fyi albs

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
atos said:
Hah, well I do agree the English chav was just to provoke some replies. Everyone has a some hate inside them! :eek:
Well u admitted it, thats all I wanted :p


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
but to be fair who listens to someone when they got chocolate called plopp? :)

nice btw


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I almost posted the most flame-filled post I've ever written here, it was rather impressive. however i've decided against being what you so eloquently call an "unemployed teen loser", and so I'll try to convey what I thought in a more appropriate manner.

You calling anyone who raids a keep at 4am unemployed is stupid, childish and irrelevant. They took a keep in a game and you dont like it, dont dress this issue up as some kind of moral/social debate, its you whining, nothing more.

The fact that they play at 4am does not mean they don't have a job, and even if they didn't, the fact that they're unemployed really makes no difference to the fact that they did something you didn't like - if they had a job or not, you would still be posting this bull.

Including a racial remark, however slight, to provoke people is very, very unwise - some would say completely fucking stupid - and you doing so means that you're either about as bright as a torch without a battery, or you're just plain nasty.

Either way I have no patience for people like you, you're more like the "reallife troll chavs" you whine about than anyone RvR'ing at 4am, and the very fact I have to share the same planet - let alone the same server/cluster - as you makes me sick.

Ah well, turned out to be my most flame-filled post anyway, atleast you know what I'm trying to say here.

EDIT: sorry if you're not meaning this in a 'serious' way, but I just had to get that off my chest - I think it every time one of these posts comes along, and if you mean it seriously or not, that kind of talk just isn't funny at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
SI :

alb = Necromancer (PvE=nice / RvR=Crap) and Reaver (PvE=ok / RvR=ok)
hib = valewalker (PvE=ok? / RvR=crap?) and Animist (PvE=godlike / RvR=siege ok otherwise crap)
mid = bonedancer (PvE=nice / RvR=nice) and Savage (PvE=ok? / RvR=ok)

Cata :

alb = Heretic (PvE=ok / RvR=crap)
hib = Vampiir (PvE=godlike / RvR=godlike) and bainshee (PvE=godlike / RvR=godlike)
mid = Warlock (PvE=ok / RvR=godlike) and valkyrie (PvE=crap? / RvR=crap?)

did i miss something ?

Actually necromancer with buffs is godmode vs any noncaster in RvR. Reaver is just op. =(

Valewalker is almost like a thane but it's better. :p A decent hybrid overall.
Animist is awsome in RvR. Just look at Silra's preformance when Legacy RvRed.

Bonedancer is questionable actually. It's abit over the top.

Agree on the savage.

Heretic is pretty good for RvR since Mythic don't balance RvR from fg perspective. :p And it has it's pro and cons I guess.

Vampiir is slightly over the top at times I'd say. Banshee needs reworking and so does warlock.

Valkyrie can just be removed.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
atos said:
Someone lock this now it's boring now. Everyone takes things so seriously.

m8 u reap what you sew. Difficult to realise a persons state of mind or intention when you post on a public forum. Its even more difficult to inflect what emotion u are currently trying to impress upon others when you lack the required skills.

Personally if i want to call someone a wanker, i will PM them and call them a wanker.

If i want to call all members of a realm wankers then i will post on FH that i think all are wankers.

If i want to have a go at a nationality then by all means go onto a forum and call them wankers.

Don't on the other hand call them wankers then renage on your word by trying to be clever and stating you were mearly testing current "hate" and "whine".

Be true to your words and opinions, tell it as you see it and people will respect u more.

Ill be honest and true to my word.

I think your a dickhead.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Dukat You analyse too much. Upset people don't analyse too much from my experience.

I agree people do write alot of wierd stuff. I'm just glad I havnt sent in all of my negative feedbacks to Mythic. Cause after 20 rows of insults to Mythic employees you just realise.. wtf am I doing? And then you close your browser down and go back to the game.

"I think your a dickhead." We all have a dick and a head though. So you are just stating the obvious. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
atos said:
It's just sad when a bunch on unemployed teen losers retake the keep at 4am.

Wasn't it you who PvEed all hib towers pre-cluster, hitting the final tower at 6am-ish? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I did it mostly solo though. I didn't take help for people! :p And I deserve my title of towerpolice!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
atos said:
"I think your a dickhead." We all have a dick and a head though. So you are just stating the obvious. :D

Yes, even the women.......


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
"I think your a dickhead." We all have a dick and a head though. So you are just stating the obvious.

...yeah but for the rest of us they aren't combinded


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Ging Well depends if they had that special medical procedure I guess.

Baron but why use dickhead when glans is so much more fitting. :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
atos said:
I did it mostly solo though. I didn't take help for people! :p And I deserve my title of towerpolice!

Without trying to carry this on or anything:

You take every tower at 4am (ish) and you deserve the title of "towerpolice".

Some albs take one(1) keep at 4am and they deserve the title of "unemployed teen losers" ?

Am I the only one who'se not seeing the logic in this?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Yeah. If one person took all keeps in one fronteir I'd be amazed.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Dukat said:
Without trying to carry this on or anything:

You take every tower at 4am (ish) and you deserve the title of "towerpolice".

Some albs take one(1) keep at 4am and they deserve the title of "unemployed teen losers" ?

Am I the only one who'se not seeing the logic in this?
atos is prob just a "unemployed teen loser" but couldnt stay awake this time :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Dukat said:
Am I the only one who'se not seeing the logic in this?

unfortunatly ability to resolve logic is dependent of mental capacity :) Im not sure the thread starter is able to comprehend.

You may need to use BIG BOLD ITALIC text and if all that doesnt get the lesson across then even FRANKLIN GOTHIC MEDIUM font!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I went to bed at 3. But only because mids where outnumbered and some BG leaders said we should charge the albs face to face and bomb. Oh yeah and the other reason was a class in the afternoon which i almost oversleept I might add.

It's nice we do have some who are persistant and stick around. Thank you for giving me something to reply too. =)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
atos said:
Heretic is pretty good for RvR since Mythic don't balance RvR from fg perspective. :p And it has it's pro and cons I guess.

with 50 flex, 50 enhance, 23 shield and 17 or so rejuv i enjoy my tic, but it serves absolutely no function in FG rvr and is only good for doing assassin runs and running into the occassional stealher or vamp. very nice for duo or group pve though.

flex tics don`t offer a group much that can`t be done better by a reaver or friar, but they offer a nice mix of those two classes their abilities without beeing better at anything.

atos said:
Vampiir is slightly over the top at times I'd say. Banshee needs reworking and so does warlock.

slightly ??? I have to say that the number of times i saw a solo unbuffed melle char win from a vampiir i can probably count on one hand with a few fingers missing. and yes, banshee and locks are way over the top and need reworking.

atos said:
Valkyrie can just be removed.

Sounds like a nice class to me tbh, not the kinda of `insta pawn anything in sight` like locks, which is why they are probably not popular.

it`s not because new stuff ain`t 100% better than anything that ever came before that it sucks.


Jan 22, 2005
atos said:
Why don't just say we surrender and we can't handle an equal force mano y mano.

It's just sad when a bunch on unemployed teen losers retake the keep at 4am. It really ruins the thought behind any type of siege. I'm just showing my disappointment that people still strive to ruin the insta RvR action.

One more thing. I just want to make it clean this is not any form of whine. But since we do have reallife troll chavs browsing this forum from their English suburbs. By all means go ahead. :touch:

Is there any RvR planned in Agranom tonight btw? :eek:

Aren't you 17? And whats with this hostility towards English? You bitter that you lost in a 24/7 game? If you want to save yourself whining, go buy an alarm clock at Ikea or something.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
elbeek said:
I know. Lets suggest the servers close down at midnight so you can get your beauty sleep.
-Ahahah oh yeah :D

Muylaetrix - " want insta rvr ? go play guildwars or conquer a keep "
- what you know the man knows it :D

Sparx - "what about 1 WL that can wipe out nearly a FG and a Bainshee that can clear 10 ppl (i've seen this) while behind a wall."
-1wl 1grp? seen 1 warlock 2fgs :D
-1 banshee through wall killing 10ppl? pff was that was the first 10 ppl that passed right?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Yep Thank you


n : a small rounded gland-like structure; especially that at the end of the penis

Bell end is just as suitable


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Aren't you 17? And whats with this hostility towards English? You bitter that you lost in a 24/7 game? If you want to save yourself whining, go buy an alarm clock at Ikea or something.

Simply because albinon is based upon english madeup Mythology. :p I agree it was abit mean though and I have apologised. :p


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Kinetix said:
-Ahahah oh yeah :D

Muylaetrix - " want insta rvr ? go play guildwars or conquer a keep "
- what you know the man knows it :D

Sparx - "what about 1 WL that can wipe out nearly a FG and a Bainshee that can clear 10 ppl (i've seen this) while behind a wall."
-1wl 1grp? seen 1 warlock 2fgs :D
-1 banshee through wall killing 10ppl? pff was that was the first 10 ppl that passed right?

lol yeah thats more like it


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Aren't you 17? And whats with this hostility towards English? You bitter that you lost in a 24/7 game? If you want to save yourself whining, go buy an alarm clock at Ikea or something.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
with 50 flex, 50 enhance, 23 shield and 17 or so rejuv i enjoy my tic, but it serves absolutely no function in FG rvr and is only good for doing assassin runs and running into the occassional stealher or vamp. very nice for duo or group pve though.

flex tics don`t offer a group much that can`t be done better by a reaver or friar, but they offer a nice mix of those two classes their abilities without beeing better at anything.

slightly ??? I have to say that the number of times i saw a solo unbuffed melle char win from a vampiir i can probably count on one hand with a few fingers missing. and yes, banshee and locks are way over the top and need reworking.

Sounds like a nice class to me tbh, not the kinda of `insta pawn anything in sight` like locks, which is why they are probably not popular.

it`s not because new stuff ain`t 100% better than anything that ever came before that it sucks.

As I said it's quite a good interupter since it has a focus that can only be interupted in melee.

Vampiir is based upon the enemy being buffed as a vampiir is basicly buffed all the time. All Catacombs classes was made with this in thought. Thats what Mythic stated before they released Catacombs. I'm not sure what they thought when they made Valkyrie though. now it's basicly like a thane. Despite it having proc reactive styles.

Atleast we agree on the two real caster classes in the lastest expantion. =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Aoln said:
qq atos whining about pveing keeps/towers at night :p

You jsut camp towers you fotm scout!11 :<

Scout kileld my warlock last night.. mucho op class!
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