Game #10 (The lets pick on ch3t game)


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
lol didnt post anyhting apart from vote;tab twice, and got ganked
wonder who i pissed off last game :)

I doubt it was tab ;)

Probably because you stuck on the same person in two nights the SK might have thought you were a seer and panicked, i know I was suspicious when you went for tab the 2nd day in a trot.

Im only left wondering if the wolves done what was expected and went to chomp on Syd who would of been protected by the doc in the first place, it would of been better to have chomped Inactionman (who I suspect is the doc, since he questioned if Syd is a seer)

possibly confirming who to protect each night?

Cal has shot himself in the foot (no pun intended) as he cant do much now. unless will gave him 2 shots.

p.s. seems Syd still cant figure out the difference between Vigi and SK, Mabs got violated which means SK kill (bloody pervert :eek: )


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
think people are getting a bit wary of cal coming out all the time, mostly talking out of his arse
think he may become no1 "killed for no reason on day 1 " person soon


Dec 17, 2003
The problem with the SK is that I don't have an SK kill smilie. I've got Teedles working on it to end the confuddlement.


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
but he can't take that away from ch3tan! he is the god of 1 day deaths!

That and he tastes like peanut brittle :p


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
think we could do with trialing the hunter class, just to stop people being quite so cavalier with their attacks

for those that dont know: hunter :- when (s)he dies, they get a free kill on anyone else, parting shot type thing.


Dec 17, 2003
I think I'll trial never having a vigilante again. Its rare to find a vig who doesn't shoot his load on the first night, so to speak.

I actually had an idea of the hunter class as someone who can find out if someone takes a night action, but not what the outcome of that action, or what the persons alignment is.

And in the future I could swap the vig with crazy war veteran, who shoots at night the first person who votes for him, even though technically the war vet is pro-village.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
hehe sounds ace. something people cant control, rather than the "oh lol im going to shoot whoever voted/ate me last time"


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
too many roles and the game will get confusing very quickly :(

The war veteran character sounds interesting, something of a "vengance" role where your trying not to get voted for to protect the village.

You could even throw in the wildcard where the old coot shoots someone at random because "of his failing eyesight" ;) instead of who he targetted


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
and fweddy too.....

OKay, ECA has been very stupid this game, he looks very dodgy because he is not using logic.

Inactionman and fweddy have both jumped in late for burning insane when it did not matter.

I know one of ECA and Fweddy is a wolf, it makes more sense for it to be fweddy, based on his actions. They are burning a non-wolf tonight, very silly bandwagon jumping based on dislike of ECA.

I would say fweddy is definetly a pack member. Inactionman is either the 3rd wolf or the doctor.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Argghhh, will. Can you explain the runic markings to these lot so I can comment on them?

I can eliminate half the village from being wolves right now. Not much place to hide for them.

Also I forgot to mention Itcheh could be the 3rd wolf if inactionman isnt.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I gave up on this village once itcheh was obv a wolf and he had posted agreeing with me, most of the "players" in this game are incapable of anything beyond level 1 thought.

Btw will - suggested change - end the turn once a majority is reached.

Some dead bastard major doesnt decide when the lynch mob goes to work, a simple majority does.

The way the current mafia game is going in daoc off topic is a pretty good example.
The bad guys team aka wolves get three roles, a roleblocker target specific ( eg name player A to get roleblocked ) a "protector" who every 3rd night can stop any hostile attacks and a killer who obv gets a kill each night - but requires 1 less vote than normal to get bummed ).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
btw ch3ts you kinda got yourself shot for some really really poor reasoning arguing that people voting X were wolves and two packs were trying to vote him or whatever you said, it looked like a bad argument to get me lynched :p

If we want the games to not be so stupid it would help if we both didnt go down that route from the start :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I did not want you to get lynched. The 4 of you were voting the same way, along with inactionman who I missed. You all did look like a voting block, or two, and I did not believe we had masons.

I was hoping that the wolves would jump on the people I named that they knew were innocent, and switch from itcheh -but he was never in any real danger, and they got their chance with you, with the villagers blinkered by the fact they did not like you.

I love the way that suspect wolves have managed to make the villagers forget that I named them too, selective memory at play.

The only reason I even asked for a vig/seer to look at you was because I was bored and you were providing the only banter :/


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003

Wolves: Itcheh and Fweddy.

ECA's death confirms Fweddy as a wolf, Itcheh being the target on day one just does not sit right.

Inactionman is probably the doc, but I suppose he could be the SK too.


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003

Wolves: Itcheh and Fweddy.

Your partually right there, but itcheh wasn't in my wolf group, it was myself, fweddy and (not gonna name him just to piss ch3tan off, but i've already dropped a clue in an earlier post)

ECA's death confirms Fweddy as a wolf, Itcheh being the target on day one just does not sit right.
I know I went with the itcheh vote on day one at the start as nobody else had been voted for, and with the first day it essencially is just a lucky dip
Inactionman is probably the doc, but I suppose he could be the SK too.
I suspected Inactionman was the doc after asking Sydrik if he was the seer, an easy way to check the role your protecting is the correct one, or just being nosey.

I would bet inactionman would protect sydrik for the rest of the game, which would mean its bloody obvious who the wolves should go for next :eek:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I did not want you to get lynched. The 4 of you were voting the same way, along with inactionman who I missed. You all did look like a voting block, or two, and I did not believe we had masons.

I was hoping that the wolves would jump on the people I named that they knew were innocent, and switch from itcheh -but he was never in any real danger, and they got their chance with you, with the villagers blinkered by the fact they did not like you.

I love the way that suspect wolves have managed to make the villagers forget that I named them too, selective memory at play.

The only reason I even asked for a vig/seer to look at you was because I was bored and you were providing the only banter :/

And we looked like a voting block as opposed to random people trying to lynch someone on day 1 because? :p


Dec 17, 2003
Runic markings are signs of members of a town cult. Its like the masons, but it started with a single member, and each night the longest serving member goes out recruiting another member. If the member is innocent, he joins the cult. If he is guilty, the cult leader gets eaten.

I'm going to have to reach a balance with voting speed. Originally I got complaints it was too fast, now complaints it is too slow. I'm going to come up with some sort of compromise for the next game.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Runic markings are signs of members of a town cult. Its like the masons, but it started with a single member, and each night the longest serving member goes out recruiting another member. If the member is innocent, he joins the cult. If he is guilty, the cult leader gets eaten.

I'm going to have to reach a balance with voting speed. Originally I got complaints it was too fast, now complaints it is too slow. I'm going to come up with some sort of compromise for the next game.

Just make majority reached=burn.


Dec 17, 2003
I was going to go for 50% of remaining players = burn, or a smaller number after 36 hours maybe. I'm not sure of numbers and timescale for the second part. I'm open to suggestions.

Majority reached = burn was what caused the complaints in the first few games, people wanted a chance to change their minds.


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
I was going to go for 50% of remaining players = burn, or a smaller number after 36 hours maybe. I'm not sure of numbers and timescale for the second part. I'm open to suggestions.

Majority reached = burn was what caused the complaints in the first few games, people wanted a chance to change their minds.

They have more than enough chance to change their mind if you give a 2hr grace period after the last vote (i.e. majority vote occurs at 4:30pm, lynching occurs at 6:30pm)
Ideally the person being lynched has to be able to persuade the others not to vote for them, or use those last 2 hours to devise a strategy to either disrupt the village (if your a wolf) or to point suspicions on other people.

As for the cults (or should I say vandals!?! :eek: ) do they get a similar privilege to the Masons? like night discussions or is it just in effect a suicidal seer with peers?

Notice Jup got it from both the wolves and the serial killer in the night action


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Ooooo... that's sore! I can barely sit!!!

Bleh - was hoping to keep Syd alive a bit longer... I do hope he's not lying :D


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
try it in real time ?
im sure people who sign up can spare 10 mins a day to check the post, twice if they are wolves ?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ooooo... that's sore! I can barely sit!!!

Bleh - was hoping to keep Syd alive a bit longer... I do hope he's not lying :D

You wouldnt know a wolf if it had eaten you for lunch and was shitting you out of its arsehole :p


Dec 17, 2003
I was thinking of 50% plus 2 hours. The issue with that is that the votes are often a lot closer, and its often 1 vote difference, rather than more than half the players voting for the person.

If I go for remaining voters cannot change result, plus 2 hours, that might work. Though that was pretty much what got the too fast complaints in the first place. That was back when the games were a lot more active though, so people could find the turn over before they got to speak.

Real time would collapse over the weekend. And it sounds like hard work for me tbh.

Cults are just like Masons, they can chat, and they know every member is innocent. They start out smaller, and the cult leader has a pretty good chance of death. They can also recruit pro-village power roles.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
would have gone fine if some fucker didnt shoot both me and ch3t on night 1 :<

also jup welcome to the jinxed cult of dh000000m, second member to be recruited eaten and shot in 1 night

3rd member to be shot in genral


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I am no longer unique! Jup has shared my grisly death after the dodgy initiation that gohan put me through.... knowing who the current cult leader is, Jups initiation must have left him sorer that the serial killer did :p

Bah Tab! He was only on my radar as a possible SK, he played it better than you or fweddy. at least fweddy has voted for survival and not tried to defend tab at all. I wonder if there is enough sense left in the village to find the wolf after sydrik is killed? There is still the possibility that the SK could take out the last wolf tonight though.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
would have gone fine if some fucker didnt shoot both me and ch3t on night 1 :<

also jup welcome to the jinxed cult of dh000000m, second member to be recruited eaten and shot in 1 night

3rd member to be shot in genral

I feel truly honoured :confused:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Actually Jup, your death was worse, at least I was not violated!

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