to grow bio fuels, carbon trading etc. it's about business and money.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
I dont take a lot of notice of the media because its been almost unanimous in its support of the AGW faith until very recently.

Are you referring me to one of the notorious 'peer reviewed scientific papers' reviewed by people hand picked not to object to the warmist nonsense perhaps?

If its all very clear to you I'd love to hear your explanation for why Global Warming has taken over a decade off?

Edit - nice graph but have you heard of statistical analysis - its this thing they do in proper sciences?

The earth goes through cooling and warming phases, it has been doing that for...well forever, right now its cooling or supposed to be.

The trouble is now we are fiddling with a finely tuned system, CO2 goes up, CO2 gets taken up by what we call CO2 sinks, unfortunately when you mess with natures systems terrible things can happen. It is theorized that the reason our ancestors were reduced to a small breeding population rather suddenly in the past was due to a massive volcano eruption that happened at the same point in time.

Are you saying climate science is not a real science? There are a large number of very intelligent and revered individual's that would disagree.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i love the whole global warming debate and we are killing the planet when Iceland's Eyjafjoell volcano is emitting between 150,000 and 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per day, a figure placing it in the same emissions league as a small-to-medium European economy, experts said on Monday. (quoted from the guardian)


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
That doesn't really show a lot, except a half to 1 degree rise over the course of 40 odd years.

Newsflash, the global temperature has never been a constant and never will be, likewise with the icecaps, you do know that not very long ago at all half of Europe was under ice? Can we blame all the cold and hot periods in the history of the earth on man? Don't be ridiculous.

Yes i do know that, i am studying Geology, and no its not all our fault, no one ever said it was ALL our fault.

Its all getting rather old really, no matter what we do we are still told over and over and over that we are all fucked so what is the point in it all?

Yes we are all fucked anyway, nature will quite happily bump us off, but there is NO reason to stoke the fire.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jeros your graphs dont make much sense. Temp anomaly's? its a rather vague term. Please explain that term what you think it is, oh and also if its based on an average temp or on the previous year.

Oh and using revered for scientists is not a good thing. They shouldn't be revered they should questioned all the time. Thats when you get a good theory or if not you get a mushy one.


Dec 26, 2003
Are you saying climate science is not a real science? There are a large number of very intelligent and revered individual's that would disagree.

I would argue its a soft science much like economics or psychology - the reason I would link the three is because they all deal with complex subjects which can never be reduced to single factors and are thus not great for traditional experimentation.

What you tend to get are correlations - often quite weak ones that people have jumped to big conclusions from.

Psychology is tough because the human mind really is complex and you can never really isolate behaviour down to one cause.

Economics again is a set of massively complex factors - if an economists prediction ever comes true its generally a fluke :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its also filled to the brim of very average scientists on an easy grant, all they need to do is agree that its happening and they get money thrown at them, its human nature.

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