FH is my second home
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- Dec 25, 2003
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So, ive been having PC-Withdrawl-Symptoms lately, since Saturday (Or sunday?) ive had no fucking PC :/.
On saturday night i took my Hard Drive out of my PC to get some "things" put onto it from a mate. The case i had was shite, it was all crushed up into a small space, IDE Cables everywhere, and worst of all, the way my motherboard was designed (Abit NF7-S) the memory was sitting right next to the Hard Drive (Nearly touching). So i had to take out all 3 sticks of memory to get this HardDrive out. I did so with no problem(s).
Get what i want from my mate, come home, its 11pm, i have work at 7am, im tired so i just rush:
I put the Hard Drive in, and then the fucking IDE cables start to get in the road, bare in mind im stuck under a table, hardly any light (apart from the small torch in my hand), next minute, babum! the batteries in my torch die "awww fuck". So im basically fitting this memory blind now, 2 sets go in fine (DIMM3/2) but theres a bit of a struggle to get the memory in, but avast! i get it in. All sorted i think, soon i'll be playing my Xbox games (i mean, uh whatever..).
I turn power on, i smell burning.. FUCK! MY PCS ON FIRE! , i quickly turn off my pc and check, nothing is on fire exactly just the smell of burning-money. Its coming from the Hard Drive area. So, thinking its the Hard Drive i take out the memory again, as soon as i take out the first (DIMM 1) the smell is extremely strong. I see a scorch mark on the memory pin, and think "oh... not that bad <uhhh>". At the time because it was dark i couldnt see inside the case, but i pulled it all out and went into better lighting area. Thats when i seen the scorch mark on the memory bank. Fuck fuck fuck! Ive destroyed the memory bank! But as long as i still have a working mobo for the moment its ok....
I try it with only the 2banks of memory, upon turning it on i get power, but nothing is happening on my screen (Just blinking light). Now, it was about 12am, i go to bed, but its on my mind so i get back up and have another go. To cut a long story short i thought the mobo was working // but wasnt. The lights where lighting up, and fans where fanning up, but just nothing on the screen. To do a test i took out all the memory to see if anything woulf happen - I got beeps, meaning to me there was still life in the board. I take it to a friends house and he has it a few days, and tells me nope, its deffo dead.
So, this motherboard which i had for just 1month has died a terrible death. I bought it from Aria, but i didnt even bother ringing them up asking for a replacement, because it was my fault, and there was no getting out of that.
So i decide im gonna go to Manchester to goto Aria in person to buy the stuff (Because i wasnt fucking about with the internet at a mates and plus would have been dearer/longer for delivery).
I take Autoroute around but he wont install it, he says some website is good (streetmaps or somethin cant remember) so he prints off directions to Aria. It all looked suprisingly small in comparison to AR but still...
I get on the M62 (Im from Widnes) and head upto Manchester. I aint been to manchester on my own - and never driving. The last time i went was about a year ago to goto the Bowlers Computer Show. So anyway, it mentions something about M'chester Airport, so at first sign of seeing the sign on the M'way i take it. Little did i know the nightmare was about to begin. This turnoff sent me onto the M57, fuck! Im on my way to fucking Wales!! Im now shitting myself but keep my mind clear and just follow the airport signs... Nothing to it really... im still safe... for the moment. I ask some Car Park attendant when i finally get there, he says "ah yea ah yea! just follow signs it easy the M-62 is that way. So i exit the airport and follow signs to get onto the M62. After about an hour i think i finally get into Manchester...
... The wrong fucking END of manchester, but manchester none the less. Im trying to find the Trafford Centre now (Only place i know in Manchester barely) but theres absolutely no signs to it in this area, im in an unknown part of town and im shittin it :/.
I ask several people along the way, some sent me into the right direction which was good, most of the time i went too far ahead and had to turn around and find someone else to ask closer to home. Anyway, i almost end up in Moss Side. Now, ive heard of this place on the news too many times, as soon as i see the sign i slam on and U-Turn right back round. No way am i going down there i think to myself :/.
Then! After about 2hrs! I find Stockport Road! (Its the main road next to Aria) what no one failed to tell me was that this fuckint road was about 6miles long (if not longer) so i had to fuckin search up and down until i hit a McDonalds. I go in grab a bite and talk to the staff who seem interested in where im from and where i wanna go, they really are helpful! They send me in the right direction, with excellent directions this time naming places "Its under a railway bridge, and theres big gates near it". Good enough for me! Only problem was there was about 3 places which have similiar enough things...
I hit some lights, getting pissed off seriously, when all of a sudden i look up and see the sign for the Aria!!!!!!11111111111111 As i say, the journey didnt start till 12ish, i didnt find it until 4:30 :/ Fucking ARGH!
I was fucking jumping for joy in my car i bet the Mancs thought i was fuckin crazy, so anyway¬!!!11 I get all my parts and talk to the staff...
I manage to buy:
120gb Hard Drive, 1ghz DDR 3200 memory, Case, and a power supply, oh! not forgetting the mobo (same model as before). All in all comes to £300. Not too bad i suppose...
I get it all fitted up and didnt have to reinstall XP thankfully because its the same mobo...
I just noticed mind, the guy who fitted my PC hasnt fitted the Power Supply on right, hes put 1screw in it and bent the top of the case so no more screws can get in... gah :/... gonna have to sort that tomorrow...
But im back! and this has been one major fucking writeup... Jeeeesus :/
On saturday night i took my Hard Drive out of my PC to get some "things" put onto it from a mate. The case i had was shite, it was all crushed up into a small space, IDE Cables everywhere, and worst of all, the way my motherboard was designed (Abit NF7-S) the memory was sitting right next to the Hard Drive (Nearly touching). So i had to take out all 3 sticks of memory to get this HardDrive out. I did so with no problem(s).
Get what i want from my mate, come home, its 11pm, i have work at 7am, im tired so i just rush:
I put the Hard Drive in, and then the fucking IDE cables start to get in the road, bare in mind im stuck under a table, hardly any light (apart from the small torch in my hand), next minute, babum! the batteries in my torch die "awww fuck". So im basically fitting this memory blind now, 2 sets go in fine (DIMM3/2) but theres a bit of a struggle to get the memory in, but avast! i get it in. All sorted i think, soon i'll be playing my Xbox games (i mean, uh whatever..).
I turn power on, i smell burning.. FUCK! MY PCS ON FIRE! , i quickly turn off my pc and check, nothing is on fire exactly just the smell of burning-money. Its coming from the Hard Drive area. So, thinking its the Hard Drive i take out the memory again, as soon as i take out the first (DIMM 1) the smell is extremely strong. I see a scorch mark on the memory pin, and think "oh... not that bad <uhhh>". At the time because it was dark i couldnt see inside the case, but i pulled it all out and went into better lighting area. Thats when i seen the scorch mark on the memory bank. Fuck fuck fuck! Ive destroyed the memory bank! But as long as i still have a working mobo for the moment its ok....
I try it with only the 2banks of memory, upon turning it on i get power, but nothing is happening on my screen (Just blinking light). Now, it was about 12am, i go to bed, but its on my mind so i get back up and have another go. To cut a long story short i thought the mobo was working // but wasnt. The lights where lighting up, and fans where fanning up, but just nothing on the screen. To do a test i took out all the memory to see if anything woulf happen - I got beeps, meaning to me there was still life in the board. I take it to a friends house and he has it a few days, and tells me nope, its deffo dead.
So, this motherboard which i had for just 1month has died a terrible death. I bought it from Aria, but i didnt even bother ringing them up asking for a replacement, because it was my fault, and there was no getting out of that.
So i decide im gonna go to Manchester to goto Aria in person to buy the stuff (Because i wasnt fucking about with the internet at a mates and plus would have been dearer/longer for delivery).
I take Autoroute around but he wont install it, he says some website is good (streetmaps or somethin cant remember) so he prints off directions to Aria. It all looked suprisingly small in comparison to AR but still...
I get on the M62 (Im from Widnes) and head upto Manchester. I aint been to manchester on my own - and never driving. The last time i went was about a year ago to goto the Bowlers Computer Show. So anyway, it mentions something about M'chester Airport, so at first sign of seeing the sign on the M'way i take it. Little did i know the nightmare was about to begin. This turnoff sent me onto the M57, fuck! Im on my way to fucking Wales!! Im now shitting myself but keep my mind clear and just follow the airport signs... Nothing to it really... im still safe... for the moment. I ask some Car Park attendant when i finally get there, he says "ah yea ah yea! just follow signs it easy the M-62 is that way. So i exit the airport and follow signs to get onto the M62. After about an hour i think i finally get into Manchester...
... The wrong fucking END of manchester, but manchester none the less. Im trying to find the Trafford Centre now (Only place i know in Manchester barely) but theres absolutely no signs to it in this area, im in an unknown part of town and im shittin it :/.
I ask several people along the way, some sent me into the right direction which was good, most of the time i went too far ahead and had to turn around and find someone else to ask closer to home. Anyway, i almost end up in Moss Side. Now, ive heard of this place on the news too many times, as soon as i see the sign i slam on and U-Turn right back round. No way am i going down there i think to myself :/.
Then! After about 2hrs! I find Stockport Road! (Its the main road next to Aria) what no one failed to tell me was that this fuckint road was about 6miles long (if not longer) so i had to fuckin search up and down until i hit a McDonalds. I go in grab a bite and talk to the staff who seem interested in where im from and where i wanna go, they really are helpful! They send me in the right direction, with excellent directions this time naming places "Its under a railway bridge, and theres big gates near it". Good enough for me! Only problem was there was about 3 places which have similiar enough things...
I hit some lights, getting pissed off seriously, when all of a sudden i look up and see the sign for the Aria!!!!!!11111111111111 As i say, the journey didnt start till 12ish, i didnt find it until 4:30 :/ Fucking ARGH!
I was fucking jumping for joy in my car i bet the Mancs thought i was fuckin crazy, so anyway¬!!!11 I get all my parts and talk to the staff...
I manage to buy:
120gb Hard Drive, 1ghz DDR 3200 memory, Case, and a power supply, oh! not forgetting the mobo (same model as before). All in all comes to £300. Not too bad i suppose...
I get it all fitted up and didnt have to reinstall XP thankfully because its the same mobo...
I just noticed mind, the guy who fitted my PC hasnt fitted the Power Supply on right, hes put 1screw in it and bent the top of the case so no more screws can get in... gah :/... gonna have to sort that tomorrow...
But im back! and this has been one major fucking writeup... Jeeeesus :/