Games you bought but never got much out of..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
After thinking yet again of the games I've bought over the years and realising so many were in my opinion poor purchases. I thought it would be interesting to ask everyone here if they had games that never lasted or lived up to the reasons you bought them.

I have had many games I feel I didn't get much out of so I wont list them all right off the bat, but just a couple to start off...

Asherons Call 2 - Was convinced to buy this by a friend and we bought it together, it looked good and I knew a lot of people that were going to play it. Ended up only really playing it for 1-2 weeks and everyone I knew quit it within a few months. Now of course the entire game is dead.

Tribes 2 - Saw it at a friends house and it looked awesome fun, bought it right away with everyone else I knew and began to play it online. It was great at first, but after a while the quality of people on the servers went way downhill and it ceased to be fun and got such a serious atmosphere. No real community developed, or at least not one I was used to and I ended up uninstalling it.

Battlefield 1942 - Was eager to get this as some of my CS Clan were playing it and I love WW2 stuff. Played it loads at first but most people on the internet playing it were seriously annoying in their behaviour with the vehicles especially. Lost interest pretty quickly, I played it for the atmosphere and for fun, I didn't really get into the community.

Well, there's three games I enjoyed a little at the beginning but never lived up to the hype or what I hoped to get out of them when buying them.

What about you lot?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
gonna goto back to my youth. those were the days when you could only buy a game if you could afford it.

1. ice wind dale. ok so i played FF7, but i was not ready for party combat. no fucking chance. the last bits i remember is some guy who was a fisherman and yetis. who makes a living off being a fisherman under labour?!

2. dragonshard. it was described as some uber rts/rpg game. what i got was wacraft three in super hardmode.

3. FF11. propheted to be the be all and end all of MMORGP. it sucked ass more than i could ever imagine.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Tribes 2 - Pc couldn't really handle it at the time ... (I had a really shitty pc before I got working properly)

Battlefield2, Battlefield 1942 - Bought both of these despite hating the out of vehicle combat in bf1942. Think the vehicle side of things is awesome - out of vehicle it's shit and frustrating

Any Star Wars Game - EVER. Dunno why - just find them really soulless and unengaging.

Oh Edit:

Everquest2 - *shudder*



I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Tribes 2 - Heh. It did mean I had a jolly good laugh with the rest of HAI though, so I can't fault it completely.

Doom 3 - Oh my fucking god what a pile of utter shite, I can't believe I wasted my cash on it. Ebay gave me a fair price for it though.

WoW - They shouldnt make games you cant sell easily once you realise you hate them.

Condemed - Shite shite shite x360 launch title.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My list could go on forever, but off the top of my head -

Quake 4 - never got off first level in SP, played MP twice, load of cobblers

Medal Of Honour Allied Assault - never played at all!

Medal Of Honour Spearhead - why do I do these things ??

Condition Zero - pointless game

The list goes on :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
tris- said:
gonna goto back to my youth. those were the days when you could only buy a game if you could afford it.

1. ice wind dale. ok so i played FF7, but i was not ready for party combat. no fucking chance. the last bits i remember is some guy who was a fisherman and yetis. who makes a living off being a fisherman under labour?!

2. dragonshard. it was described as some uber rts/rpg game. what i got was wacraft three in super hardmode.

3. FF11. propheted to be the be all and end all of MMORGP. it sucked ass more than i could ever imagine.

You're right about FF11 that game sucked fucking horse dick.

For me it ranks as one of the worst ever.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Every game I have ever bought apart from Half Life/CSS, UT and Red Alert.

I have hated everything else or just didn't have time to play them.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
lol throd you strange bastard.

although im sure all of us have done something like that. i know i did with warcraft 3 and the throzen throne.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
tribes - confused me
oblivion - couldn't get into it
half-life 2 episode one - why?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
In recent memory:

Quake IV: Played the first couple of levels, got bored, binned it.

MOH: Pacific Assault. I actually liked the earlier MOH games, but I bought this after playing Call of Duty and I just couldn't believe how ropy it was.

Rome: Total War. I really wanted to like this, but I just couldn't get into it. Got it with all the manuals if anyone wants it (you'll have to hurry coz I'm off again next week).

City of Heroes: My first MMO. All right but I couldn't imagine paying a sub every month.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I bought a fps multiplayer game that had a monthly sub once, cant remember the name of it, not Planetside, and I gave it away that same day lol :)
I actually dont buy many games any more for that very reason, though I did buy and (am) enjoying Company Of Heroes, because its different to fps I expect.
My problem is , I buy these fps games, then I notice my CS or CSS performance is suffering, so I drop them immediately.

edit In fairness to EA games, all of thier games have a very short shelf life, they are designed that way, so I havent included BF1942, BF:V or BF2 in my list because I did actually play them a bit, but wont ever again.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Outcast - Heard great things about it but got bored after about half an hour

Civ2 - I'm sorry to even include this but it just wasn't the strategy game for me. Despite being a massive chess player at the time I couldn't handle the slow pace.

FFX - Despite playing it for about 15 hours I still don't rate it.

FFXI - First MMO. Dodgy controls and massively boring.

Operation Flashpoint (Sorry throd) - This just frustrated me no end (Where art though god damn sniper?!)

Doom3 - Say no more really. Dull and run of the mill FPS game.

BF1942 - Out of vehicle combat was rubbish. Had quite a few fun games when I was in KEA though.

There are loads more and I'm sorry to include some arguably great games. They just weren't for me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
DOOM 3, oh look I'm in pitch black.
X3 Reunion, the reviews said its too confusing to know what to do but I didnt listen.

If I get more than 10 hours from a game I don't mind too much.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I tend to pirate every game I fancy, play it for a bit, and then buy it if its good enough. I haven't bought a single stinker since SimTower :)

I've bought HL, HL2 (plus expansions), UT2004, Darwinia, Defcon, and a couple of others, Farcry IIRC.

Last game I bought was Defcon which for a tenner can't really stink :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Leggy!! Op Flash!?! :(

Op Flash was one game I never bought but loved and played loads. I had a legal copy though (was given a promotional copy from sponsor in CS days).

It's nice to hear many other people have had the same problem I have. It has almost started to feel like I only seem to enjoy games I don't go out and purchase, like there is some curse.

I have another one for my list..

Neverwinter Nights - This game looked great and was so much fun to play at the start. Intended to play with friends coop (we did this with Dungeon Siege and it was awesome) but never end up having the time or determination to do it properly. Didn't really enjoy the single player so it just sat on my shelf looking pretty, except for that annoying red bar on the side which says ATARI (totally out of place!).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Here are a few that I can think of right now...

Doom 3
Operation Flashpoint
Battlefield 2
Half Life 2 - gives me motion sickness. (Get loads out of fun and enjoyment out of CSS though which doesnt make me feel sick...strange)
Americas Army
The Sims 2
GTA Vice City

The list will grow when I can think of more.

Nothing seems to quite match CSS somehow...


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003

Red Faction. Since this I've done pretty much the same as tom - downloading for evaluation purposes and then buying if it's decent or I want to play online or whatever.

Last game I bought was Stupid Invaders cos I found it in a bargain bin somewhere and I remember it being well funny like.

(I never bought Op Flash so it's irrelevant but I didn't like it)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
I tend to pirate every game I fancy, play it for a bit, and then buy it if its good enough. I haven't bought a single stinker since SimTower :)

I've bought HL, HL2 (plus expansions), UT2004, Darwinia, Defcon, and a couple of others, Farcry IIRC.

Last game I bought was Defcon which for a tenner can't really stink :)

Almost identical to Tom here!

The only thing I was gutted about was Tribes 2. The original tribes is still the most fun I've ever had playing a game but Tribes 2 just wasn't quite as good because they f*cked with the game dynamics slightly and it put most of the decent players off.

Still played it incessantly for ages though. :)

HL2 Episode one's a funny one though - I simply stopped playing it halfway through and don't feel compelled to complete it. Just felt like more of the same tbh... :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
tribes 2. piss poor sequel to the first

bf1942 eveyone on bw forums pld it alot for acouple of weeks then just stopped

ut2004 i couldnt make my self like it or some of the mods apart from alien swarm

dungeon siege 2. bored after 5 hours

badlurs gate 2 . bout 40 hours i couldnt take no more

ghost recon on x360. decent single player mode buggy as shit and crap co-op

sin episodes. fucking bigger pile of shite than dakitana

day of defeat. ever since i got this it crashes on loading screen yet hl2, ep1 css and garrysmod all work fine


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse said:
HL2 Episode one's a funny one though - I simply stopped playing it halfway through and don't feel compelled to complete it. Just felt like more of the same tbh... :(

Indeed indeed mate. I was bought this and well its fucking dul to be blunt. I got about halfway too and I either a) couldn't see what the hell was going on or b) realised I didn't give a monkey's left bollock if I died anyways. Its sat here now glaring at me like a red headed stepchild. I feel I should finish it but WHY?

Doesn't it make you feel guilty if you don't finish something SP that you are quite far into? Sad I know.

Tribes 2 was pigwank yes. I tried Tribes 3 reluctantly but was pleasantly suprised - it felt a bit like T1 but with some superduper weaps etc...and then I stopped playing T3 after 2 weeks. Argh.

Again a common theme here - BF2 and like a complete twat I bought the Spec Ops or wtf the expansion pack is called AT THE SAME TIME I BOUGHT BF2. Stupid thing to do really. I got both last xmas for myself, got online got my arse spanked by people who had played it for a few months and realised I just couldnt be arsed. The spec ops pack was even worse as it was all nightsight hijinks and I found myself camped. Resulted in the quickest uninstall ever and its still sat here now doing fuck all.

Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights, Homeworld, Homeworld:Cataclysm, Homeworld 2 - all either 50% or 75% completed and all sat there gathering dust. I know they are all damn good games but...

The one main curse is World of Warcraft. This game is crack to some people, I have hardly touched another game since. I recently got COH/DOW pack and that gets an hour now and then but thats it.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm... Lets see, I must have a few.

World of Warcraft (PC): What the hell was the point? PvE gets boring after a while, all the new expansions are just new items. Eurgh. Stupid Game, DEATH TO BLIZZARD. (Note: I am not *cough* a DAoC player)

Taxi Driver (PS2): (I think) - Okay, I played this for a couple of days on the PS2 when it first came out, liked it... But what was the point of this game other than going in circles?

Elimination (I think it was the name) (PS1): Some stupid flying game that tried to mix Wipeout with a 'maze' - Motion sickness from games? Play this.. Play it for 5 minutes and you literally want to throw up.

Final Fantasy X-2: Stupid spinoff. Should of kept it at 10.

Sims 2: Need I say more?


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
quake 4 - oh come on. didn't finish it, uninstalled
doom 3 - see above.
unreal 2 - did finish it, uninstalled, gave it away
farcry - tis a pretty game, I just don't have the feeling I should give it a go.

right now I'm playing bf2142 demo and wrestling with my principles whether or not I should get the full game, and playing Civ4 almost exclusively. I'm really hooked for some odd reason. I got DOW(WA) and Civ4 on the same day, played through all of DOW single player, did one game of Civ4 and was utterly hooked o0


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Oh there's loads for me:

FarCry - I found it difficult, possibly because of the high system requirements casuing slowdown blah blah. Got bored around the ship part.

Deus Ex - Fuck me, unbelievably boring. Yes it's open ended to fuck, but for me, without a distinct task to carry out, I lost interest and it's collected dust for the best part of 3 or 4 years now.

Black And White + Expansion - Pretty in its day. Was buggy as a ****. Got bored on the second level or so.

Red Alert 2 - Never quite had the same atmosphere as the first did for me. Got bored roughly a fifth of the way through the Allied missions. But I may yet return to it, C&C3 is on it's way.

TOCA Race Driver - In my pursuit of all things racey (And quite liking the first in the series) this was seriously uninspired. A storyline in a racing game? Come on.

Operation Flashpoint - Bought it based on the praise. Played a level, got bored, uninstalled.

Tony Hawks Pro Skateboarding 4 - After the incredibly good fun of 2, I found 3 to be mediocre and only bought 4 because I liked the second and still had faith in the series. I've tried playing it through about three times now, but it just seems so poorly made. Like the love dissipated to keep the execs happy.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sir Frizz said:
Deus Ex - Fuck me, unbelievably boring. Yes it's open ended to fuck, but for me, without a distinct task to carry out, I lost interest and it's collected dust for the best part of 3 or 4 years now.

I enjoyed that game :(

Granted it was before my CS days...


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
dysfunction said:
Here are a few that I can think of right now...

Americas Army

The list will grow when I can think of more.

Nothing seems to quite match CSS somehow...

You didn't buy Americas Army :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i forgot to mention

call of juarez, the most irratating sneak mission ever, i gave it a freind who broke his wireless lazer mouse becuase of the sneak missions in the game

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