Games Game bargains


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Completely wrong Wazz.

First off, DE3 had 4 different endings, with specific monologues and different visuals, all related specifically to the final choice you made:


ME3 has essentially the same ending, forced upon you, regardless of how you've played your character up until that point:


^^That's ALL the "endings" right there.

It completely ignores all the work you've done, the choices you've made, and the character you've played over the course of the series, totalling over 100+ hours of gameplay.

It's nothing to do with self-entitlement (yay for the buzz word of the moment making ANOTHER appearance!). It's more to do with what the players were promised right up to the very release of the game itself by the developers themselves. That there would be 16 different endings, that it wouldn't ultimately come down to an A, B or C choice and that all our decisions leading up to that point would have an impact.

NONE OF THEM DID. I could have dicked about and played an absolute cunt for the 3 games or been an absolute saint. I could have cleaned up every single mission over the course of the 3 games or not bothered my arse and I could have gotten the exact same ending as I did. There's also no closure on the stories of your crew, and what happened to them after the relays explode, and the ending is full of plot holes and logical inconsistencies.

The developers made promises in the build up and hype machine for this game which they patently failed to deliver on every level - THAT'S why the player base are completely pissed off. Which most of the players who haven't even finished or played the game don't see or get.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
New endings will be DLC I presume.

/bashes EA


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I hope so, but I'll sure as hell not be paying for it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Completely wrong Wazz.

First off, DE3 had 4 different endings, with specific monologues and different visuals, all related specifically to the final choice you made:


ME3 has essentially the same ending, forced upon you, regardless of how you've played your character up until that point:


^^That's ALL the "endings" right there.

It completely ignores all the work you've done, the choices you've made, and the character you've played over the course of the series, totalling over 100+ hours of gameplay.

It's nothing to do with self-entitlement (yay for the buzz word of the moment making ANOTHER appearance!). It's more to do with what the players were promised right up to the very release of the game itself by the developers themselves. That there would be 16 different endings, that it wouldn't ultimately come down to an A, B or C choice and that all our decisions leading up to that point would have an impact.

NONE OF THEM DID. I could have dicked about and played an absolute cunt for the 3 games or been an absolute saint. I could have cleaned up every single mission over the course of the 3 games or not bothered my arse and I could have gotten the exact same ending as I did. There's also no closure on the stories of your crew, and what happened to them after the relays explode, and the ending is full of plot holes and logical inconsistencies.

The developers made promises in the build up and hype machine for this game which they patently failed to deliver on every level - THAT'S why the player base are completely pissed off. Which most of the players who haven't even finished or played the game don't see or get.


Bwahahaha, that's exactly the kind of hilarious fanboy post that I've been mocking, sadly. :)

DE3 has more than 4 endings btw, it has more - each ending changes slightly depending on how you played the game.

Which is very similar to ME3. You have your normal endings, and each one is altered slightly with lines of dialogue etc.

It's not the developers fault that gamers had unrealistic expectations of what you can do with an ending, is it? They provided what they said they did, but that didn't meet subjective opinion of expectation for a lot of fans - so they cry their cocks off about it. The fact that you have so many incredibly tedious, repetitive and overly long youtube rants and reviews about the ending shows that yes, a lot of ME3 fans are self-entitled pricks. It's got nothing to do with buzzwords and everything to do with how people in the last couple of years have started reacting badly to things because they expected them to be something they were never going to be. The demand for new ending is hilariously pathetic and sad. The only good thing about the campaign to get new endings was that some donated money to charity.

The rest of it is pathetic babyish crying.

Do you see people taking to the internet and starting vicious, aggressive campaigns because Clash of the Titans was a shit film, when it could have been good? Why do people think this is an acceptable thing to do for games? It's odd. It's the developers vision: you can like it or not but lobbying to change it because it doesn't meet your personal standards of expectation is exactly the kind of thing a toddler does.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
In a nutshell; it's their story to end as they see fit.

If they changed the ending now, those people who woukd've preferred the original ending would get screwed.

TAste is not a basis for change.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
Could be worse you could be stuck with a "to be continued" shit ending with the makers having no intention of making another sequel like they did with Final Fantasy 13-2.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
ME3 has essentially the same ending, forced upon you, regardless of how you've played your character up until that point:

Yes and no, the difference is:
that with 4000+ effective military strength Shepard is seen surviving only if he destroys the reapers. With every other choice and any other effective military strength below 4000 he dies.

What personally pissed me off is that you can not no matter what save both the organic species AND the geth that you spent years trying to save and still survive yourself. Because if you destroy the reapers the geth gets it to according to the "solution" (which may or may not be Harbringers final attempt at tricking Shepard to not destroy them)...

All in all the game is great up until the end of the attack on the Cerberus base, after that it's complete and utter shit and i refuse to keep playing after that.

And toth, taste is not a basis for change? It's THE basis for change for crying out loud... :)

If you don't like something your natural instinct is to try and make it better.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bwahahaha, that's exactly the kind of hilarious fanboy post that I've been mocking, sadly. :)

DE3 has more than 4 endings btw, it has more - each ending changes slightly depending on how you played the game.

At least it had 4 endings, ME3 had 1!

Which is very dissimilar to ME3. You have your normal ending, and each one is altered slightly with lines of dialogue different colours etc.

Fixed that for ya.

It's not the developers fault that gamers had unrealistic expectations of what you can do with an ending, is it? They provided what they said they did, but that didn't meet subjective opinion of expectation for a lot of fans - so they cry their cocks off about it.

No, no, no.If there were expectations, they were based directly on what the developers were saying right up until the games release.

They promised it wouldn't be an A, B or C ending. That's EXACTLY what they provided.

They promised our choices throughout the game(s) would have an impact upon the ending - they had little to no impact whatsoever other than the Shep-breath over 4k EMS. Oh and the colour of explosion you get. Woo.

The choices presented were a false dichotomy that we're meant to blindly go with, but there were other options - like, if you're the AI that controls the reapers, how about you just tell them to fuck off while I go home for an ice cream? Or tell them to self-destruct, or shut-down, or all go watch Hunger Games fgs. Why do I have to kill myself in order to carry out something an advanced AI should be able to do in a nano-second? If the "solution" won't work any longer, then if you're in control just stop them right now, especially given that the solution is meant to help the organics longer-term.

Then there's the whole illogical nature of the ending, and how squad members suddenly teleport from the front line on Earth by your side to the fleeing Normandy in a game universe with no teleportation available.

There's the fact that destroying a Mass Relay unleashes an explosion so powerful it wipes out entire solar systems and more (established in the Arrival DLC). Guess where all the Mass relays are located? Well done Shep, you've just wiped out every single living being in the known galaxy.

The fact that you have so many incredibly tedious, repetitive and overly long youtube rants and reviews about the ending shows that yes, a lot of ME3 fans are self-entitled pricks. It's got nothing to do with buzzwords and everything to do with how people in the last couple of years have started reacting badly to things because they expected them to be something they were never going to be. The demand for new ending is hilariously pathetic and sad. The only good thing about the campaign to get new endings was that some donated money to charity.

The rest of it is pathetic babyish crying.

Do you see people taking to the internet and starting vicious, aggressive campaigns because Clash of the Titans was a shit film, when it could have been good? Why do people think this is an acceptable thing to do for games? It's odd. It's the developers vision: you can like it or not but lobbying to change it because it doesn't meet your personal standards of expectation is exactly the kind of thing a toddler does.

Personal standards are irrelevant, the developers set the standards themselves in what they told the players would be provided. The whole thing is an ill-conceived, poorly executed and poorly-thought out mess.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Was unsure whether to make a new thread about it.

But seems GAME has finally bit the bullet. Old news though as it was earlier this morning it was first announced i think ;


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It seems like the thread about cheap games has become a spoilerzone for Mass Effect 3.

Piss off to the Mass Effect 3 rant thread that I'm avoiding until I get to the end of it :)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
GameStation in Staffs closed.. :( Now how will the nerdlings who somehow know who I am have any sort of 'decent' conversation about games!


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
tell em to all come here.
We should all do that if we go in a store. FH is the haven for everyone who got shat upon by the closing of the online service, why shouldn't it also be the haven for everyone who got shat upon by the closing of the retail stores?


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Well can't someone just buy the name off them just like the last time? Brooky still comes here doesn't he, maybe he's extra generous? :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I haven't seen brooky here since I realised he went under the name of something else. That was a shock.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Can I buy it with reward card points?
No but you can trade in your old domain names for reward card points when brought in with a game.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Dosbox. Works fine on my 64bit Win 7 and imho has lost none of the charm.

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