FreddysHouse condones racism?


Sep 4, 2004
SilverHood said:
Bak at my school (in Surrey), if we called the Pakistani kids "pakki's" , we were racist, according to them, and to the teachers. Detention. Wahey.
But they called each other pakki's. No one said a thing. They could even call us white scum, and the teachers wouldn't batter an eyelid.
Calling a Pakistani a paki is hardly different from calling someone who's British a Brit, it's an abbreiviation not a slur.
It's also suprising how many slurs and derogitory terms there are in both hindi, punjab etc for white people...yet for some reason only known to the government that's not racist.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Bunnytwo said:
Actually what I was saying was that if saying Iraqis smell is racism then so is saying Americans are thick. Either both are or both aren't. And while the title itself might get away with it there are definately stereotypes against Americans in the thread itself.

There might be reasons given within the thread for why Americans are dumb, but then I'm sure a member of the KKK or NF could give you reasons (you might not agree with em, but they are still reasons) for their attitudes towards blacks and why they think they are sub-human. Does that mean that they aren't racist?

Actually its been a proven fact that a rather large percentage of americans are way below standards as far as I.Q goes so my post was pointing this out.

The other post obviously held no real point or truth behind it, still I dont feel the other post was racist either.

The post I made about americans has had a huge response, which is why i posted it I was intrested in other peoples views on the subject afterall isnt this what the forums are for??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
rynnor said:
Until they make it a criminal offence to say nasty things about religions as was tried recently in the UK...

rofl over my dead body, i will join the rebels if that is ever gonna happen here

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Free speach in itself is both a blessing and a curse to any country. You can have all the free speach you want, but you cant talk abou the following..... Get the picture? The problem is we live with this notion that we must single ourselves out from everyone else by defining something in our personality. This usually (and often does) means hating something in order to make ourselves different, for example: racism.

The problem with the modern society is that we can't tolerate differences, so the government (or whoever it is) is trying to change law to make it illegal to "HATE" something and express this hate to the world in general. It's illegal (almost) to be a racist, or a homophobe, or a sexist, and you can be descriminated against for these belifes. Which of course, is illegal in itself. You can't descriminate against the crippled or the homosexual elements any more than you can against the rasist or the pedophile (I don't condone them btw, it's just a point).

But people go too far, deeming everything to be racist in some way. Santa Claus a few years ago was under attack as he was a jolly "white man" delivering presents to the world's children. Becasue every santa in every shopping centre was white, it was deemed offensive, and some nutters tried to have a legal ruling made to allow black santa's (Note: There is no ruling ANYWHERE that says that every santa has to be white. Our local santa is a Jamacan guy who has a dreadlocks, a grey bread and a green santa suit. Man has class.) and to make santa more P.C. You can probobly guess that it was laughed at and thrown out. The image of santa is not owned by any company, country or religion, and is open to interpritation by the person(s) wishing to use the image in what ever way they see fit barring local laws and practices (I.E. nudist santa for a nudist colony etc).

Another example: Anyone remember Golly? He was the little black guy who Robinsons used to use on there jam labels years ago. It was deemed offensive and racist, so they were ordered to change it by the government. First "Black Person" used as a product label for over 40 years, and it was deemed offensive the the "P.C." brigade. Does that seem right?

Ok, point being made. You cant be against one thing without being against free speach. A racist who wont listen to counter arguments is one such example, whilest the government banning the free speach of the racist is another. Be against free speach in it's purest form and be against justice and free will altogether. The rule of thumb these days is to ignore and silence the problem, and hope it will be outdated by other concept's, which it will (more hate if you haven't guessed).

The forums are a niche of free speach, but it isn't your vioce being used here, it's the forums operators that is. They allow you to post your views and thoughts "within reason", and allow topical discusion that reflects well meaning insight and views. Posting racist and outright abusive comments will get you banned, after all, you accepted the rules of posting and the disclamer when you signed up. You want to post outright offensive materials on the net, find a forum that allows you too, around like-minded people. If anyone asks you about your views, just sent a PM with it in, it's allowed because it IS private. We have laws and rules for a reason, and whether you like them or not they are there to protect everyone, even you, from things they do not wish to hear or discuss.

Just a thought.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Listen to the U2 song called New York for a real life veiw on how people get along.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Morchaoron said:
thats why i say i hate relegion more then anything else, and no one can call me anything, hah!



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Maular said:
Actually its been a proven fact that a rather large percentage of americans are way below standards as far as I.Q goes so my post was pointing this out.

The other post obviously held no real point or truth behind it, still I dont feel the other post was racist either.

The post I made about americans has had a huge response, which is why i posted it I was intrested in other peoples views on the subject afterall isnt this what the forums are for??

Umm are you a moron? Funnily enough in every single nation on this earth there is a large porportion of people under the average IQ. Why almost 50%!!
I guess youa rent familar with normal statistical distributions.

Ignoring the fact that intelligence has nothing to do with being a 'good' person, Americans are actually some of the best educated people on the planet and are a very diverse people. I am neither european or american but have spent a lot of time in both continents, I have to say that the UK so far ranks as the least tolerant people I have ever meet, but this is only my personal experience. Have you ever been any of the wonderful towns like keighley (National front territory)?


Dec 22, 2003
The uk aint a part of europe, Tony just likes to think it is. ;)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Excellent post Binky..just one thing it's spelt speech, wouldn't normally mention it on a forum on non English speakers, just it would make your post look even better.

hang on is 'spelt' a real word?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
hang on is 'spelt' a real word?
Yes said:
spell1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spl)
v. spelled, or spelt (splt) spell·ing, spells
v. tr.
To name or write in order the letters constituting (a word or part of a word).
To constitute the letters of (a word): These letters spell animal.
To add up to; signify: Their unwise investment could spell financial ruin.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hating the US isn't racist, it's a duty :p

EUROPEJUICE -200 years of pure, freshly squeezed americahate. Now with 10% more pulp.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Give a referendum on europe. Only students will vote pro europe. Then we should just put all the students onto the isle of man and push it towards france and let them be part of europe.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Marc said:
Give a referendum on europe. Only students will vote pro europe. Then we should just put all the students onto the isle of man and push it towards france and let them be part of europe.

Actually if you notice that Globilisation is happening all around us albeit slowly its inevitable that eventually it will be advantageous for the UK to be a part of the whole Europe thing. At the moment though i reckon its better we remain more independent.

Or something like that...


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
lol. I dont dislike students. Just get fed up of hearing how they drunk 10 pints at the student bar as though they have only just discovered alcohol wheras the majority of people been drinking 10 pints at weekend since they were 14.

I agree on the independence bit though, but I thought big tone had already promised a referendum?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
All we can do is base our prejudice on our own experiences. Unfortunately for the vast majority "personal" experience is the shite that reporters and journalists shovel on us via tv / radio / newspapers. If ever a profession started with noble intentions and a valid reason to exist but became a refuge for the scummiest pond-life arseholes on the planet, its journalism.

Report the news? My arse. Sensationalise and distort any story they want to tell more like. :puke:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Cyfr said:
The uk aint a part of europe, Tony just likes to think it is. ;)

i think dilljina said it all :p

care to explain WHY the UK isnt part of europe though? :p

i mean, its part of the EUROPEAN union so surely, its in europe?

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Job said:
Excellent post Binky..just one thing it's spelt speech, wouldn't normally mention it on a forum on non English speakers, just it would make your post look even better.

hang on is 'spelt' a real word?

Have to say, for an englishman, my spelling is crap. It's more context than content (although there is alot of it).

Sod it, they need a spell-checker on the forums.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Bunnytwo said:
Find it a bit strange how a thread in which someone says "Iraqis smell" is immediately closed down within 1 post on the grounds that it is racist, but a thread entitled "Americans why still soo dumb??" in which anti-american stereotypes about dumb rednecks etc are rife is allowed to run for days.

Can't be because American's aren't a single ethnic group, because Iraq is made up of a number of ethnic groups as well.

Is there just a clause in the CoC that it doesn't apply to America?

Jeremy clarkson said "Blair and bush will be praying together now" after bush winning re-election, making a joke about christianity And nothing is said.

But Kilroy Commented on some Islamic sections being barbaric and loses his job.. Go figure.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2004
Minimez said:
Jeremy clarkson said "Blair and bush will be praying together now" after bush winning re-election, making a joke about christianity And nothing is said.

But Kilroy Commented on some Islamic sections being barbaric and loses his job.. Go figure.

That is probably because Jeremy Clarkson is merely using a figure of speech and not a reference to Christianity in any form whatsoever. The word "prayer" does appear in a fair few English phrases, none of which are implying anything about a specific religion.

- on a wing and a prayer
- hasn't got a prayer
- start saying your prayers

Kilroy, on the other hand, aired a biased, offensive and racist viewpoint that he may have had every right to support in private, but which ill-behoved a public figure to lay claim to.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Ballard said:
Umm are you a moron? Funnily enough in every single nation on this earth there is a large porportion of people under the average IQ. Why almost 50%!!
I guess youa rent familar with normal statistical distributions.

Ignoring the fact that intelligence has nothing to do with being a 'good' person, Americans are actually some of the best educated people on the planet and are a very diverse people. I am neither european or american but have spent a lot of time in both continents, I have to say that the UK so far ranks as the least tolerant people I have ever meet, but this is only my personal experience. Have you ever been any of the wonderful towns like keighley (National front territory)?

I completely agree with you on your post. As an American, of course I find things said here insulting. But as a European daoc player, I am pretty used to the anti American atmosphere. I find most of the things said here, and in the American post, pretty narrow minded and down right unintelligent. Some of these people have no common sense and in America, I would refer to them as trailer park trash. ( I am sure even Europeans have some sort of lower class term :p )

I have been exposed to all sorts of people around the globe, due to my former job and from just being a part of the European daoc community for almost 4 years, and in my experience I have found that Europeans (mostly British) are very negative and aggressive towards Americans. I haven't heard so many anti comments since I drove through Georgia's KKK district in the South.

I am not claiming Americans are the best, or that our country surpasses yours in particular fields. We have corruption in our government just like any other country, we have uneducated people with low IQ's just like anywhere else. To say that overall, America is this or that is just pathetic and unfounded. I do however, love the fact we live in a society where freedom of speech is allowed, so I just try to over look those who are using their freedom of speech, yet are lacking in the intelligence department.

If the Iraq thread was closed, so should the American bashing one. Lets not show favoritism here and post and moderate on common grounds.


Dec 22, 2003
I closed the "Iraqis smell" thread because it was a racistic thread made by a person that has a long history on FH.

There is a big difference between discussing stuff on a forum and making a statement just to provoke people and offend them. I agree the title of the post "Americans, why still so dumb" is discussable however the content of that post is a lot less offending and has more potential of discussing then the "Iraqis smell" post.

Moderating is and allways will be a matter of personal opinion in some cases. No Code of Conduct will ever cover any situation so some situations have to be judged when they come. However, if you feel offended nothing is stopping you from reporting a post. I'm not saying we will allways agree with you but it doesn't hurt to try does it?

Personally i would not be very offended if someone called me dumb based on a choice i made, however having to read on a forum that a certain individual wants to take out a "random female" from the people that live in my country to fight fire with fire would upset me. But that's just my personal opinion :)


Sep 4, 2004
Ballard said:
Umm are you a moron? Funnily enough in every single nation on this earth there is a large porportion of people under the average IQ. Why almost 50%!!
I guess youa rent familar with normal statistical distributions.
Depends on the method used to calculate average, it's not always 50% at all.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Jeeves said:
Depends on the method used to calculate average, it's not always 50% at all.
erm. no. IQ is scored based on a normal distribution, centred on 100. ergo there's 50% above 100 and 50% below 100.

Ballard said:
I guess youa rent familar with normal statistical distributions.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pin said:
erm. no. IQ is scored based on a normal distribution, centred on 100. ergo there's 50% above 100 and 50% below 100.
the average of a country doesnt have to be 50%, if you use the average IQ of the world or of a group of countries though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Ziva said:
I closed the "Iraqis smell" thread because it was a racistic thread made by a person that has a long history on FH.

There is a big difference between discussing stuff on a forum and making a statement just to provoke people and offend them. I agree the title of the post "Americans, why still so dumb" is discussable however the content of that post is a lot less offending and has more potential of discussing then the "Iraqis smell" post.

Moderating is and allways will be a matter of personal opinion in some cases. No Code of Conduct will ever cover any situation so some situations have to be judged when they come. However, if you feel offended nothing is stopping you from reporting a post. I'm not saying we will allways agree with you but it doesn't hurt to try does it?

Personally i would not be very offended if someone called me dumb based on a choice i made, however having to read on a forum that a certain individual wants to take out a "random female" from the people that live in my country to fight fire with fire would upset me. But that's just my personal opinion :)

I can see what you mean now on the posts. I am not offended by any of the remarks, mostly I just chuckle about them. I would hate to be a mod on this forum and deal with all of this, and what is and isn't tolerable. I personally didn't see the Iraq one, so just going by the post and reading that it was closed threw up some flags. In my opinion, anyone who lumps up people as a whole by their country needs to stop generalizing. We are all individuals and we are not ONLY represented by what country we originate by, or the bias media crap you read.

Oh, and for the guy who stated that most Americans have the lowest IQ, This was the lowest 7, America was ranked the same as great Briton ay 102.

Spain Madrid
Belgium Brussels
Greece Athens
Ireland Dublin
Finland Helsinki
Bulgaria Sofia
France Paris


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Driwen said:
the average of a country doesnt have to be 50%, if you use the average IQ of the world or of a group of countries though.
My comment wasn't on how high a country's IQ is in comparison with a larger population, but on: "Depends on the method used to calculate average, it's not always 50% at all"

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