Fucking fuming!!


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Four months work on a project we have to hand in, in four days. I've been busting my nuts the last week trying to get all of my and the rest of the group's shit together in order to hand it in on time. I got up at 8am today to correct the language and what I found was horrible, beyond what I thought people at uni were capable of even thinking of doing!

Some of the passages in the report were really well written and others were full of mistakes. We are a group of five people; a Fin, a German, two Romanian girls and me. Without boasting it is safe to say that my english is by far the best in our group and therefore I was set to correct grammatical and spelling errors. On several occasions I found passages almost unreadable, but that was not what got to me. It was the perfectly written ones. I took one of them and put it into Google and first result had the exact same passage. Did this with several of the passages and same result every time.

So quite a lot of our report consists of stolen material and we now have to correct that. Guess my last days in Valencia won't be the happy and festive days I was hoping for...


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Four months work on a project we have to hand in, in four days. I've been busting my nuts the last week trying to get all of my and the rest of the group's shit together in order to hand it in on time. I got up at 8am today to correct the language and what I found was horrible, beyond what I thought people at uni were capable of even thinking of doing!

Some of the passages in the report were really well written and others were full of mistakes. We are a group of five people; a Fin, a German, two Romanian girls and me. Without boasting it is safe to say that my english is by far the best in our group and therefore I was set to correct grammatical and spelling errors. On several occasions I found passages almost unreadable, but that was not what got to me. It was the perfectly written ones. I took one of them and put it into Google and first result had the exact same passage. Did this with several of the passages and same result every time.

So quite a lot of our report consists of stolen material and we now have to correct that. Guess my last days in Valencia won't be the happy and festive days I was hoping for...

Unexceptable. That's the kind of high school behavior that wont last long in universities. Perhaps best to have a talk and tell them that you have to actually want to learn. Unless they are using quotes, but then you'd have to apply a bookmark anyway. This is why working together is such a bad idea 9/10.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That sucks. Good luck getting it sorted Cor.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
Yeah I'd inform the tutor or what ever, atleast just to cover your own butt. Then mke sure you own work is good then, then try and help/fix others :/


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003

If I were you I'd finish my contributions, leave the rest, and hand it in with an explanatory note.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Rage. Not cool. Hope it works out OK dude :( What's the project on?


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Going out for food, snacks, coffee and cigs.. This is going to be a long day.

I told the others from my group on our Facebook grp that I had found out someone had cheated and stolen material from others without bookmarks or references. One of the Romanian girls said that the references are at the end of the report so it isn't a problem. I tried to tell her that it was a big fucking problem and that she has to rewrite her passages in her own word to which she replied and I quote: "i don't have passages, i have only sentences taken from wikipedia..."

Wikipedia.. Cool fail story


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Eh? Fuck them. By covering up their laziness you're being complicit in plagiarism. Wikipedia is a tertiary source so it'll never be acceptable.

Tell them they're on their own, and enjoy the rest of your day.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Working in groups at uni completely fucks you, there's always some cunt who doesn't pull their weight and drags the whole group down. Thanks to this type of prick I only got 69% in one of my modules. I got a 1st in everything else, he blotted my results sheet the cunt. :(


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
The thing is that these two Romanian girls don't see anything wrong with it.. Deleting their "work" will make the report incomplete


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Going out for food, snacks, coffee and cigs.. This is going to be a long day.

I told the others from my group on our Facebook grp that I had found out someone had cheated and stolen material from others without bookmarks or references. One of the Romanian girls said that the references are at the end of the report so it isn't a problem. I tried to tell her that it was a big fucking problem and that she has to rewrite her passages in her own word to which she replied and I quote: "i don't have passages, i have only sentences taken from wikipedia..."

Wikipedia.. Cool fail story

Well dispite Wikipedia not beeing the most reliable source, it is a source and more reliable then the usual forum warriors are trying you to believe. If she has put references there, i'd take a closer look. In any case it comes down to how it's written. If big chunks of tekst are quotes and she makes it sound like she has written it it's a big fail anyways.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Working in groups at uni completely fucks you, there's always some cunt who doesn't pull their weight and drags the whole group down. Thanks to this type of prick I only got 69% in one of my modules. I got a 1st in everything else, he blotted my results sheet the cunt. :(

Indeed. There whas a big difference between uni's in Holland (well HBO's and universities). I disliked the forced working together so much I dropped out and went to a different university for exactly the reason you posted.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
She admits to have taken it from wikipedia, but I can see that there is stuff from other places as well. And it is not just sentences it is full passages that she has taken


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
You have to inform the professor now, before it's handed in & with all the evidence. It could all have a major negative effect on your future results. Many universities (or wherever) are getting a lot harsher with punishments on plagiarism and if you can do a simple Google search to reveal this then so can they. Some American establishments have brought in automatic systems to scan for just this kind of situation and I wouldn't be surprised if others elsewhere aren't already doing the same.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My sister teaches at Lancaster University and sees this regularly, even among her MA and PhD students.

They now use a piece of software which automatically checks every single piece of work for plagiarism.

In your position I would be 100% up front about it, go to your tutor and tell them what you have discovered. If you play this wrong, you'll go down with the plagiarist.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Us Finns are known to lie, cheat and steal our way to victory, but this isn't the way. English skills, those can be accepted ofcourse, even i'm not perfect and i'm in the minority of Finns who know written and spoken english like a second language.

So if the Finn is cheating, tell him "Vittu nyt järki kätee ja teet hommas niiku kuuluu" :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And I just had cause to phone my sister, annoyingly she already got her husband a Private Eye subscription, so there goes that idea for Christmas.... But I told her of this thread.

The software they use is called Turnitin and is powerful.

Her advice was the same as much on here. Having discovered this, you have to go straight to the Uni staff and tell them what you've discovered. It's not up to you to try to correct it, fudge it, whatever. English Uni's have detailed procedures now for this kind of thing, including group work. I have no idea about Spanish ones, but the advice from a lecturer is be honest, and up front now.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Every single essay at Edinburgh Uni is put through plagiarism detection software and I think it was done at my college too. Thought it would be the norm everywhere.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
My missus tests all her essays with an online tool.

Group projects. Fucking nightmare if you've got a slacker.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
If it's anything like the UK universities you need to delete that shit ASAP. I think they will scan it before even bothering to mark it so you will end up with 0. We always get threatened with failing the year and shit for major plagiarism so no one does it.

If they refuse to write it in their own words I'd snitch them up to the professor tbh mate.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
some people shouldn't be allowed to go to uni. Go tell someone about it imo, it's not your responsibility to sort out other people's idiocy.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Just asked my sister who is at uni. She mentioned all work is uploaded to turnitin.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I call in initiative, the internet is a tool, use it to best advantage, people don't think it's cheating to use a drill to
drill a hole and the drill manufacturer doesn't pay a percentage to faraday for inventing the electric motor.
To move on we need to drop the archaic notion of self, knowledge belongs to everyone and once we share. we'll all be better off.
Plagiarism has only raise it's head because of copy paste, it's been done for centuries, in fact it's essential l for development, freakin dinosaurs are jumping on it because we can now make EXACT copies and they can search for them.
write an essay..on whatever..we don't need to it's allready been done, give us something no-one has covered before ..that's progress.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Do you think people should come out of Uni with degrees for simply being able to copy paste then, Job?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
And completely off-topic to this thread Job. Well done.

Go tell either your tutor or go directly to the course convenor. In my experience, its always better to give imply somethings wrong as long before the deadline as possible, to avoid confusion.

The thing with Turnitin, it's too strong. Some of my Uni (Uni of Glasgow) have decided to steer of Turnitin since it detects plagiarism where there is none, simply paraphrasing. It's a tool in development and will be a great asset

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