fyi albs

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Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
slightly ??? I have to say that the number of times i saw a solo unbuffed melle char win from a vampiir i can probably count on one hand with a few fingers missing. and yes, banshee and locks are way over the top and need reworking.

Lets just be reasonable here for a sec: The majority of people on Cluster are buffed. When I played Vamp on Pryd, I could count the amount of unbuffed people on one hand with a few fingers missing :p

Also, my unbuffed paladin does perform better then average against Vampiirs on Glastonbury. Think Im winning 4 out of 5 on my Paladin. Makes you wonder really, considering most people laugh at the paladin :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Flaming a whole country is kinda silly especially as this is the English server cluster, theres gonna be a lot of English people resent his comments. Ain't this guy a mod on irc?

As for the uninformed rating of the cata and SI expansion classes, one of the reasons Hibs/Mids got 2 Cata classes and perhaps better ones was highlighted at length by mythic before catacombs was released. The main reason was the overwhelming volume of Albion population on servers worldwide.

As for Heretic, they are very useful in rvr as they have banelord, interupts and melee styles. The one that runs late at night sorry dunno name, seems v useful to his grp. Suppose could deal with him easier if go PW on banshee but just an alt.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Does it matter if I'm I got +o flag or not? :p I'm actually quite resonable on irc. I'd actually go as far as calling myself friendly.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
atos said:
Does it matter if I'm I got +o flag or not? :p I'm actually quite resonable on irc. I'd actually go as far as calling myself friendly.

Aye, your reasonable enough to give op status to every tosser that asks because he finds himself being picked out on lies and contridictions and wants to not look a complete twat and bans the person that points it out. :p

But really, all you done here is make yourself look an idiot.

Atos- I PvE towers/keeps at 2-6am it ok, anyone else in other realm does it then they "insert insult of choice"

Atos- I am still playing at 3am but I am a perfect human being, anyone else still playing at this time is "insert insult of choice"

Atos- Im posting this but it not a whine- couple posts later - this is my first whine since cluster.

Really, no need to look at much more of this to see how you are contradicting yourself multiple times in this thread alone. If you dont like something then you really shouldnt do it yourself in the first place, if others do it then it doesnt mean you have to do it back. But nevermind!


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
at the same time this is also ppl reading into things too much, he may for example read what someone put up and went, ok point shown i have changed my opinion

but cause its all typed here he cant change previous posts

Also he may have felt that was due to being annoyed with rl issues and felt like that at the time, now calmed down.

So less of the flames, he gets the point


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Corran Now let me ask you this. How many op's dont do the same thing? I'm hardly any different.

And it's not like I care too much about looking like an idiot. Everyone is afraid of looking like one. Sooner or later you will look like one and when that happens you will feel like shite. The difference is I don't put too much weight on apperance on a forum. Especially not in my own thread.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Tuorin said:
As for Heretic, they are very useful in rvr as they have banelord, interupts and melee styles. The one that runs late at night sorry dunno name, seems v useful to his grp. Suppose could deal with him easier if go PW on banshee but just an alt.

Heretics are good in group, especially people that know what they doing, BUT they still weaken the group compared to what it could be if it was fully opted. It works good late at night when you running against groups that are not totally opted theirself, but primetime with the fully opted groups you find your rather weak

However it brings- but needs to be a high RR

Hard to kill group member

RR5 that is good in tank groups (doesnt affect groups casters so more non caster = better)

BoAD which is good against most enemy groups (effects all group and most enemy has a couple casters)



Banelord (though as caster tic debatable, interupts your casting so have to recast back to 1st tic and you need to have run near them in first place to use it- better for a melee tic)

Uninteruptable from range nuke - good for interupting a single target, buggers banshees up as they cant taunt advantage (most still try though) however a decent group gets round it easily and either tank interupts just as passing with a single unstyled hit, or the person simply walks out of range.

atos said:
Corran Now let me ask you this. How many op's dont do the same thing? I'm hardly any different.

And it's not like I care too much about looking like an idiot. Everyone is afraid of looking like one. Sooner or later you will look like one and when that happens you will feel like shite. The difference is I don't put too much weight on apperance on a forum. Especially not in my own thread.

As for this, I dont care how I look on forums or in the real world. I grew up in a community which put me down constantly without knowing me really, because i didnt want to be known by them. So Im used to being looked at with hate/distaste etc :D But your comments come back to "other people do it so it must be ok" line of thinking, which doesnt necessarily make it right!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Corran said:
As for this, I dont care how I look on forums or in the real world. I grew up in a community which put me down constantly without knowing me really, because i didnt want to be known by them. So Im used to being looked at with hate/distaste etc :D But your comments come back to "other people do it so it must be ok" line of thinking, which doesnt necessarily make it right!

Exactly. But you do stuff for yourself. Not for others.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Tuorin said:
As for Heretic, they are very useful in rvr as they have banelord, interupts and melee styles. The one that runs late at night sorry dunno name, seems v useful to his grp. Suppose could deal with him easier if go PW on banshee but just an alt.


I wont go into what heretics can and can't do, just that yesterday I grouped with someone who laughed at my spec saying that 'cloth users should never go into melee, they die too quickly'. The funny thing was, he even had a heretic level 50 alt :p

The main problem with the class is that most people have absolutely no idea what they do so don't invite them just because of some vague VN board crap about them only being good at keep fights. As far as I know, heretanks are unexplored on euro servers which was partly why I decided to persue it instead of carrying on on my cleric and sorc.

Back to the thread though, the hypocrasy is unbeleivable. Yes I'm often up late and I wont go into why but I have to say, when everyone has their own keeps, after midnight, there are a LOT of nice FGs running. Our group is never the same 8 people, nor are the ones which we face but aegnors group for example know how much fun there is to be had at this time. No adds, 5 minute long fights, both sides able to win.....isn't that what FG fighters are striving for in primetime? We've found that; be happy for us or even join us if you've got nothing to do early the next day :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Sparx said:
at the same time this is also ppl reading into things too much, he may for example read what someone put up and went, ok point shown i have changed my opinion

but cause its all typed here he cant change previous posts

Also he may have felt that was due to being annoyed with rl issues and felt like that at the time, now calmed down.

So less of the flames, he gets the point

Somewhere along the line you have to take responsiblity for your actions. Atos has posted comments that will make people angry to read, when they got angry he decided he was only "seeing how much hate people had".

Now he's decided he's learnt his lesson and changed his opinions and so people who read this later today, tomorow and the day after that should not get angry because of his comments?

Sorry, doesn't work like that. If you dont want someone to get angry, don't provoke them. By the way, try as I might, I can't find anything that constitutes an apology so far.

I hate to be pushing this and carrying it on, I really do, I do have an idea of the situation Atos has gotten himself into, but its his own doing, he decided to make a post like that, and so why should other people not have the right to decide to flame him?

Its a bad situation, and one that will probably only get worse untill this thread is closed, but it is not anyone's fault other than the person who started the thread, and trying to make it look otherwise just isn't right.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
kirennia said:

Yeh have some nice fun with your group late at night with whoever we have on. Win some, lose some, that's what its all about. We won't be fighting you near towers or keeps anymore though. Roam too please! ;)

Corran, yep, high rr group helps heretic come into his own. Was gonna roll one on classic but too little time to play.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Or I'll just simply take it for what it is. A thread on a forum and just ignore it and the "chavs" will sooner or later get the point? ^^ *giggle* :touch:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Seems heratic could take the place of merc/reaver in an alb caster grp as interrupt bot pretty good. No charge/deter, but then with access to RR5 ra, BAoD, AoM, PD, etc is pretty indestructable pain in the arse.

Re: 5am RvR etc. Used to work abroad and with time difference didn't normally log on till about 1am. Lots of messy, scrapy fights with whatever each realm could put out, often going on till 6am or whatever. Moved back to UK, started to play primetime and all zergs and gank grps steamrolling everything. Fucking awful.

Nice time to play if you can, used to be a nice little community of peeps who *always* played that time (for whatever reason).


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
The more you read the more obvious it is.

Now Atos, your coming here whining about unemployed people when you are a student?
Going to bed at 3 am and almost missing a class in the afternoon?
IF I am correct on this part then you are actually living of MY tax money at the moment.

Why is it that you feel this urge to post utter crap on this forum whining about things to the right and left.

So young and so much to learn about life, you come out with a cocky post and then realise you made a fool of yourself, try to make a 180 turn on the subject and end up looking even worse.

Your postings on these boards have not been impressive so far.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Docs said:
The more you read the more obvious it is.

Now Atos, your coming here whining about unemployed people when you are a student?
Going to bed at 3 am and almost missing a class in the afternoon?
IF I am correct on this part then you are actually living of MY tax money at the moment.

Why is it that you feel this urge to post utter crap on this forum whining about things to the right and left.

So young and so much to learn about life, you come out with a cocky post and then realise you made a fool of yourself, try to make a 180 turn on the subject and end up looking even worse.

Your postings on these boards have not been impressive so far.
Yes I am. Cause I know I am better than everyone else. And frankly theres is nothing you say you change my mind there. :p

And yes I goto bed at 3am since my class started in the afternoon. And frankly I see no reason to talk any further abbout that here. If you feel like it I can discuss my freetime with you in pms instead?

Not at all. I live with the old folks home at the moment. xD Too many leechers of tax money as it is why should I lower myself to their level? Atleast I want to work, which can be compared to a lot of people in my age who would do anything to keep living off your money.

Tell me then. What is there to learn about life? Social behaviour? Cause there must be something extraordinary about getting older. Like failiure to locate your penis when your beerbelly conceals it? Sure, keep mocking me with your superiour age. I just hope I will refrain from making silly comments about age when I reach that mature age eh? :p

As I said before. In a state of rage there is no reason. Well for some people like yourself perhaps?

I dunno anything about a 180 degree turn. I know I agreed that some parts were a bit harsh. I'd love to see you make a whinethread. I dare you to do so. You will look like a novice beside me!

BTW just another thing that poped up in my head...

I like the sound of the word fool. Makes me think of Mr T and his cool bling bling and haircut.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Puppet said:
Lets just be reasonable here for a sec: The majority of people on Cluster are buffed. When I played Vamp on Pryd, I could count the amount of unbuffed people on one hand with a few fingers missing :p

Also, my unbuffed paladin does perform better then average against Vampiirs on Glastonbury. Think Im winning 4 out of 5 on my Paladin. Makes you wonder really, considering most people laugh at the paladin :p

Tbh the hardest fight I have had so far on my RR2l9 paladin was against a RR5 skald :)

Vampiirs aint that hard. Engage then brutalize them to death :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
atos said:
Yes I am. Cause I know I am better than everyone else. And frankly theres is nothing you say you change my mind there. :p

And yes I goto bed at 3am since my class started in the afternoon. And frankly I see no reason to talk any further abbout that here. If you feel like it I can discuss my freetime with you in pms instead?

Not at all. I live with the old folks home at the moment. xD Too many leechers of tax money as it is why should I lower myself to their level? Atleast I want to work, which can be compared to a lot of people in my age who would do anything to keep living off your money.

Tell me then. What is there to learn about life? Social behaviour? Cause there must be something extraordinary about getting older. Like failiure to locate your penis when your beerbelly conceals it? Sure, keep mocking me with your superiour age. I just hope I will refrain from making silly comments about age when I reach that mature age eh? :p

As I said before. In a state of rage there is no reason. Well for some people like yourself perhaps?

I dunno anything about a 180 degree turn. I know I agreed that some parts were a bit harsh. I'd love to see you make a whinethread. I dare you to do so. You will look like a novice beside me!

BTW just another thing that poped up in my head...

I like the sound of the word fool. Makes me think of Mr T and his cool bling bling and haircut.

Your posts are starting to make you sound younger and younger; tell me, whats the secret of eternal life?
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