General Mid Pry scene



Originally posted by Moody
Recently started on mid/pryd too. I can't ignore 2/3 of the game any longer after 2 years in Albion :)

General impression is good. Every realm has some rotten apples so that not a problem. Nisse's Lair is Mithra all over again (no i did'nt /level) with mobs on a killing spree for lowlevels in tattered armour :D

Some quest stories are quite cool and it helps with getting to know the way around too. The only problem I have is exactly the same as on Alb/Excal tho. Nobody has time to make a weapon or some lowbie armour. (Random qual of course) In fact, they spend more time writing a response than it would take them to accept my materials i got ready and click on the recipe icon. :(

In the mean time I'm on the lookout for a nice guild with an insane player/alt ratio, which suits my casual playstyle the best. Rvr is not my main concern as I have a lot of commitments on alb still so it will take me a year to get to decent levels anyway :)

p.s.: my god there are a lot of scandinavians on mid ;)

moody :)

/who fed next time your in mid :) nicest guild around :) (and I´m in it :))


You get groups before me with cleric on exc, are you gonna steal them with your skald now on pryd too sam? ;<

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