TV Game of Thrones: Season 8


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
I cant work out if i liked the ending yet, or just i had my hopes set so high it was never going to matched anyway


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I didn't not like it. Just a little disappointed.

After it had finished I was thinking "Oh was that it?". After years of heart pounding adrenaline fueled action and page turning twists and turns, the ending was - and I'm going to say it - was a let down.

Like receiving one sock for a birthday present. With a hole in it.



Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I called it that the would be no Iron Throne at the end.

Arya made it and nothing else matters.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Rule of Cool. Stop overthinking it.
But it wasn't cool. It would have been cool if he'd attacked or done anything interesting. All that happened is we got a scene that added so little it would have been better to just let Jon Snow keep walking uninterrupted.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
But it wasn't cool. It would have been cool if he'd attacked or done anything interesting. All that happened is we got a scene that added so little it would have been better to just let Jon Snow keep walking uninterrupted.

It was totally cool; a pile of rubble suddenly becomes a dragon. Plus it was necessary to know he was nearby when Jon and Dany were having their Iron Throne scene; it was also why they set the throne in the open air. This shit isn't just thrown together you know.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It was totally cool; a pile of rubble suddenly becomes a dragon. Plus it was necessary to know he was nearby when Jon and Dany were having their Iron Throne scene; it was also why they set the throne in the open air. This shit isn't just thrown together you know.
Why did Drogon burn the throne? Are they implying that dragons understand these things? How clever are they supposed to be?

/edit: Serious question. I don't actually know. No sarcasm :)


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
It does raise points I have thought about.

Bran as far as I recall (Understand) had his power from the weirwood trees (One up north of the wall initially and then Winterfell). I don't know if King's Landing has any of these weirwood trees... So has his Three Eyed Raven spin started to wane perhaps? Will be be able to ever use his sight again or will he become a "normie"?

I don't know why Jon wasn't murdered by the Unsullied or Dothraki as soon as it happened, surely she always had some Queensguard with her for protection who at least could have witnessed it and being powerless. Judging by how crazy Grey Worm was with the Lannister armies, he could have easily had the Northmen all slaughtered. So that was a poor showing.

The other kingdoms (At least Iron Isles) should have gone for independence. They made a massive cock-up there I think. "We kind of forgot..."

I don't see why the Iron Bank debt would transition to a new regime, end of the day they were at war and enemies and the Iron Bank made their own financial decision on that and cast their lot with the losing side. Otherwise King's Landing/6 kingdoms will be in millions of gold of debt for a failed army and then how will they get gold for rebuilding King's Landing? Or will it resemble Paris in the 1940's for a couple of decades?

It would be ace if Drogon could go back east, lay a couple of eggs and make a new Dawn of Dragons. Drogon should not have had the intelligence to know that the Iron Throne was a source of the evils of the world though. How could he possibly know if this was the first time ever laying his eyes on such a throne? Sure he was "pissed" his mother had died but quite convenient he knew of the stories. Unless she read them bedtime stories about it.

There is no more Nights Watch, that looked to be a massive fail... No longer guarding the realms of men. Plus Jon looked to piss off with the Wildlings so...


One thing has just come to mind though. During the Long Night, Missande and Grey Worm were talking about plans post-King's Landing. Grey Worm said he will take all the Unsullied to Naarth to protect Missande's people... Now, if Missande had not died there would have been no bloodshed (SUPPOSEDLY)... How would Grey Worm and Missande have felt once Dany had taken King's Landing then announced "Lol actually, I want to take over the rest of the world now - You guys not going anywhere"... I imagine they would not have been best pleased....


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
It did for me. I have Adblock turned off on the website also if that helped?



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It depends how many times you've visited the site during a period of time.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003

Wow. Ser Pod the Rod is the son of Ser Rod

Podrick and Rodrik


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Pretty dayum cool @Lamp. Ta. :)

Just off to pickup 10 bottles of methylated spirits.

Nothing arty. Camping fuel ;)

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