girli questions



Going to my ex for dinner and watch DVD tomorrow evening...will pretend very innocent...walking up the stairs in front of him, wearing low waist jeans and binding over showing my thong..hehe, that should do the tricks...


watch a scary movie and pretend to be scared and move close to him like to "protect you" and like hug him if ur scared, hell u dont even have to be :p just pretend u are. Nother thing thats nice, is a tight tee and no bra, make sure its cold outside, that REALLLLLY gets our attention :D


BTW, guys, you need to give me some more tips how to seduce a guy...erm, possibilty without, sounds gay, but I can't drink too much myself :rolleyes:

I do want my ex back, but I want to punish him a bit. Crying and arguing don't really help and only will push him away, so I am going to be all lovely and make him think he has made a mistake..I do know that he stilll fancies me a lot..


Originally posted by Brynn
Nother thing thats nice, is a tight tee and no bra, make sure its cold outside, that REALLLLLY gets our attention :D

Bah, my boobs aren't that big though :p


makes no difference to guys, as long as we see some little bullets we r happy :D we are simple in that way


nother thought that i just had, show some thong above the top of ur skirt/trousers whateva. or lean forwards and show it. Even the most depressing-est guys cant resist having a look.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by squeakyfrog
BTW, guys, you need to give me some more tips how to seduce a guy...erm, possibilty without, sounds gay, but I can't drink too much myself :rolleyes:

I do want my ex back, but I want to punish him a bit. Crying and arguing don't really help and only will push him away, so I am going to be all lovely and make him think he has made a mistake..I do know that he stilll fancies me a lot..

To be honest when a woman needs tip from guys on how to seduce men the whole idea kinda goes away.

The Fonz

The definition of 'gay' :

Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

Tell us why you (a lady) trying to seduce your ex-boyfriend (a man) is gay?


Oops! when I say gay, it doesn't really mean "gay" as "gay"...its just me (and some of my friends) use the word to describe things and I can't explain why..

The Fonz

Don't you realise that that is offensive to shit stabbers?


Originally posted by The Fonz
The definition of 'gay' :

Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.

Tell us why you (a lady) trying to seduce your ex-boyfriend (a man) is gay?

Actualy if u look up "gay" in a dictionary it means happy aswell. Gay as in a homosexual is just, or was rather, a slang... dunno where it came from tho? Are homosexuals happier? :)


How has this gone from a question about Ex-gfs to a discussion about homosexuals?

Neural Network

Originally posted by The Fonz
Don't you realise that that is offensive to shit stabbers?

Can't... breathe... Must... stop... laughing... :lol:


Originally posted by The Fonz
Don't you realise that that is offensive to shit stabbers?

You really shouldn't do that Fonz...funny but the poofters might be offended.

Madonion Slicer

We Men are simple when it comes to Women, all you have to do is turn up and we are yours.

Dont bother with all the thong, bra blah blah tricks, trust me show up at the door about all you need to do.

To quote a line "You had me at hello"

As far as the original point goes i am hard man, you get my trust once and once only, no matter Man or Women once you give me reason to distrust you there is no going back.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
We Men are simple when it comes to Women, all you have to do is turn up and we are yours.

Dog factor! Dog factor!!

If a 500 pound chick with a face of a bald eagles ass shows up at my door i'll be caught giving credit for n'sync for good music before saying "You had me at hello".

I'll be lucky to say anything at all before sending that tub-o-lard rolling down the stairs like a worn out slinky, maybe that one would go all the way and not stop at the last step like that diabolic toy from..err..hell. :p

Madonion Slicer

:clap: You think i would invite some ten ton tessie to my front door.

If i have ask a girl to my house then there is a damn good reason why and it is not for leet skills in rvr.


Originally posted by sharma
How has this gone from a question about Ex-gfs to a discussion about homosexuals?

Lol, I have kinda hijack my own thread by using a not very appropriate word..


Originally posted by SFXman
Yeah, I know one guy who has a much more serious version of this problem. He will even begin to despise their new boyfriends and shit like that...
One of the most hilarious things I find about this "syndrome", is that the guys will then start seeing their ex as perhaps dumber than before... or then they start saying things like, "Man, her ass is beginning to get fatter", to their friends.

You're makinga lot of assumptions here.
I said I simply didn't want to see them again.

I never slagged them off or caused any problems or hated their new BFs or anything like that.
I just wanted to cut them out of my life and memory.


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer

If i have ask a girl to my house then there is a damn good reason why and it is not for leet skills in rvr.

Strangely enough, the last time I was invited to a mans house was actually because of that.

<Puts on Aunty Kaiti agony aunt outfit>

It seems to me that this guy ended it with you so he could get with this other girl, but is keeping you hanging as a fallback plan.
The chances are that he will split from this new girl and get back with you, until the next tasty new bit of girlyness pops up, when you will be back to the beginning again.
This bloke is a 'grass is greener guy' always on the lookout for something better.
The best way to get this guy interested in you again is to pretend you don't want him.Like a puppy dog, you give it the ball it will play with it a bit then get bored, but you hold it out of reach and the puppy will get all excited and panty.
Or you could go a different way, forget about him and move on to find someone you don't have to play games with, someone who will like and respect you for whom you are.Someone who will be with you because they enjoy being with you not because it fills the gap till something better comes along.


But I do think women are definetely more devious than men..because I am bad...
so going to stay as a close friend (just teasing but no more) with my ex and its not my problem if his new ugly rebound bird feels
jealous or insecure. But prolly one day, I won't care about it anymore..
Single life isn't bad, no more piles of washing up, cook whatever I want to eat, go to bed whenever I want etc etc (hehe, time to lvl a second lvl 50 :p), although its a little bit lonely sometimes and have been eating lots of chocolate recently...;) oh well, not a big deal..

lol, my firby warden is ugly, but I am so foxy and pretty :clap:


Its all Doac's fault!! spent too much time waiting for Fin's my warden to 50 and spec it all wrong :(

I know they are not going to last at all and I am trying to be "COOL", its tough, but I am trying..for myself :)


asking daoc people for love advice, is this a new low for the bw forums? :p


Originally posted by moo_work
asking daoc people for love advice, is this a new low for the bw forums? :p

no but your reply was

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