Galla raids



Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Why do you need mp galla items for pve?

What do you need galla items for rvr? last time i checked crafted stuff still works.



Almost buy the rr equation, but to shaft pve players or those not in rvr guilds doesnt quite seem fair. Its also unfair against people who enjoy playing a variety of characters instead of concentrating on just one rvr based character.

Although it may not be practical for huge raids I would like to see each person say in the cg what type of item they would like from the raid as the raid starts (e.g. Bard Armour, Chanter Staff, BM Piercer, Druid shield), in effect everyone gets a guess and the lotto would be between those people who 'called' the item before the raid. In this way the good items will get to those who really want them and not just decided to lotto for them for whatever reason. It would also speed up the lotto process.


Because PvE isn't something you do for fun, it's something that sometimes has to be done. Shame to waste uber items on silly mobs. No need for using the special galla weapons (to frontload for example) in PvE.



Well maybe for some twisted minds pve is fun :p
Point is tho, if they all where sitting their butt off in galla for so many hours they should have an equal chance to get an item too, no matter if they rvr or not.



Originally posted by old.Anpu
Well maybe for some twisted minds pve is fun :p
Point is tho, if they all where sitting their butt off in galla for so many hours they should have an equal chance to get an item too, no matter if they rvr or not.


Yeah I agree with you. But the frustration of losing a lotto is worse if you see it get wasted on low rr players that, like censi said, "will still get owned left right and center".


Grab your friendly neighbour chanter and go farm galla then, thats what we do on Prydwen :p



Well maybe not Easmerach, doable with a handful ppl tho but takes loooooooong.




Can anyone tell me why i should participate on these Raids?

PvE ain't fun i see, I can't lotto for items, the xp sucks comparing to other hunts, its a chaotic mess......

Last night we fell into a raid and dicided to go along with 2 50's in group rest 47-49 and me the 45 low Bard and only RR2.
I did a good job keeping the grp alive, picking up any strangers from the ground, healing an aggro holder if i could catch him....
Got 1 bub xp from it, and 2 diamond seals for spending 2 hours rl time trying to help people as i was asked by my guild...
I did not bring my other chars because the guild/grp had more benefit from my healer bard.

I always like to see something i didn't do before so it was fun,
thx Xfear dont get me wrong, but after reading this thread i'll think twice.
If I'm investing rl time in this like anyone else I'd like a chance to get something too, whatever it is ,maybe just because the item looks cool or to give/trade it to any guild m8.
As long as i can enjoy the game as i see fit .... if anyone thinks he is so uber cause he's RRX and so he has more rights in having items... get lost. Some peeps have 24/7 to play and others don't, but anyone deserves respect.

Ximadir, great system m8 i hope this will get some grip, thats fair more rl time invested = more chance on a good item, ANY item as you can subscribe for an item you want, for this char or any other.

Just my 2 cents,


Some good idea's flowing which was the main idea of the tread. The idea about having a + X modifier to your random number depending on how many raids you go to and if you have won an item before is very good, though i think it would be increadably hard to police. I also like Athlon's idea of saying which type of item you are looking for, though again it would involve a hell of a lot of work for the raid leaders.

Though i do go on raids and have lottoed and won a couple of items in the past i Personally prefer to get crafted weapons/armor as they are easier to replace than a galla drop and you can have whichever stats you wish on them, far better than equiping an item that doesnt fit your template. Though ofc its nice to run around with a glowy sword (lets alchs make things glow ffs!!11)

I am not trying to step on anyones toes becuase 99% of the raids i have been on organised by kama, reign and stajj have been well run and well planned, ofc you will get people not happy with some aspects rightly so or not, problems should be cleared with the raid organiser after the raid, then hopefully changed/sorted by the next raid.

Its nice to have a thread that hasnt degenerated into name calling and flamings, well done hib :)


The raid was fine Rav,

I didnt expect anything coz we fell into it and i couldn't even make it to the end of the raid, had to log for work, brrrr im gonna die next time i log on... :). The only thing of chaos were the constant asking for the drops in CG, but i trust Xfear to bring it to a good end.

All I wanna say is to respect each other... don't look down on peeps just because they have another play style and like to collect items or whatever. Sure it's frustating to lose lotto's but as in real life nothing goes to waste really, even if sold the new owner is happy with it and the one with the 10+p runs to the crafters, to get even better gear. It's all economics, its meant to be, its the drive of the game, I like to see it that way.

Think of it this way, be fair in the lottos en subscribtions, and everyone is happy to go along and have fun.


It was just a statement Rav, I wasn't that unhappy with the situation in raid, just with some reply's :)


I think i prefer the modifier rule over the different RR modifier rule because by attending xx hunts and saving points for an item shows your commitment to the galla hunts on a regular basis. A person who has a slightly higher RR rank shouldn't have a better chance of gaining an item than someone who attends the raids everytime. It wouldn't be right if a high RR person strolled into the odd raid and had a much better chance of reciving an item imo. So somekind of list-taker would be needed to add up the modifiers.


the rr thing is just a idea, and like all ideas not everyone will like it.

but if I took my rr 4 ish hero to a galla raid and was rolling for an item against a rr7-10 tank. Them having an increased chance of around 10-25% would seem well fair considering that battle experience that character has over me.

RR is a good indicator or how RVR orientated a player is. And its always a good consaltion prize to know an item has gone to someone that really wants it rather than just wants it to flog it.

The culumative bonus thing that the other guy mentioned is fine. If we had 1 consistent raid leader willing to keep track of everyones alts and +10 scores etc.... but we dont really (which is a good thing)


If you start using +modifiers for RR and such you would cause much resentment as Raven has mentioned.
Why should someone be penalised for not playing 24/7 or not being permanently rvr active?
There's a few people being a bit elitist and it sucks :/
By the way I don't attend the raids cos of the start times, so this is from an unbiased viewpoint.

Elric IA

Originally posted by censi
For me trying to collect a full set of galla ranger RF the 2 parts I am missing were a) salvaged by unknown no lvl 50 mage and b) deleted on lvl < 15 ranger, but u just got to grim and bear it or give up.



Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Because PvE isn't something you do for fun, it's something that sometimes has to be done. Shame to waste uber items on silly mobs. No need for using the special galla weapons (to frontload for example) in PvE.


rofl, see the weapon speeds in patch 1.64?
The items in galla are clearly designed for pve use now.. yes?

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