girli questions



Originally posted by The Fonz
Don't you realise that that is offensive to shit stabbers?

Genuinely one of the funniest things I've read on these forums :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Ofcourse you take the prize with that one again Addly :p
I r0x0rs your b0x0rs or something,

/bow and thanks


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Ofcourse you take the prize with that one again Addly :p

everybody has to be good at something :)


Originally posted by Belsameth
everybody has to be good at something :)

Do tell my speciality since you are Teh Awarded Tease :p


I try :p

I'm also tought by my mother to always be polite to I can't tell you yours :(



Originally posted by the_fnord
Actualy if u look up "gay" in a dictionary it means happy aswell. Gay as in a homosexual is just, or was rather, a slang... dunno where it came from tho? Are homosexuals happier? :)

Never trust a friendly man.


Well as they say, a happy aussie asking for an english man to pass a cigarette is just... a gay aussie asking for a fag.


imo . he left you for the "other" women,, if relationship was 4-5yrs long i dont think he would be so eager to jup into bed with another women "especially one he works with?" ...

imo you shouldnt give him the satisfaction of letting him know u still want him .. and if he is still with her . dont lower yourself to stealing another womens guy.. and if he did leave u with sole intention of being with her, the he not worth your affection at all. after all once a asshole always a asshole :)

and yes partners can still be friends , but as said above all depends on the reason for split , if somebody had cheated then its pretty silly to stay friends. i hate my ex's guts cos she done that to me , but also i have gf's i waas v fond off and we split on good terms and i still chat to em :)

tips for seducing a guy ... smile @ him :) giff him a lustfull look :p
ask him if he likes blowjobs j/k :p "although that would get his attention" imo if u wanna be wanted by your man . Just be yourself :) after all thats why he was with you in 1st place right? there is NO point at all trying to be somebodyy/somthing you aint . be yourself and if a guy likes/wants you he will chase you till u either kick him in the nuts or give him a snog :p

The Fonz

Elton John goes to a tatoo parlour and asks for a tatoo. The tatooist says, "okay, where do you want this tatoo"?

Elton John replies, "This may sound strange but I'd like it on my dick".

"Okay, that's fair enough", says the tatooist. "What kind of tatoo would you like"?

"Well, This is going to sound even stranger. I'd like a car please".

"A car? Well okay that's no problem I suppose. Any thoughts on what kind of car you'd like"?

"Well", Elton John replies, "You'd better make it a 4x4 because it's got a lot of shit to get through".



Originally posted by baphomet
You're makinga lot of assumptions here.
I said I simply didn't want to see them again.

I never slagged them off or caused any problems or hated their new BFs or anything like that.
I just wanted to cut them out of my life and memory.
You didn't notice me say that my friend has a much more serious version of this problem?


Originally posted by moo_work
asking daoc people for love advice, is this a new low for the bw forums? :p

Lol, because I don't have rl friends :p

BTW, thx for all...I had pretty bad time for the past few weeks and I woke up everyday and asked myself why I was still alive..It was very painful and heart broke...but I am much better and much happier now..


Originally posted by Yussef
Short skirt + high heels = :clap:

is that ALL you see in a woman?

ok..i know where you hang out then on dark nights :eek:


Originally posted by squeakyfrog
BTW, guys, you need to give me some more tips how to seduce a guy...erm, possibilty without, sounds gay, but I can't drink too much myself :rolleyes:

I do want my ex back, but I want to punish him a bit. Crying and arguing don't really help and only will push him away, so I am going to be all lovely and make him think he has made a mistake..I do know that he stilll fancies me a lot..

Hence my post above!


well to say the least a guy telling a woman how to seduce can be disasterous....


I'm friends with all my ex-boyfriends cept one (the policeman) and personally, given the strange bizarre way of things being asked here in the first place, I'd like photographic proof the original poster is a woman to start with ;)

As for the rest, if it is genuine, why bother with someone who dumped you after four years for some woman he met at work?

If he's done it to you, he'll do it to her later on down the line and you're just fooling yourself by bothering to give a shit what he thinks anyway.

Anyone who is unfaithful and gets away with it is likely to be unfaithful again (of either sex) and you can be damn sure that the time they get caught isn't the first time.

As for can women be friends with blokes, my best friend is a bloke, not only that, he's one of my husband's best friends also and his fiancee is one of my best friends and yes, we all play DAoC together (well cept my husband cos he's too busy reprogramming Linux on his damn PC) so yes it is very possible.
Not only that, when I was still at school (a longer time than I like to recall these days) there were eight of us hung around together all the time, 4 girls, 4 blokes and no we didn't all go out with each other - these people are all still on my 'best friends' list by the way and we keep in contact on a regular basis even tho we live in different parts of the country/world.


Guy's have to learn not to fall for every trick the woman use. I have never given in before i got what i want. It's much more fun to see the gf really struggle to get what she wants without realizing she is doin it. :)


I'd like photographic proof the original poster is a woman to start with

If you are indeed female Squeakyfrog, then you are either very naive or a complete attention seeker.

Some of the things you have posted are bordering on the provocative, bearing in mind the sex and age of the majority of readers of these boards.

Did you really want a pm box full of invitations? I bet you've got one now...

Did you really want all the male readers to have an image of your thong as you bent over? I bet they've got one now.....

Did you really want all the readers to know that you were foxy and pretty and SINGLE, with boobs that werent all that big? Well, they all know that now.....

Come on hun..... who are you trying to kid? If you are looking to meet new men, dont bother flowering it up as pseudo advice, just pick one (or a few) and go for it :)


Originally posted by ellya
If you are indeed female Squeakyfrog, then you are either very naive or a complete attention seeker.

I kinda mentioned the same thing now and then on IRC...
tho in slightly more unfriendly words...:)


bit late but....

depends a lot on the way you meet each other, and how the relation is, if its a relation based mostly on sex, forget it imo, if it was a friend to start with and both are aware of what a relation can do to friendship, it might work to be friends afterwards aswell, if someone is screwing around behind the back of the other, it will most likely crash badly and if its sliding relationship between two mature people it might work to save something (mostly no reason to do it though since the interest of each other tends to fade after a relation like that). But, this can all ofc be untrue or only apply in 90 of 100 cases.

Maturity of the two (or more?)
Maturitylevel of the relation
Personal chemistry (some people arent meant to be together or close to each other at all from the start but they somehow attract each other anyway, tends to result in a disaster)
And other factors

Is what decides the outcome of a relation, hence, there is a bunch of possible outcomes in the end of every relation since we all are individuals and that sums up to that the question in the topic has no real or valuable answer at all.


Originally posted by ellya
Come on hun..... who are you trying to kid? If you are looking to meet new men, dont bother flowering it up as pseudo advice, just pick one (or a few) and go for it :)

I dunno if you want a confidence boost after a let down then having a forums-worth of blokes slavering at you is probably a good thing :)


/wave Hi Biftees

Sure was fun In Hib , yer big ugly lug ;)

Havnt read through all the posts, sorry to hear whats happened , went through a split years ago and since met a much better partner, ya kinda know her Linos the Druid :) anyway in SWG beta atm , when i get back to DAoC I'll log the annoying ikle ginger one and look your royal ugliness up;) you still knockabout with Tinee n Co.



/wave Draigi & Linos!
Wow, good to hear from you again :)

Originally posted by ellya
If you are indeed female Squeakyfrog, then you are either very naive or a complete attention seeker.

Some of the things you have posted are bordering on the provocative, bearing in mind the sex and age of the majority of readers of these boards.

Lol, er..pretty stupid as well...bah! never thought about just posting a personal ad here with my photo..


sense of adventure.....

so many people think they have it but don't :(


Lol, er..pretty stupid as well...bah! never thought about just posting a personal ad here with my photo..

Some people are just so dumb...


Originally posted by old.zulubear
Some people are just so dumb...

Maybe you for bumping an old crap thread with only your 2nd post ever :rolleyes:



Girl says can we be friends = Hmmm i might not get any better should really keep this guy hanging on.

Guy says can we be friends = She was good in bed i might like a drunken fumble & rumble in the jungle when im not getting any.


Originally posted by Rubric

Girl says can we be friends = Hmmm i might not get any better should really keep this guy hanging on.

Guy says can we be friends = She was good in bed i might like a drunken fumble & rumble in the jungle when im not getting any.

Whenever(if ever) i say that i mean it. Think what you think and even if you can judge a book by it's covers you still wont know who killed the butler :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Whenever(if ever) i say that i mean it. Think what you think and even if you can judge a book by it's covers you still wont know who killed the butler :D

However if its by an author you have read many times you may well be able to guess.

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