


Originally posted by brylle
Anyone except me who thinks friars need a nerf?
MY zerker hits less than they even with the snowsquall combo, and they hit faster.
They got end regen, they got rezz, they got healings, they got buffs, they got this aggro ranged spell so noone can run away (Ewul) and evade 5.

Shouldnt a tank be greater than a Healer class?
I dont know about you but i never jump a friar, cause i know they got IP and all kinds of stuff that shouldnt be put on sucha class.
Just want to know your thoughts about this.

Regards Brylle now a nerfed zerker who cant take on a ranger.

Another one who knows nothing about Friars. Friars are a hybrid melee fighter by purpose. Our rejuv line SUCKS. Yeah get IP.. costs 3L3.. YAY.

Friars are great 1v1 but aren't that awesome in zergs.

Friar != Healer even if it's ranked as "Secondary healer of albion"

Friar doesn't need buffbot since he has his own specline buffs (Except Spec STR/CON and although STR is not needed, the CON is). but only thing in Enhanc line that is useful for groups is Resists. And the end regen is gray.. Only usable for styling.

Did i forget to mention Bybrid HP's?

And whining about Taunt.. What would friars pull with if there was no taunt? Sure it's great in RvR with our awesome gray end regen when you can taunt bard and try to sprint after him but it's not like it decides combat resolutions.

So if you "nerf" friar what are they gonna do? heal with MINOR SPECHEAL ?


Originally posted by nope
I got owned by any shield tank (considering i don't evade slam), also ranger/hunter kill me easy now.

Friars are great Duelist if you want my opinion ... but in mass fight if you want to stay alive as a friar, you can't rush in the melee like an armsman or paladin. You got to wait a few an pick up a caster in the rear and just spam friar's boon :)

but yea friar are fun to play, but far to be fotm.

Agreed 100%


Originally posted by AbPoon
Looks i'm not going to discuss whats gimped and whats not with a thane ok

lol, i agree at everything you said.
But with that quote you seems like a standard 14 year old boy, thank god i wasnt Standard ;xx


Aye the gimped Thane part was unfair and i am sorry for that, As for what makes me so much better this random nub well just listen to the whine, obv doesnt know how to play a zerker in the least , why am i only rr6l1 after so long you ask?

Well if you remember for along time i never once set foot in emain and did nothing but pure Odins so i fought a hell of alot of quality FG battles and not just the random Emain zergs with rr2 Albs, its only been the past few months that i've been to Emain.

But anyway RP's are not the point here its the way the wajns wrote and it points out that this person is totally clueless.

Think of it this way, the more random shit gimp whines from lowbie zerkers the more trouble i'm going to have getting groups when my guild group isnt formed.

I'll tell you whos going to turn Zerkers into laughing stocks, its not Mythic they just balenced the class its tards like you whining you cant kill shit all.

Why i havent kept my temper? Welll after seeing this shite on /as on forums and even on my /gu since the patch its getting pretty damm weak, none of the better zerkers have complaned and the fotms have rerolled its just the clueless band wagon nubs that havent got a 2nd char that are whining.


Zerkers are still fine imo i dont get why they whine so much,You still do as much/more than bm merc so /shrug whats up?


Berserker is still the best pre-SI light tank across the realms, how can you possibly whine? So you got beat up by a merc. Let me guess.

Slashmerc(+10% dam)
You're axespecced (-10%dam)

Nasty reactive styles make mercs one of the best duelers in the game. Using positional backstyles and PF however a zerk will still hit like a ton of bricks. Your berserker is no longer a reflection of it's own overpoweredness, it's a reflection of you as a player. If your berserker sucks, you can be pretty sure you suck at playing it.



Originally posted by AbPoon

As for being out damaged by a skald then compare a skalds damage overtime to a zerkers, its nothing like, also like to see a skald that frontloads for 900+



might check this out Poon, any bulbs igniting?


Let me tell you, He's use Rag which is a lvl 50 style also he uses a 100% 5.7 spd sword also he's a troll so 30 more str then me less the str diff gain so higher cap over all then me(Hyb dmg table doesnt affect cap)

Also checked most people out on that screen on duskwave with most being casters and some slash vul scale.

Last night with a 5.3 spd 99% qual 2h axe using the axe rear style (Around lvl 15 offhand) i hit a chainwearer in sc armour lvl 50 etc for 1100+ and had room on my crit for another 180, would have been 1300 inc dmg add.

Whats your point? but dont worry i'll soon have my 5.6 spd TG axe then i'll start collecting my screens for you ;) if you had a zerker with the same stats as tivook then youd be looking at 1500+ dmg. You show some screens of the hardest hitting skald on Excal and think thats proved your point.

imo cry more newb


Jesus Poon....all berz sucks except you? Lets face it....not all berserkers got access to TG weapons and evil tweaked SC armor! Thats one hellava difference.
The average berserker player will take some time to even reach you damage table...unless you are farting a fat lie.
Think average...not uber ffs!


My Zerkers doesnt pump out the same sort of damage as sub or zzang so i'd easy expect eother of them two to pop 1300.

Honestly the damage isnt as bad as this guys making out


friar is a shit class

look at secondary healer in other realms:

warden and shaman

i take either of those in my group any day of the week.

i had alot of fun playing friar tho, before the crush nerf, SC armour and buffbots becoming the norm we were totally uber.

but i guess u cant be uber forever, friars got nerfed, not like zerks/smite clerics etc, but because they made other classes so much better. Sorta like a slow nerf rather than logging one day and finding 30% of your damage gone :)

Friars need *something* atm they just offer you nothing cept a 10% battle rez.

but 1v1 they can still kick some serious ass :p


Please people dont shout nerf for every class, i'll admit when specc'd right and with good SC gear friars can be fucking awesome in the right hands, but then that can be said about a lot of classes (except my lvl 48 Skald!!) The friar is the ONLY defining class in Albion these days and i as a hippie and mid part time would hate to see em nerfed, i like duelling em in Odin's and Hadrians 1on1, thanks to all those that have duelled me and told your mates to lay off! i've many good fights against friars, ive won a few with my BM too so theyre not THAT uber!!
Still best fight i ever had was with a merc against my Skald we kept our healers to one side and kept rezzing for hours was well fun!! forget your name dude but awesome day that was!!

In summing up DONT NERF ANYMORE CLASSES!! cept savages a little bit!! not a lot but a little!!

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