Gear said:He does![]()
rofl and he thinks hes underpowered?:F
Gear said:He does![]()
Vodkafairy said:if you can only post when asked this forum would be fairly dead, wouldn't it?![]()
erialor said:Hibs only come out when they have a 1337 fg, cuz they are some pussies... Mythic is ofc also to blame for this.. the players...
RS|Pikoah said:Bd's are killable by good players,
erialor said:albion have absolutely no reason to do RvR.... their classes are totally nerfed compared to the other 2 realms... Its fucking pointless... Mythic have done well destroying the game totally... I am amazed that albs are actually still playing..
Stunned said:I wrote an essay how stun should render all dmg cut by 50 % while the effect is in.
Guess noone gave a fakk tho ...
erialor said:Albion has always sucked, and been less powerful than other realms...
erialor said:Albs are everywhere, but not always 1337 fgs in any time of the day..
Suicidel said:IMO, the shit that is ruining this game and allways have done is the freaking lag/ lagspikes that pisses every1.
i been playing daoc for about 3 years now. and they still havent done shit about it. big gratz to the frog eaters...
and for u erialor, i think its abit sad to post a thread like this1, i know baseline stun sucks, warlocks and 1337 grps. but still i dont go post here and cry like a baby ( or acting like a 12 year old kid that still smells pee).
Methos said:Herein lies the EXACT problem... GOOD players can kill mediocre BD's.
EXCELLENT players might kill bad warlocks.
Ever seen a GOOD warlock lose against a mediocre armsman?
Ever seen a GOOD BD lose against a mediocre infiltrator (caster killer)?
On a level playing field certain classes from certain realms outperform others by MILES. Everyone knows it, but the discussion always gets buried by a stinking heap of nonsense arguments.
Qbic said:Best way to do that is to give them op classes. After a while the nerfbat strikes. It has always been like that and always will be. Wait till after the next patch then talk again.
Vodkafairy said:cus game balance is based on 1v1?
Methos said:No it's based on realm vs realm, i agree.
Let me ask you: have you defended a keep with 20+ warlocks in courtyard lately? Much fun?
Methos said:Where's albion's OP catacombs char then?
And yes lets talk next patch where warlocks are nerfed and STILL OP'ed...
FYI: i don't whine much about classbalance, but the current situation is just beyond abnormal and it shows in RvR.
Qbic said:...and there we go again having ourselves a meaningless thread...
Matmardigan said:agree with erialor.
Daoc isnt fun,
its depressing.
U want solo? go out and get zerged
U want artis? go toa and whine cause no1 will help u with
U want a nice template? get 200p 4 scrolls & iteams
U want rvr? get a setgroup (LOL)
U want fun? go out in REAL LIFE and search a girl 2 have fun with.
Matmardigan said:agree with erialor.
Daoc isnt fun,
its depressing.
U want solo? go out and get zerged
U want artis? go toa and whine cause no1 will help u with
U want a nice template? get 200p 4 scrolls & iteams
U want rvr? get a setgroup (LOL)
U want fun? go out in REAL LIFE and search a girl 2 have fun with.
polza said:sadly u havent gone out into RL but just quit the game and read forums based on it all day fun ftw
Alme said:and yet here u are :<
Matmardigan said:U want artis? go toa and whine cause no1 will help u with
Vodkafairy said:lol