Red Faction didn't seem to work well with my Windows 7, couldn't alt tab and when I tried it wouldn't respond to any key/clicks.
Dragon Age Origins is £15.99 at GAME
Dragon Age: Origins - PC Games -
The CE is £19.99
Dragon Age: Origins GAME Exclusive Collector's Edition - PC Games -
On or near the release date though?
Is anyone else getting horrifically slow download speeds on steam atm?
FFS I paid £40 on steam for the deluxe edition
Dude, you should know better than to pay for anything on Steam that isn't over 60% off!
Hah, they saw you coming .
Is it worth it by the way? How nerdy an RPG is it, the most I can deal with is something that plays like KoTOR or Mass Effect.
Whyzat?It's really a game you should be buying on a console though.
I've argued with Tohtori without resorting to violence - I think I can handle Chet.You shall not argue with the Chet, it's bad for your health.