Game Over

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Fledgling Freddie
Apr 23, 2005
Matmardigan said:
u could need a rl 2.

You do realise that you actually can have a life outside DAoC, right? :p hang out with friends in the weekends getting drunk, hanging with a girlfriend and yet still have any activities running on the sideline in DAoC, such as fixed RvR group and/or raids in any form.

Unless you have a girlfriend who wants to lick ur titties 24/7(or is that the other way around?! im confused now.. :( )


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Qbic said:
Albion didn't need an OP Catacombs class as the Sorc mez and zerg did their job quite well.

Sounds like a broken record. And what alb zerg, u seen any lately?

Qbic said:
Instead of balancing the classes Mythic chose (and always has chosen) this path. I am not saying it is the best way but lately all I have seen are whines without end of frustrated people who were used to walk over the competition by means of numbers.

I've had faith in Mackey (Mythic's balance boy) for 3 years, but that's completely gone now. During playtesting all they had to do was actually TEST the class(es), and the overpoweredness would SCREAM at them.

Qbic said:
This OP whining is made worse by people who had their arse handed back to them on the battlefield by an opponent who played his class better.

Broken record again... the good ol' grow some skills argument. Yes people that whine have no merit whatsoever and all complaining people play like shit. Argument rejected: NEXT.

Qbic said:
They log on here in pure frustration and start flaming without end and it doesn't take long before the rest jumps on the same wagon and there we go again having ourselves a meaningless thread.

Yup, and that's what we have this forum for isn't it? And apparently it works.

Qbic said:
If you wanna quit the game cos you can't take it anymore then do that instead of making a ridiculous flame.

Who said anything about quitting? I didn't. And this isn't a rediculous flame, it's a complaint by someone that has gained experience with this game and knows what's wrong with the balance...

Qbic said:
I hope you see my point.

What point? All you did was say stfu in a lot of words. Not a single valid argument i've seen. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Erm maybe you should be a tad less egocentric and selfcentered and read the first post of this thread. The poster was complaining and saying he was quitting. Well the lack of alb zerg; some people surely have a short memory or do I have to remind you right after the period when NF went life? I rest my case and if you are really honest I don't think there is lot you can say about that. If they would have given Albion an OP class things would have completely gone out of hand :m00: Your comments about broken records are quite cheap if you ask me but oppinions differ lad and it is good they do. Now your comment about experience with the game; that's the whole point. Experiences are personal and differ. I never said all people that complained play like shit. It is quite obvious that a lot of the posts here have grown out of personal frustration. You win some fights and you lose some so big deal. Ah well the necessary nerfs will be done regarding the catacomb classes. That leaves the sorc, BD and shrooms issue which will never be balanced. If you talk about balances compare infils/ns/ and SB. I never heard an alb complain though; I wonder why.... Ow and next time you read posts I suggest you put on your glasses mate; might do a world of good ;)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Qbic said:
Erm maybe you should be a tad less egocentric and selfcentered and read the first post of this thread. The poster was complaining and saying he was quitting.

You replied on MY posting, not the

Qbic said:
Well the lack of alb zerg; some people surely have a short memory or do I have to remind you right after the period when NF went life?

Look up 'lately' in the dictionary.

Qbic said:
I rest my case and if you are really honest I don't think there is lot you can say about that. If they would have given Albion an OP class things would have completely gone out of hand :m00:

Agree 100%, that's why no realm should have overpowered classes.

Qbic said:
Now your comment about experience with the game; that's the whole point. Experiences are personal and differ.

Agreed again, however everyone seems to agree on which chars are overpowered at the moment, like warlocks.

Qbic said:
Ah well the necessary nerfs will be done regarding the catacomb classes. That leaves the sorc, BD and shrooms issue which will never be balanced.

If SI classes are still not balanced, why should i have faith in catacombs classes getting balanced (upwards or downwards)?

BTW: nerfing sorc directly means nerfing albion utility even more, but that's an issue i'm not going into here.

Qbic said:
If you talk about balances compare infils/ns/ and SB. I never heard an alb complain though; I wonder why....

Grasping at straws?

Qbic said:
Ow and next time you read posts I suggest you put on your glasses mate; might do a world of good ;)

Nothing wrong with my vision... again: you replied to my posting and quoted me...


Dec 23, 2003
1. too heavy dmg-output to make zergfights fun, kill or get killed.

2. too many spells/abilities to ever make soloing balanced.

3. fg fights really are the only option for a "fair" gaming experience (and theres lots to be done still).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Methos said:
Look up 'lately' in the dictionary.

Well not that Catacombs came out yesterday and correct me if I am wrong but you were upset about the warlock class. If Catacombs did one thing right then it is shrinking the Alb zerg. Goal achieved so less zerges lately

Methos said:
Agreed again, however everyone seems to agree on which chars are overpowered at the moment, like warlocks.

I never said warlocks aren't overpowered but even as a hib (who used to play mid) I don't start to whine like so many others who knew exactly what was coming. I wait what the next patch will do and once locks are nerfed they should and will do the same to bainshees and vamps.

Methos said:
If SI classes are still not balanced, why should i have faith in catacombs classes getting balanced (upwards or downwards)?

Here I agree, nerfing isn't balancing but I explained earlier how Mythic's policy in trying to lure people (back) into the game works.

Methos said:
BTW: nerfing sorc directly means nerfing albion utility even more, but that's an issue i'm not going into here.

Why am I not surprised you won't go into that one? :eek7:

Methos said:
Grasping at straws?

Well if there are 2 classes which can be compared the best than it are all 3 realms stealth classes. In which Midgard is 2 times bottom of the foodchain so don't even go there Albs have nothing going for them. You can't expect to get every easymode class.
Might be a suggestion but try another realm out as well like I did. This way you may get a different view on things. I might be wrong but seems to me you have quite a bit of problems admitting that Albs don't have it that bad.
Is only my opinion though and I am sure yours differs from mine on this one. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004

Haven't read all the responses that the original post has caused, but just want to point out that it was in no way written by me - me being the original owner of Erialor Godsent....

I've been away from the game some 14-15months due to some real life issues, including moving back to my home town and beginning on a new education. And now I'm ready to return to DAoC and see what Catacombs have brought.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
It wasn't written by you?

So when you sold your account, you sold your FH login too? :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Nice try. Perhaps you managed to cover it up next time :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I smell a ban inc for bumping old threads xD


Jan 22, 2005
Hmmm well I have played all three realms and I think that Albion is sub-par compared to this rest of the realms overall but they do have some nice classes and its not a huge difference anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
this must be the best bump ever
wonderfull thread i give it 5 stars :clap: :clap:
thou i can feel some empathy with the whine when i think off soloing with my caba, 99% of my deaths are either stun nuke nuke nuke dead, or instaed by a adding wl :cheers:


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Definetly has some valid points i agree with op classes etc , bye bye ! .


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
im not saying this guy is a moron but there is a reason to why most people on camlann chooses :

light tanks : zerks
healer class : healer
Messer : bards
caster : chanter, bainshee, theurgists:)p), spiritmaster
shear/buff : shaman

simply because thoes classes are the best at what they do and got the most utility

and on the discussion about sorcs being the best messers, i would recon insta mess is far better then bolt range mess, but we can discuss that till the end of days without getting a final result :p

last but not least, bb whiner!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
id take a merc + bm assist train probably, rather then 2 zerks. tho camlann setups drive me nuts, i think each realm can make a nice group but mixing them up is just.. ;d


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
uhhh btw i just got a bright idea....why not change realm ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
erialor said:
albion have absolutely no reason to do RvR.... their classes are totally nerfed compared to the other 2 realms... Its fucking pointless... Mythic have done well destroying the game totally... I am amazed that albs are actually still playing..



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
erialor said:
Last but not least... Vodkafairy

I agree. It's not about NF or OF, forget Warlocks or Bainshees, forget TOA... the main reason this game has gone to pot is Vodkafairy.

It's those little luri can anyone play the game when those are jumping around in your face? And that's before he starts squealing when you finally manage to hit him... :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
eggy said:
It wasn't written by you?

So when you sold your account, you sold your FH login too? :rolleyes:

:( - My account hasn't ever been traded and I seriously doubt it'll ever be - Dunno whether you believe me or not, but you can ask Foxyone from your guild if I'm the real owner or not....

Also I can say that I used to hang out alot with Kalammer/Kalaamer etc., DasBuffbot, Raran and a few others + did some of the MLs with you and some of your guildies - believe it has been traded and I got it back? Well can't really proove that it hasn't happened - all I can say is that I was inactive due to RL issues.
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